Ronaldo Burton2025-03-25 18:27:22
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Volcel2025-03-24 22:13:47
when i walk by a foid what i do is i suck my cheeks in and look straight ahead as if she isn't there
2025-03-23 21:54:14
tardspot look
srebrenica '952025-03-12 00:07:00
you are worst turk. you are the turk idiot you are the turk smell. return to croatioa. to our croatia cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo.ahahahaha ,bosnia we will never forgeve you. cetnik rascal FUck but fuck asshole turk stink bosnia sqhipere shqipare..turk genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead turk..ahahahahahBOSNIA WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget ww2 .albiania we kill the king , albania return to your precious mongolia.hahahahaha idiot turk and bosnian smell so i can smell it. REMOVE KEBAB FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. russia+usa+croatia+slovak=kill bosniayou will ww2/ tupac alive in serbia, tupac making album of serbia . fast rap tupac serbia. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of tupac you are ppoor stink turk you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt tupac alive numbr one #1 in serbia .fuck the croatia ,..FUCKk ashol turks no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. 2pac aliv and real strong wizard kill all the turk farm aminal with rap magic now we the serba rule .ape of the zoo presidant georg bush fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and bosnia wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. serbia greattst countrey
sarajevo hero 19272025-03-02 17:28:46
the gdp of bosnia is bigger than your contry, ha ha , suck me
jazz2025-02-27 07:48:56
Once again, nobody is taking GDP and using it as a sole metric to do... anything. If you do, you're probably a CNN anchor trying to rile people up using language they barely understand. That's my point. Anybody in a position that measurably uses GDP is also using 50 other metrics to validate whatever inference they're trying to make. Even if it didn't, GDP is still accurately measuring what it was defined to measure - you don't get to pick "what should count" when the word has had the same inclusions... forever. Use a different metric if it bothers you that much that using standard GDP shows america as a powerhouse when you want it to be struggling so bad to push some weird narrative.
2025-02-26 05:16:32
Read the long post above, jazz

A high GDP might mean an economy is more reliant on services or prices in general are higher. Cultural values can also influence self-reliance versus paying others to fix or prepare things for you. GDP does not measure how much iron you mine, how many cars you produce, how much beef you produce. High taxes (like any input cost) can drive GDP up because it might mean manufacturers and repairmen need to charge higher prices to make end's meet. The comic's subtext points out how an objectively bad, evil and unnecessary economic exchange raises GDP yet the exchange produced nothing of value.

"CNN lady" is exactly the kind of person who doesn't understand this. CNN lady is talking to a dumb audience who can only understand simple number comparisons and only dumb people talk about GDP. The bigger problem is that all the propaganda institutions intended for consumption by "smarter" people are also using these GDP talking points about whatever nation they need to diminish such as Russia. These dumb comparisons also happen between US states as well. It's really weird to gloat that a state has a higher cost of living.
Jazz2025-02-17 14:51:31
Hello Eric,

What's it been, 12 years? I see time hasn't fared well for Blockland. I hope it's treated you better. I lost someone very close to me recently and your game has given me a lot of solace; for which I owe you a lot. I had to explain this dossier when I was assessed for security clearances, and I had a lot of thinking to do on it but eventually decided to leave sleeping dogs lie and accept it was a different time. I'd be interested in chatting with you, if not just to reminisce for a short while.
2025-02-17 13:46:31
dont get it
jazz2025-02-16 23:17:40
isnt gdp used as an economic marker? lotta words to say you dont understand the application of statistics outside of getting mad that the CNN lady mentioned gdp in the wrong context.
Delta Bot2025-02-16 22:09:24
Is the coffee cold in hell?
Burgmann2025-02-11 23:38:54
Really appreciate your effort. I share this article to all my friends.

Also please add Homeworld 3 to the list.
They ruin masterpiece of space RTS into sickening drama of 3 ugly women.
2025-02-05 14:26:02
GDP also doesn't reflect product under contract vs product as purchased one off, for instance 345 tk is a third the cost when bought through cage number as opposed to private sale (which tends to also be made of cut & reloaded 5.45
Badspot2025-02-03 05:58:54
You're gonna have to be more specific.
2025-02-02 01:40:38
my country is an oligarchic shithole larping as a democracy with bootlickers on each side
PanthrosSamoflange2025-02-01 13:34:46
Also the MSFT note: "Whent he story allows, do you show male characters who display a full range of emotions, including joy, sadness and vulnerability?"

