Styx Gamer2016-10-18 17:52:27
I was sitting in class one day, and there was this bird beating it's head up against one of the windows. I'm pretty sure it didn't stop until he died.
Styx Gamer2016-10-18 17:50:04
^^^^ Too true, my friend.
Styx Gamer2016-10-17 22:35:18
I got this game in 2008/09 somewhere in there. I really got into it, and loved it!!! I've got so many good things I can say about this game, but not enough space. Thank you, Badspot, for making Blockland. You've inspired me to make my own game.
Styx Gamer2016-10-17 22:07:16
Nice! It's pretty challenging, but I'll figure it out.
Styx Gamer2016-10-17 22:01:12
Love it.
Quadroline2016-10-13 21:41:43
I once seen an edit version of this comic but everyone is from the Sporums (Spore's Community). Still true all the way.
Bedpost2016-10-12 00:35:10
Good thing you won't come back in a LONG time.
2016-10-11 16:17:16
now i can just imagine Badspot having Dredd's voice
PaulTheMurderer2016-10-10 17:51:18
"He was my steam friend for some reason"

Damn Bedpost, back at it again with the stupid ass lies!
legotween982016-10-09 18:42:35
So that's where you got the kitchen photo
legotween982016-10-09 18:36:17
Also, this game has great walking animations and such, you have such potential in this game
legotween982016-10-09 18:31:59
Amazing game.
Bedpost2016-10-09 16:20:13
I fuck dogs.
[Huge argument]
Bedpost2016-10-09 16:13:07
paul is retarded. he was my steam friend for some reason.
Aqua Teen Cancer Force2016-10-09 13:59:24
what is this
Nix the Glaceon2016-10-09 13:57:06
watching this is really entertaining
Willymcmilly2016-10-09 13:09:27
joe4112016-10-08 20:24:49
it's hip to fuck bees
Bwopper2016-10-08 19:29:13
Willy is headed for the cubes
Badspot2016-10-08 11:16:40
>cure-chan when?

I'm sorry, this meme has expired. Unless ebola makes headlines again there probably won't be a sequel. You know what to do.
Badspot2016-10-08 11:07:38
Fun facts:
* The guy who ain't found shit later played Tuvok on Star Trek: Voyager.
* The TV edit of this scene shows everything except the punchline. The scene ends abruptly after the second pair responds.
Magent2016-10-06 21:05:13
cure-chan when? or zmapp-chan?
Badspot2016-10-04 11:58:25
Thanks dipshit.
dipshit2016-10-04 09:55:14
you made her look even better
Someone2016-10-02 19:37:31
So...A standard Emacs user?
Asriel 2016-09-30 07:06:54
But why?
Badspot2016-09-22 08:35:45
Oh fuck me, I left the chuck key in the spindle.
Rednakin 2016-09-22 02:08:17
neato dude! What will you build next?
phflack2016-09-21 20:19:30
should post the USB freezing issue on stack overflow, they seem pretty googleable, or maybe others know a better solution

I actually like the yellow style. it looks neat
Badspot2016-09-21 14:47:53
Indeed, it could have had potential. It had potential potential.
Mesa2016-09-21 12:23:08
This game could have had a lot of potential. Too bad its dead.
Mesa2016-09-21 12:21:44
How come you removed the download link?
Nickelob2016-09-21 00:41:50
Neat! Finally I might have something to try with my old 360 controllers.
AsteroidsRepackaged2016-09-10 15:06:07
So... when will you be able to repackage it? I really would like to play this.
2016-09-09 03:39:02
Sanctum 1 is a really fun FPS/tower defense hydrid, you should give it a go since it's great in co-op. Didn't care for the second one as much even though it actually has a story.
Bedpost/rlcbm2016-09-03 11:52:31
please unban rlcbm :(
Deathkiller902016-08-30 15:05:40
Look out for nintendo, they will DMCA this and this will be another victim to nintendo's bullshit copyright system.
Bricktronic2016-08-29 04:17:15
Just wanted to pass this by; modeling is a bitch, isn't it? I've had to redo the player 6 times so far, pretty frustrating. I like the way TGE's animations were set up better, it was less complicated.
Bricktronic2016-08-26 01:21:21
Bro you just made my day by responding with such hospitality. Thanks for that! And we are actually using static shapes for code-testing as of now, and one of us are working on a C++ brick system, so hopefully that turns out well. Thanks!! :)
Pecon2016-08-25 22:54:01
Came back and looked at this again today, no idea how I didn't see the solution last time.
Lord Tony2016-08-25 14:46:18
Anyways I don't know what this is for, I'll assume like battlebots maybe. I would take ideas from Blendo which was made from one of the Mythbusters guys. Pretty similar to this.
Lord Tony2016-08-25 14:43:52
I'd rather make a robot than update a game that's already been finished for the past decade.
Unicode⤿2016-08-25 14:00:33
This is real neat
sideswipe2016-08-25 12:44:55
this is what badspot does instead of updating blockland
probably because it's more fun
eboyblue32016-08-25 00:07:51
banned for build bot
Badspot2016-08-24 22:28:58
>What languages do you know
I mainly stick to c++, although occasionally I'm forced to use php or javascript. Once you learn one language it's fairly easy to pick up the syntax of another.

