lord tony2012-04-09 08:43:36
pfft anime is for pussies
Badspot2012-04-08 23:40:31
>Cool textures, but the textures might look better on a smoother model. Are you trying to make it more simple so the game runs faster?

This image is from 1999.
Ozmar2012-04-08 22:43:20
You are one scripter! When did you start?
Ozmar2012-04-08 21:42:12
Cool textures, but the textures might look better on a smoother model. Are you trying to make it more simple so the game runs faster?
Suidispar2012-04-08 19:06:08
qwepir2012-04-08 15:32:05
i laughed harder than i should have
mr.loler2012-04-08 13:04:35
hey badspot can u plz do so whi all can buy blockland whit swedbank i dont have paypal and its sboring whit demo can u plz do so my parents can buy blockland whit swedbank plz plz plz plz? :)
Pentax2012-04-06 16:00:51
well this was a big waste of time staring at the faces on the wall .
Spike Spiegel2012-04-06 15:06:55
Hi, I'm falling off the Crucible, so could I get a lift from hmm, Turian cruiser oops, Reaper got you. Hey, Trident fighter! Damn, too fast. Oh, look! Destiny Ascension, little help here!
Mike2012-04-05 15:34:58
relax, it's a bug. he actually says something about the mother. but it's just standard bla-bla. but, this version gets shepard motivated, because you have to win the war to find out the terrible / normal fate of his/her mother
Alex2012-04-04 13:16:38
All Badspot bought this game for is to exploit glitches.
Alex2012-04-04 13:12:25
Where'd you buy this. I MUST KNOW.
Alex2012-04-04 13:11:59
Alex2012-04-04 13:10:58
This is why I used AVG.
Mike Jones2012-04-03 19:45:22
LynchCommander2012-04-03 18:40:51
Don't listen to dany. Mass Effect 3 is a terrible clone of Gears of War, don't waste your money.
Sven2012-04-01 12:33:30
Gus Grissom, Ed White, Roger Chaffee; we salute you.
mikey2012-03-31 18:19:42
Tesla2012-03-29 07:05:32
Bow chika wow wow
Commander Shepard2012-03-28 22:03:24
I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite ending on the Citadel.
dany2012-03-28 15:01:04
Dr. Chakwas did it again :)))
dany2012-03-28 14:59:14
SeventhSandwich I recomand you to buy ME3 it is a great game,it is in awesome game especialy if you have played the other 2 as well. There it is only one thig that ruines the game...the las 15-20 minutes:((((
Sylvanor2012-03-28 14:04:53
Oh my!
This made my day!
UthersonL2012-03-27 16:27:26
Now that's an ending in which your decisions matter. Like when you decided to walk into a gap.
Eussorus2012-03-24 19:44:02
Haha that's so random but funny.
eussorus2012-03-24 19:39:44
ToEarnRespectYouMustGiveRespect2012-03-24 16:43:57
We Go To Volleyball Or When We don't want our hair in our faces.We Wear One.The high one.
ToEarnRespectYouMustGiveRespect2012-03-24 16:41:35
Me & cousin go to volleyball with our in a hair ponytail.We're very intelligent we have 4.0 GPA.People say we look cute & this style actually looks cute on some girls.Don't judge people you don't know them.But I Wear Mine With A Headband At Least.
Strelok2012-03-24 01:13:15
oh bioware you so silly
pentax2012-03-23 23:31:47
this should be a movie :D
pentax2012-03-23 23:30:57
whoever that guy is who ruined a perffectly good spider web should be eaten by a giant camel spider >_<.
Thompson2012-03-23 23:26:39
Will try.
pentax 2012-03-23 23:22:11
this had almost made me vomit . probably not the best thing to watch even though it is a cartoon . :P badspot how many random peoples servers have you been to on blockland just asking ?
pentax 2012-03-23 23:17:15
make some more stuff like this oh and are you ever going to change your hank
gif. on the blockland forums ?
Pentax2012-03-23 23:15:43
heh funny default characters never get that it will never stop .
MaroonCacti2012-03-23 23:11:09
nice ass
Matthew2012-03-23 22:38:12
Nice :)
Bob2012-03-23 22:09:16
To find out, buy the new DLC from EA!
SeventhSandwich2012-03-23 21:05:53
just out of curiosity, would you personally recommend I buy Mass Effect 3?
PGoeran2012-03-23 19:04:05
Hackett: Trolololo
shepard2012-03-23 12:13:09
Eussorus2012-03-23 12:10:19
Also,badspot, you can't expect to be a famous game developer and make a game and not get feed back and get asked for help.

Yeah I'm sure its annoying though.
Eussorus2012-03-23 12:09:00
Hahaha, funny and so true
Cyphre2012-03-23 01:24:10
Not sarcastic enough!
Cyphre2012-03-23 01:22:01
Just wish there was a falling and death sequence to that...
random2012-03-22 23:28:33
Lol this happened to me while I was on the Normandy and I forgot to save for a while... I was pretty annoyed
Strelok2012-03-22 22:36:50