No, we show them as a clueless Dad for comedy relief, whose doltish solutions or suggestions are gently corrected by a woman or the BIPOC lead.
PanthrosSamoflange2025-02-01 11:31:46
I'm reminded of the guy from EA Sports who said that 90% of their golf game's player base was male and 75% of the career created characters were female. Basically "You're a dude, who would you rather look at for 18 holes of golf?" I "created" a family friend for my career playthrough and showed her some screengrabs. She was quite flattered and charmed. "I like how you made my ass look."

This is 100% truth and a real interaction among real people, not hypothetical text in a gender studies textbook, or a memo sent from Lord High Imperial HR about character representation.
TheRealRotondo2025-01-29 17:18:09
LOG* laugh out gout
TheRealRotondo2025-01-29 17:17:21
LOL! This made me laugh out lout!
2025-01-28 01:26:48
The URL for "Read" for this article on the front page points to the previous comic.

Everyone needs to see this message on how useless GDP measurement is but I don't think the right people will see it.

GDP is just a measure of interdependence. In some ways, a higher GDP might actually make your country or region look worse for the average person or might mean labor and raw materials are costly. It doesn't mean your better. It might even mean you suck!

Issue 1: resources created outside of the measured economic system

Russia is famous for its people growing potatoes at their homes. If people use potatoes as a greater part of their diet and they grow a lot at home, that means these potato purchases (and the non-potato food items they would've bought had they had no potatoes) aren't reflected in GDP. A culture that has a lot of dining rather than cooking at home will have a higher food service GDP which tells us nothing.
Every few months the tabloid media runs in circles about rising potato prices in Russia because these outlets don't understand real economics at all.

Issue 2: higher material and product costs means the same goods exchanged in a lower cost economy but a higher GDP in the higher cost economy

If I live next to a fishery I can purchase directly from them just by walking which is free. Someone from a landlocked region distant from an ocean may be purchasing that same fish but is also paying the costs associated with transporting that fish. The GDP contribution is greater in the case of the landlocked place even though it's the same fish. It's a similar case for comparisons where labor costs are higher due to availability, regulation or taxes which are realized as higher prices and that contributes to GDP. If California has a high average GDP that's basically expected for the cost of materials, regulations and taxes to say nothing of the exceptional quantity of wealth generated there.

Issue 3: cost of materials and products against wages

The cost of living is different everywhere. Places with lower wages might have lower costs for everyday items. A pack of cigarettes in Russia might be 200 RUB ($2.05) which is 1/200 of some apparent monthly salary I found for Russia.

Anyone who compares GDPs needs to be slapped.
Epic gaming2025-01-24 19:02:30
I tried making an account on the blockland forums but it doesnt let me verify my email or blockland id to post it just gives an error.
Epic gaming2025-01-24 18:59:28
I came from this video

Is it possible the game to receive updates and support for better performance on modern hardware? Where do we go to get community made addons?
Amie2025-01-24 18:52:05
Amazing list nice seeing Blockland there not many people seem to know about this amazing game!
Axel2025-01-23 22:52:31
"Wario Land" would be nice too :-)
2025-01-22 17:52:25
im not a incel im a freakcel
Cicero2025-01-21 06:50:26
Will you try out FAItH? I'm sure it'll be given the catshit tag given the fact that it's meant to have an ATARI 2600 graphics look but I would like to see your thoughts on the game.
^2025-01-20 16:58:21
caricatures have been a thing since humans came to be, so uhh.. how long has true art been dead?

also, hilarious how in the comic, the right wing is the one to fail. <3
Blockhead00022025-01-11 02:36:19
Posted a month ago and no comments!? Eric your fans are out of their minds! This should be on the front page of The New Yorker I can't believe that this series has gotten such little attention, we can fix that.
2025-01-01 21:20:12
HENkaku Ens logo (PS Vita CFW)
MansterSoft2024-12-25 12:19:45
I don't like the core system used in Retroarch (if I wanted that, I'd just use MESSUI). I prefer to have individual emulators, so RomShelf is perfect.
2024-12-25 09:36:26
.t too retarded to setup retroarch and use runahead latency
MansterSoft2024-12-24 18:14:32
For those complaining about filtered Craproms/Formatting Issues, let it be known that you can edit that info in the .txt files in Romshelf 2/Systems/*Insert System Here*/. Bonus, all .cs files are editable in Notepad as well.

