"What's wrong with EVE Online [it's not the game I, as the author would choose to play, so you shouldn't either. In fact you're a bad person if you enjoy it!]" ..... "Standard fanboys defen[s]e ....Games are allowed to be boring for 10 minutes..." So who decides which game is boring, and for how long? Why not just say "I tried it. It wasn't for me."
So... ummm what's with all the hate from the non-EVE fans? As a non-Mass Effect 2 fan (loved 1, hated 2) I don't think less of those who loved it. Good for them! It's a game that they enjoyed! I'll never understand why, however. And I don't care to. So just man up, let your balls drop, and accept the fact that other people might find things fun that you have no interest in and will never understand. So... how did my folks phrase that when I was young... oh right. "Oh, grow up."