Comic 'Spare Tire'
Spare Tire Comic
The tire has to want to change.

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Comic 'Traffic Laws'
Traffic Laws Comic
Sometimes the wings fall off your plane and you gotta make up time on the road.

I showed this to ChatGPT and it was a little confused on the joke, but it was able to identify the model of car which is very impressive.

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Comic 'Restaurant Closed'
Restaurant You Dont Like Comic
It's Sunday, time for a sensible chuckle.

This comic features authentic boomer humour written by a real boomer.

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Comic 'Which Wing'
Which Wing Comic
This is actually the third comic, but I figured I should post it now in case the wings actually fall off next week.

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Comic 'Reverse Psychology'
Reverse Psychology Major Comic
New batch of Boomer Magazine comics coming in, freshly rejected by The New Yorker.

I actually did this one a while ago and forgot. I also struggled a bit with the artwork.

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3D Printed RadioShack and Tandy LCD Game Shelves
LCD Game Display Shelf
I designed and 3D printed display shelves for my old LCD games.

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3D Printed Game Gear Shelf
Game Gear Shelf
I designed and 3D printed a Game Gear game display shelf.

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Leisure Vision Box Inserts
Leisure Vision Box Inserts
I designed and 3D printed some box inserts for Leisure Vision games.

Finally, a solution to the problem that has plagued so many of us for so long.

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3D Printed Alarm Clock Battery Cover
3D Printed Battery Cover
The battery cover on my ancient alarm clock broke so I designed and 3D printed a replacement.

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NES Cartridge Shadow Box Mount
3D Printed NES Cart Mount
I've designed a 3D printed frame for mounting an NES cartridge in a shadow box.

And now I give it to you.

The people.

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