Badspot, thank you for this Frontend (and Blockland). Imo it's still the best out there with the least amount of bloat. But one question: is there a way for me to edit the UI so that Romshelf can display Marquees/Cpanel/Extra images? Obviously I'd have to edit fg.png so it doesn't look like crap and add my own images. I don't know C# (just BASIC) but I'm willing to poke around.
Cockmuncher352024-12-23 12:31:50
Very cool. Thank you and god bless America.
2024-12-17 14:22:53
It's a cross section of a fiber optic strand sample used for production manufacturing quality assurance.
2024-12-16 06:06:44
2024-12-14 18:20:08
<tells skinny chick to eat something
<18 years later is seething at hambeats in video games
this is the grave you dug and now you gotta lie in it
MarioGuy202024-12-14 14:11:58
You should add Neil Druckmann's new game, you're now playing as a trans Vin Diesel lookalike
Useranon992024-12-14 01:03:00
Now do Cirillia (Ciri) from the Witcher 4 trailer. They did my girl WRONG. It is SO obvious what is going on here but shills are carrying water for these DEI lunatics. "It is just a trailer, its prerendered! Geralt looked different in W3 trailers". True Geralt DID look different, he was very handsome in both. They made Ciri like Aloy from Horizon, 100% obvious what is being done, stop the gaslighting.
bubbler2024-12-11 14:14:13
(name withheld)2024-12-07 16:19:46
Tell Maxwell Smart he no longer needs the "cone of silence," as if either device worked as advertised. I can imagine some heckler leaning over the couple and fake-whispering loudly, "I can hear you."
Matthew N. Bennett2024-12-03 17:09:56
Dusk was good but after its runaway success New Blood just started making the same shit over and over again. It used to be a fun niche genre and now there's a million "boomer shooter" (fucking vomit at that tagline) clones on Steam that are all just Quake but worse.
Badspot2024-12-03 10:09:15
I've added entries for the Mass Effect board game, Tales of the Shire, Call of Duty Black Ops 2/4, Dragon Age: The Veilguard, and Warhammer 40k: The Tithes. Also an important update about Pokemon Go.

I think it's interesting that not only does everyone think this is political, but everyone aggrees on which sides are left and right. Lefties are willingly ceding the entire territory of "being physically attractive". You see it everywhere: going to the gym is right wing, self improvement is right wing, defending yourself is right wing. It's crazy.


>Lara Croft makes your article look stupid
>I agree her body is de-sexualised
I don't understand how one person types both of these things.
bobol2024-12-03 03:58:49
update it with Dragon age veilguards women
2024-12-03 02:49:32
new blood interactive loves making "retro" games for hipsters
Badspot2024-12-02 22:46:32
Recent additions:
Highly Recommended: Baba is You, Nova Drift

Recommended: The Enchanted Cave 2, Hands of Necromancy, Far: Lone Sails, Maniac

Not Recommended: Super Indie Karts, Scarlet Tower, Clive 'N Wrench, Dusk, Dusk '82, Demon Turf, Blazing Beaks, Chasm: The Rift, 9 Years of Shadows, Wife Quest

Exceptionally Bad: Gun Gun Pixies, Spinch
Badspot (PARODY)2024-12-02 11:26:30
ill be honest you with you the reason i cant update this game because im a hack and everything good from blockland was made by other people and i just implemented them
2024-11-30 00:54:51
64bit update but he should dmca blockland rebuilt if that ever happens :^)
ilovecatss2024-11-29 18:18:57
Steam Workshop support would be the best thing
Bloxxy2024-11-29 18:10:45
I saw on reddit someone nominated Blockland for the Labor of Love Award does that mean Blockland is getting a major update? v22 perhaps?
Better performance, new features, optional terrain maps, audio fix and higher resolution support?
jon2024-11-29 02:32:23
the fucked up thing is... go out in the real world, 99% of women are fucking gorgeous!!! why do fantasy ones have to always be uggos!!!!???
Ryzard2024-11-28 11:19:19
Great article. Most people realize that there is something wrong, but they were told "it's just a single character, not everyone needs to be pretty". More and more people are noticing the hateful activists and that they have been lied to for 10 years.