>Surely, you didn't use static shapes..
I used them for the prototype and you probably should too. Just to get off the ground as quickly as possible. To make them render fast you have to program a custom system and the design depends entirely on what you want to do and what you can implement.
Badspot2016-08-24 22:00:33
>two sets of text on top of each other

I'm not seeing this problem.
Yay2016-08-24 20:57:13
Spider-Man knocked her up
Bricktronic2016-08-24 16:59:58
Huh, that's pretty cool. I didn't know you were into robotics. What languages do you know how to code in? I can do C++, TorqueScript (thanks to Blockland), and used to know quite some Lua. You may find it interesting that a few people and I are working on a Blockland - like game with the latest T3D. How did you set the bricks up? Surely, you didn't use static shapes..
anonymous2016-08-24 15:58:52
Will you be doing more Blockland stuff, soon?
Lord Tony2016-08-24 14:18:01
One thing I don't like about spin bots is that there is so much kinetic energy going on that it damages the bot itself too.
Nicepoint2016-08-24 12:57:19
What will this be used for?
Blueham2016-08-24 10:41:47
You ok there Yosher?
Blueham2016-08-24 10:25:42
Hey, the YS I part has some sort of issue as in there's two sets of text on top of each other.
Blueham2016-08-24 09:30:16
With the metal teeth it'll be a Roomba for cutting grass.
lego lad2016-08-23 17:32:28
blockland updates in a nutshell
Bricktronic2016-08-23 00:35:05
Cool. Yo Badspot, ever since I was a child I've yearned to talk to you. Your game "Blockland" is my favorite game, thus is why I often mod for it. A few friends and I have started a game to be similar to yours, but don't worry, we're not copying anything. It's being made with the T3D engine (latest) from scratch. Just saying in case you find that interesting. Sorry to put this here, I don't know how else to get a message through to you. If you're interested in communicating, which I'm sure you're not, my steam is Bricktronic. Blockland name is Bricktronic.
blogland fag2016-08-19 18:30:38
gib moar
Fry2016-08-19 07:29:54
There aren't any more. And there never will be.
Badspot2016-08-18 17:25:31
Push the two rocks to the side before entering the teleporter.
Zoidberg2016-08-18 13:49:41
Pecon2016-08-18 05:56:53
Got this far on the first level.

I'm assuming the red door is a teleport to the blue circle thing. I wasn't able to figure out how to get to it without dying, though.

Pretty neat recreation.
Badspot2016-08-17 17:59:48
You're right. I blindly copy pasted from the subtitles which aren't the same as the dub.
Rednakin2016-08-17 03:37:38
I think it says "we're in" instead of "we go in"
kyle kyleson2016-08-16 16:54:42
wheres the dangass updates you nutter
ILUVCATS1232016-08-11 12:23:48
ILUVCATS1232016-08-11 12:22:47
I never knew people actually took skunks as pets
-Dave2016-08-09 01:09:41
Has science gone too far?
I3oop2016-08-08 21:29:58
yup, huryup.
I3oop2016-08-08 21:20:49
rontondo is the happiest manchild on this floating rock that we call earth

he is the only one
Badspot2016-08-08 10:42:56
Skyrim doesn't stand up to anything I've put in the 5 star category. It's not even close. Also if you look carefully, you'll see I placed it in both the "bad graphics" and "good graphics" categories because somehow Bethesda makes quantum entangled graphics that are simultaneously amazing and shit.

Also I can't be bothered to try and piece together the right mods to fix the game and worry about compatibility issues and management tools and crap. I'm trying to play a game not develop one.
Badspot2016-08-08 10:35:01
Dang, I guess I have to give all the money back then. Oh wait, no.
Dominus2016-08-08 06:54:15
i noticed that blockland is dying.
never seen a full server lately lmao.
Dominus2016-08-08 06:52:16
strange to see skyrim in the "4 star category"
if you think the graphics are shit, download some 4k ENB's.
secret person2016-08-07 04:11:42
}]Crazy[{2016-08-03 20:41:28
I remember getting down there. I miss this game.
Taiku2016-07-28 23:42:39
"Modmaker Garry Newman passes off the few comic strips fans have made saying 'some are really awful; actually, most are awful.' Still, the potential is there."

Mr. KillU2016-07-28 13:25:06
The future was here a year ago, yet this year (and the previous year) sucks more than Back to the Future's idea of 2015.
2016-07-28 02:56:54
THE FUTERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2016-07-28 02:56:33
Cannon6662016-07-26 14:01:10
I should try this out.
guy2016-07-22 15:17:09
Lazy, greedy game corporation2016-07-22 15:13:14
The human eye can't see past 30 fps! :^)
What2016-07-17 21:25:00
is this
Waves2016-07-15 15:33:43
Va11Jr132016-07-12 06:21:03
2016-07-11 07:44:14
>Java Engine Is Supported On 3D Games?
Nope! Java Is Bad.
Bricks2016-07-11 07:40:27
Java Is Terrible With 3D!
Brooklin2007 (Blockland)2016-07-11 07:37:05
Ah.. The Old Days! With Blockland V0002!
Calem072016-07-09 17:49:36
"Oh no holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!" -Rotondo
2016-07-09 16:57:05
Calem072016-07-09 13:10:39
heres some money
your mum2016-07-08 01:59:10
king of page 0
XxmagicianboyxX2016-07-07 15:07:16
algun code para skyns campeones o RP pls
Meta_KnightX2016-07-05 00:47:04
Great job from the past!
Brooklin2007 (Blockland)2016-07-03 15:21:30
I Hope It Plays Neo Geo Pocket Games!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sparty (Returned)2016-07-03 15:18:30
This Beat ROBLOX? Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rest In Pizza2016-07-03 15:13:24
Rest In Pizza My Old FreerF
PsiSnyder102016-06-27 05:45:19
That's quality for you.