
I worked at Garage Games for a while. One project that I was assigned to was the second iteration of what eventually became Fallen Empire: Legions.

My experience working on this project was... well... you know that group project you did in high school where you did all the work while the other people in your group fucked off? Imagine that except the people fucking off are the group leaders and the teacher is constantly berating you for not listening to them. Meanwhile people in all of the other groups are constantly changing your groups project design. Also every time you decide to actually get some work done, you have to have a 2 hour meeting where the teacher accuses you of being a loose cannon.

So I made this prototype in a few weeks, by myself, while under protest from all of my bosses. The art is all placeholder garbage, but it does have functioning gameplay - it's a zone capture mode where you take the single neutral flag (a glowing rectangle in the center of the map) around to each of the 5 bases, converting them to your team's color. It also has CTF, but there's no map for it in the download.

  • WASD - Move
  • Space Bar - Jump (hold to ski down hills)
  • Right Mouse - Jet
  • M - Change classes
  • G - Throw grenade
  • H - Use health kit
  • Ctrl+F - Drop flag

bob marley2014-06-26 15:25:40
2014-06-26 20:50:59
blokoman2014-07-14 15:16:26
Nice work, badspot.
Bloxers2014-07-24 22:17:08
Sweet, that's pretty cool!
VitaWrap2014-08-15 12:41:23
The Heart Emote is the Same as Blockland's :)
Gummy2014-09-14 13:56:32
Im gonna try it out
Badspotfake2014-11-08 16:09:32
also age of times
Idkpleasegivemeasliceofpie2014-11-08 23:03:12
It's okay
Demopun2015-08-15 20:31:16
Jake the guy.2015-12-05 20:28:11
It's interesting to see what he started with and what he is now.

Keep up the good work!
The PILOT2016-01-05 12:50:23
I like it
The PILOT2016-01-05 12:55:55
How do you download and play, it goes right to zip for me
Badspot2016-01-05 21:12:00
Save zip file to desktop, right click zip folder, extract all, open new folder double click executable file.
legotween982016-10-09 18:31:59
Amazing game.
legotween982016-10-09 18:36:17
Also, this game has great walking animations and such, you have such potential in this game
coolman2016-11-14 20:50:38
Can you Do Sick Call Of Duty Tricks
Dylan2017-12-13 17:32:35
Lol noobs
Princetheking2017-12-17 15:23:04
Badspot are u working for a company already because i fee like u should do
Princetheking2017-12-17 15:23:28
u make awesome games
Princetheking2017-12-17 15:24:07
And i was wandering if i could get my hands on a free copy of blockland i have been a fan for so long
2017-12-17 15:26:36
Text.Windwo.Writline "Badspot, you should make more games like blockland or maybe add another update"
Bedspot2017-12-17 15:27:31
sorry its me princetheking i spelt something wrong i meant to say "TextWindow.Writeline"
I am badspot (the original)2017-12-17 15:28:49
Thank you everyone who paid the $6.99 dollars on steam to buy my game :D , what a success im gonna go jump a cliff now
:)2018-08-27 14:39:26
The Heart Emote is the Same as Blockland's :)
Squiddy?2018-10-22 13:32:44
2018-12-02 14:35:40
Insert obligatory "you need to work on blockland" comment
Noirxya2019-01-30 19:26:39
Looks good, will download it later
2019-07-27 12:12:31
idk XD2020-04-28 08:11:13
im new how to play this?
idk XD2020-04-28 08:14:12
bootiful u know?
nice2024-07-21 21:15:00
nice old games to play.

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