"What's wrong with EVE Online [it's not the game I, as the author would choose to play, so you shouldn't either. In fact you're a bad person if you enjoy it!]" ..... "Standard fanboys defen[s]e ....Games are allowed to be boring for 10 minutes..." So who decides which game is boring, and for how long? Why not just say "I tried it. It wasn't for me."
So... ummm what's with all the hate from the non-EVE fans? As a non-Mass Effect 2 fan (loved 1, hated 2) I don't think less of those who loved it. Good for them! It's a game that they enjoyed! I'll never understand why, however. And I don't care to. So just man up, let your balls drop, and accept the fact that other people might find things fun that you have no interest in and will never understand. So... how did my folks phrase that when I was young... oh right. "Oh, grow up."
Hey Badspot, I've been using romshelf for a while on broken laptop that i turned into an htpc. Every emulator ive downloaded has worked so far. Except now I'm trying to get dreamcast working with nullDC. There was a dreamcast spot buit in there so I just used the neo geo one. It doesn't boot the .cdi's though. Do you know anyway to get it to work. I've got "[ROMFILE]" in there. and file type .cdi. It lists the files but when i try it nullDC boots up but doesn't load the game
The default dead zone is 40%, you can adjust it by editing the decimal values in the JOYAXIS lines in playerA.cfg. I suppose it's a tradeoff between responsiveness and accidental input. Might also be worse on worn controllers (mine is fairly new).
down button seems a bit too sensitivity on the nose dive block breaker move. I'm busting blocks more by accident than on purpose. (using xbox 360 usb controller)
if you look closely on the top right banner on the website about blockland you'll notice that it says 0% off !TODAY ONLY!. that means that technically today is the only day you have to pay full price. every other day there's a discount :P i know its just a joke but still i had to point that out
I played years ago and stopped because I was interested in the MMO economy but not PVP. Once you get far enough along you cannot really progress any further without venturing into 0 sec space or joining a corp. I want to interact with real people economically in a game but I don't want to cope with headsets and social requirements. If I play with real people it will be with people I know in real life. These were the frustrations I felt when I left.
I am now a little interested in returning but not if I have to start from scratch.
Nice, i'd love to play blockland on a arcade machine and the button led's change color if say your just walking they could be green and if you have the hammer out they could change red and brick selecter then blue ect.
Hai der Im Yin Yang and im a real Blockland Player and that game is the best Online game i have ever Bought/Downloaded! I love that game
Yin Yang (BL ID:10630)
(But in all seriousness blockland is a god send (sent by badspot what does that tell you? :D)and even though lossing the maps was a royal bummer, i'll never stop playing blockland, even if it gets abandoned and noone plays it anymore)
That backup plan is amusing, considering the ramifications that would follow in the suicide mission =3 Miranda tried to pull that tantrum shiz on my femshep. WHO'S GOT WORK TO DO NOW HUH??!
Managed to fix my previous issue, I was linking to a shortcut...
New issue, Can I turn off the "craprom" filter, its filtering out a few of my roms that aren't crap. like one of the zelda's. works fine tested it though.
I love this front end, but i'm going to have to move on if I can't get round this, blocking quite a few of my roms
I'm having trouble downloading ROMSHELF from your site. It DL's around 2MB and then quits. Is there any other way I can get that file? I can paypal some cash of that would help. Thanks!
I don't overall like this, im stuck at the sewer level and im really pissed already, please fix all glitches and the sliding, its really hard to slide.
I can get all my emulators running with romshelf, except project64. when I open a game, it just comes up with a blank grey screen. I seem to be messing up on the launch parameters section. I have tried [ROMFILE] "[ROMFILE]" I have no idea what else to try
Where is the kickstarter?? I want to emty my wallet on this! Ok, joking aside, I really loved the game! But, will the nintendo sounds be present in the final version? I know it's just a prototype, but it really would be a lot better without any sounds off of other games. Is the music original for the game? I have heard the Mario Land chiptune before, but I hope the other music is original!
For the record, I got this running perfectly on CXZ Ebony. Badspot, if you'd like the file I'll gladly send it to you, on Windows Computers it will be displayed as a folder.
just ran it on Wine, it works great! Pretty fun even though I fucked up a lot, because i'm not good at games lol. Though really good job and I can't wait to see where this is going. I may just make a wine bottle port for this if your OK with it.
I get a graphic artifact on the 'curved' outdoor sections,. a less than full pixel bleeds over the edges. I think you can fix this by adding some padding around your sprites/tiles, just leave an extra pixel or two of empty space around them and this should go away. The game reminded me of Seiklus, I thought it was made by Chris till I checked the credits. Good luck with it, Perennial is a very nice game.
Mr. Asf-Dag - just start the game again and continue, it auto saves.
Can you confirm that none of the content is under some special copyrights? I was thinking of recommending this game to some video makers, get it some notice. But to make videos, the content can't be copyrighted. Furthermore, giving your direct permission to make videos would be helpful.