also thats hot
anon2012-03-22 21:03:18
still a better ending than the other 3.
Blank2012-03-22 19:55:57
You would think something this severe and easily accessible would have been addressed... but NOPE.
Blank2012-03-22 19:53:49
Oh Unreal Engine. Why you so buggy with animations?
Blank2012-03-22 19:52:25
What a jerk.
Nassbirne2012-03-22 03:49:55
Step 1: Cut a hole in a box.
UthersonL2012-03-21 15:58:30
So what? Chakwas made four statues this time around?
TMAN762012-03-18 12:29:06
May I live in your post apocalypse bunker please? Its seems nicer than all the zombies here in the city.
RandomPhail2012-03-18 01:59:29
Where the hell'd she get that sword?
RandomPhail2012-03-18 01:39:55
I take back what I said in the last comic, these ones are funny too :P.
RandomPhail2012-03-18 01:38:50
Haha, these ones are pretty funny because I don't have to think about the joke. :/
2012-03-16 19:34:37
Best game of all time? Do you live in a fuckn hole?
Augh!2012-03-13 20:13:47
Invisible corndog!
Yepper2012-03-13 14:03:34
It's only a flesh wound
MegaScience2012-03-12 02:47:38
:( That's... Ya.
lovemetendertonight2012-03-11 21:55:46
I love miri's puppy face sooo much <3
Not-a-Stalker2012-03-11 16:40:07
I'm closing in.
Nobody2012-03-11 15:35:21
Okay, so she's back, but this time you can actually win her over with a pat on the shoulder. Huh.
rlcbm2012-03-10 20:09:11
i <3 blockland
Okiver2012-03-09 17:08:22
Is that the real Badspot if so? COOL. because now i got hes ip to nothing!
Barbehenn2012-03-08 21:59:09
The best part is that in ME3, you can headbutt her!
Aaowf2012-03-08 17:37:31
Poor cat.
Aaowf2012-03-08 17:32:18
I love blockland :D
Lando The Climber2012-03-06 17:27:30
This is insanely good..
Lando The Climber2012-03-06 17:21:03
I love how fascinated the Blockhead looks
Blank2012-03-06 09:03:53
I didn't need to look it up, but I got it eventually.

Morbid Humor for the win.
Blank2012-03-06 08:59:33
Badspot2012-03-06 03:05:52
If you are asking if the game has graphic sex, the answer is no. Although I did not unlock everything in the game so maybe.
zaboomafoo2012-03-05 15:58:21
below average. it's just the easiest way to go without having to brush my hair for an hour.
Bisjac2012-03-05 10:54:34
The standard fanboy defence usually does sound like this "well you need to play it more, the fun stuff is later, you have to put more time into it" or similar lines.
games are allowed to be boring for only about 10 minutes when you are in a tutorial and there are story setting scenes. if it takes any longer, the developers have failed. the requirement for fun shouldnt be to "play more"
Seamus2012-03-05 08:50:06
I knew the Illusive man had other plans for the collector base!
SeventhSandwich2012-03-05 01:59:29
is the entire game as big a teaser as this?
Noblaum2012-03-04 15:15:18
You can make a ragdoll explosion in Tribes: Ascend by covering a grav cycle in land mines and driving it to the enemy base. I wish you could do that in the first two games. But the ragdoll physics is glitched (they may have fixed it) and a kill with a pistol sends a ragdoll spinning through the air.
2012-03-04 12:56:25
I hate mummies
Jacksuant2012-03-04 10:11:19
thumbs up if ur wacthing this in 2012
Dud2012-03-02 08:39:02
I never look at goldfish the same way again thanks Badspot.
Eluxsam2012-03-02 02:50:07
I want to drink all that grape juice
Bara no Hime2012-03-02 02:02:09
To the people asking about grape jelly - the demons bleed purple. For... some reason.
Also, that video represents about 100 female characters... 5 of which survive to the end of the series. Although, to be fair, the main character does get her limbs cut off (and reattached several times).
Tonkka2012-03-01 11:19:04
I wish Blockland was reviewed in more shows.
Zookuw2012-03-01 11:10:49
Apollo 1 kinda went like this:

SeventhSandwich2012-02-29 23:24:05
I don't get it! :)
xam2012-02-29 18:47:08
My sides..
Strelok2012-02-29 00:10:27
Thats great, funny, original, clever
Juan2012-02-28 01:51:45
My god I can't stop laughing. I'm pretty sure I have no soul.
mindplougher2012-02-27 18:18:08
Okay, Challenger would have been more obvious than Apollo 1. I get the lighting now, but I don't feel offended or frustrated.
Tubal2012-02-27 11:26:37
As he said, wikipedia it and it will be obvious. Hint: first Apollo mission -> Apollo 1.

I got it because I could guess the reference, not because I actually knew it. :)
mindplougher2012-02-27 05:10:49
(CDR) Cleaning Decontamination Request
(LMP) Lunar Module Pilot

I still don't get it, is she offended because she needs to clean things up and doesn't get to steer the probe?

Even that comic with Spinnbarkeit was easier to understand for someone who's first language isn't English.
Guilty_Bystander2012-02-27 05:09:18
Hm, looking for flaws...

Well, she's not nude, but I can't find anything else. Thank you kindly!
Guilty_Bystander2012-02-27 05:06:14
Maybe they'll have more fun with the Hindenburg simulator.
Badspot2012-02-26 22:35:16
>could we see panel #1 in the artwork section?

I've put it up here http://badspot.us/img/Mass-Effect-Shepard-Comes-To.html

The flaws in the image have become more apparent over time and they're really starting to bother me, so I'm not putting it in the gallery.
Master Blaster2012-02-26 01:43:20
helios2012-02-25 17:34:09
oh my god. that is so bad, but still funny.
Canuck-Errant2012-02-25 12:32:27
I dunno, I think this game would be a blast.
stromdriver2012-02-25 09:13:27
too soon...