Yes, this article is written by a fan, not a professional journalist. It's not perfect. Lara Croft 2015 wasn't made uglier on purpose. However, there are so many other examples, where you can cleary see the intention.
you're wrong (clarified)2024-11-27 16:17:45
Re: LC. 2015 Lara Croft is objectively prettier looking facially than the old Lara Croft who frankly looks like an alien or something. I agree with the previous OP who also agreed with the rest of your point but said you cherrypicked this. Even the cutscene you show, she's getting up after being hit. I agree her body is de-sexualised though.

Re: Quiet. She is very clearly sexualised and I feel looks a lot like her model. I feel you're being overcritical, the only thing it doesn't have the .

Also I've never heard of the Penny's Big Breakaway but I also feel you're being overcritical with that. It just looks like a typical Western cartoon character.

I agree with the rest of the article.
Objectively Correct2024-11-27 15:44:14
Look at all these wokies in the comment section reduced to spewing insults because they cant construct a valid argument over this mountain of proof, examples, and documented statements. Typical
you're wrong2024-11-27 12:50:44
I agree uglification exists but the inclusion of Quiet and 2015 Lara Croft makes your article look stupid.
It is what it is2024-11-27 06:35:11
Just unattractive women/trannies mad they're deemed unattractive and trying to force a perspective change.
Not going to change as beautiful women exists.
Facts2024-11-27 01:49:24
Only ugly people are upset about sexy characters in games.
Good Person2024-11-27 01:40:19
Femcels and racists continue to cry, good job son.
Real Street Nigga2024-11-26 22:39:38
u aight whiteboi
Jesus2024-11-26 21:51:02
You're doing the lords work lol
DeportTheTrannies2024-11-26 19:32:15
I dont need every woman to be a absolute busty 10 in video games. But what i need is to not look at a goblin masquerading as a woman. I need women who look like women.
2024-11-26 18:40:33
Good Effort, but you're missing quite a few like Spider-Man, RAGE, Dead Space, BombShell, a lot more about Mortal Kombat or the Lombax titties incident with Ratchet & Clank.
Here are a few collages:

There's also a few devs that basically talked about and admitted that they're doing exactly what you are talking about if you want to include or talk about those:
Normal Person2024-11-26 18:05:31
Brutal. Just link this any time some loser on Twitter tries to tell you "it's not happening."

Caring about the sexiness of video game characters is cringe btw. But propaganda is moreso.
2024-11-26 17:23:46
hitler goon to this
I hate trannies2024-11-26 17:14:27
I want to look at beautiful fictional people. I don't care if it's cringe, and I'm not gonna listen to bootlicking cocksuckers who don't even know what a woman is.
Great article btw. Keep it up and make the roasties seethe.
Chad2024-11-26 16:30:31
Fat ugly inbred looking characters and NPCs.
Story resembling a gender studies lecture.
And these turds wonder why their shitty games flop.
2024-11-26 16:06:29
Got a form or something to suggest games/characters that arent' here?
Nogo6969692024-11-26 15:41:08
SEX SELLS! Big tiddie anime waifus for life! Play older games. Get woke, go broke.

Among other things...

k bye.
Nogo6969692024-11-26 15:38:42
Just wanted to say I love this site and you. Thanks. "Ugly-on-Purpose.html" is GOLDEN.
Username is too long2024-11-22 01:21:07
FreakSpot2024-11-21 21:36:05
Update the damn game
Matthew N Bennett2024-11-20 03:06:32
I really don't understand the mindsets of those who attempt to get intimately involved in the lives of other people on the internet. Whether or not Badspot has lived his life according to your standards, do you think anyone actually cares? Do you think it means something when you tell him on his personal blog that you personally don't approve of the choices he's made in life?

It's the proverbial manifestation of that "I feel bad for you" scene from Mad Men into reality. Sorry that the obscure sandbox game that you based your entire identity around didn't have a gazillion year run, buddy.
2024-11-20 02:59:53
I like to imagine all of these comics are continuous in exactly the order they've been produced and these two are somehow miraculously surviving all of this insanity through sheer force of being a boomer comic power couple.
Username is too long2024-11-16 19:33:54

Wine is an emulator and the the name is just a joke, it's designed to look like it stands for WINdows Emulator. I've had gigazoomers correct me about this before and be like "um ackchyually it's not an emulator because of the name :)" and I want to bash their skulls in. The apparent lore about how it's not actually an emulator but a "wrapper" is revisionist history because the difference is philosophical. An emulator is anything that allows you to run software designed for another system by faking (emulating) its native system. A tool that lets you run windows software on linux or mac is a fucking emulator. If it were to virtualize windows then you could argue "um it's not an emulator, it's a VM" but that's not what wine is, it's an emulator. Its name doesn't make it not an emulator. It's like saying wine is a transwindows brave sistem.
2024-11-15 11:56:50
who cares
2024-11-15 06:36:18
To think at one point this game was on magazines and tv only for it to never take on. I remember seeing an article from 2005 describing you as an aspiring young developer with knowledge beyond your years.
I can't even bring myself to hate you, you're just too pathetic sitting there drawing your goonslop when you really could've had it all
2024-11-14 05:18:44
2024-11-11 06:51:45
gem2024-11-09 05:27:32
fortnite killed harris while animal crossing made sleepy joe win lmao waltz wouldve absolutely won if he wasn't vp
George Soros2024-11-08 11:51:24
2024-11-08 03:43:38
Thank you Epstein
Momentum2024-11-08 02:12:51
Trump Won 3x
2024-11-08 00:43:11
Have you seen the sales data? Could you keep Blockland down at $5 since sales might be better?

Can't tell how much is driven by the platform-wide Steam sales or "ON SALE" signs. Can't see how many refund either.
2024-11-06 16:09:11
Ladios on suicide watch
Goth772024-11-06 08:00:29
nvm disregard that last part. you'll just have to take my word for it that it sucks compared to the originals. I know you have a game to work on and many ppl are looking forward to it
2024-11-05 21:47:55
ladios lost
Tom2024-11-05 20:01:49
All true art is sacred. Anyone who judges another is part of the problem. Including the author.

If you doubt me,
then watch true art die.
2024-11-05 17:40:53
I'd feel like voting violates your freedom.
Goth772024-11-05 15:32:03
I really enjoyed the new steam demo for Perennial. I completed everything in about an hour. There seems to be a small visual bug with the hat where it can glitch out causing it to turn pink or constantly flash on your head with it on. It's actually kinda neat but I don't think it was intended to function this way?

Anyways, really looking forward to the full release. The game is fun, and I enjoyed finding all the secret areas.
Badspot2024-11-05 10:41:18
No Mr.President!! Please, just give me two more weeks!!
Goth772024-11-04 23:50:33
didnt realize you replied to my old msg so I'm late saying this; but yeah I was young when I played borderlands as well. I guess the reason I got enjoyment out of it because it was one of the few co-op games my bro and I would spend hours hunting for loot until 3 am on a school night. We didn't have a lot of games to play back then, so my opinion is a little biased due to nostaliga factor

please do a review on db sparking zero. I played the original tenkaichi games and I think this newest 'reboot' or whatever u wanna call it is hot garbage
delusional2024-11-04 23:46:15
shit that will never happen
2024-11-04 17:03:12
I hope when Trump enacts Project 2025, he puts your filthy porn addicted ass in an electric chair
2024-11-03 03:09:39
Badspot, just letting you that post is Literally from a stereotypical discord tranny.
MarioGuy202024-11-02 20:18:29
If hes a "chud" which I assume means ugly, then consider him the expert on judging ugliness
Comm2024-11-02 20:14:47
Coffee stain studios logo
Cicero2024-11-02 18:22:13
Oh no, the central wing has fallen off.
2024-11-02 05:28:48
Blockland is alive and well plenty of people play it daily with big spikes on weekends
2024-11-01 15:47:28
Man, I came to check up on you to see if you were still drawing, not that surprised you'd turn into a weirdo chud lmao
Goth772024-10-31 15:44:45
I'm convinced it's a trait that women are inherently born with and learn to hone over time lol
opus2024-10-30 23:40:35
you can talk to george lucas on ham radio if hes nearby