Drama Dossier: Zac Conover aka "[JazZ]"

This is going to be a complete documentation of my interactions with Zac Conover aka "[JazZ]". I appologize in advance for the length. The purpose here is to record and organize the actions of problem users and to give you, the reader, some insight into the depth of bullshit I have to deal with and maybe a few laughs. Dates are presented in YYYY-MM-DD format for sorting purposes. My comments are in blue.

This is not a call to arms. The names and emails are here for identification purposes only. Please do not attack them.

2008-04-28 - Key Purchased
Blockland ID: 5109
Buyer Name: Cheryl Krebs
Buyer Email: [email protected]
Note: While Zac was definitely using this key, it is not clear how he acquired it. [email protected] has purchased several other keys.

2008-09-20 - Key Purchased
Blockland ID: 7934
Buyer Name: samye nurre
Buyer Email: [email protected]

Subject: Blockland activation key
From: Zachary Conover <[email protected]>
Hi i was just wondering if you were the seller of Blockland

if so i would like to have another activation code because it got deleted in my e-mail
Note: This is 2008. He goes by "Zachary" here because he is like 9 years old. The picture is more recent.
Subject: Re: Blockland activation key
From: Eric Hartman <[email protected]>
Re-send your message in a non-stupid font. 
Note: Font is not preserved in record. It was damn unreadable.

Subject: Blockland activation key
From: Zachary Conover <[email protected]>
    I was just wondering if you were the owner or seller of Blockland.  If so I need another Blockland key because the one in my e-mail got deleted.  If you need any more info just send me an e-mail to [email protected]
Subject: Re: Blockland activation key
From: Eric Hartman <[email protected]>
If you send me one more thing in that font I'm just going to filter all of your future emails into the trash.  Stop wasting my time. 
Note: Again, font is not preserved. I could not read what he was saying.
Subject: Blockland Activation Key
From: Zachary Conover <[email protected]>
I wanted to know if you were the seller of Blockland

if so I need another Blockland activation key
Subject: Re: Blockland Activation Key
From: Eric Hartman <[email protected]>
You can buy them here: http://blockland.us/index.asp?p=Store

Subject: Blockland Activation Key
From: Zachary Conover <[email protected]>
Hello.  We purchased Blockland for my son on 9/20/08.  He loves the game.  Unfortunately, we had problems with our computer and Blockland needed to be reinstalled and reactivated.  However, for some reason, the activation key disappeared from his email.

Would it be possible for you to resend the activation key?  The receipt number is .

Thank you very much for your help.

Linda Conover
Subject: Re: Blockland Activation Key
From: Eric Hartman <[email protected]>
Your key is 
If you lose your key in the future, you can have it automatically resent to you using this form http://blockland.us/index.asp?p=keyRecovery

2009-02-08 - Forum account created
Name: colonial killer
Email: [email protected]
Blockland ID: 7934
Website: http://www.brickandco.webs.com/

2009-06-10 - Forum ban
colonial killer
2 weeks: The add-ons section is for FINISHED ADD-ONS ONLY

Note: Several uneventful years go by

2012-01-13 - Forum account created
Name: [JazZ]
Email: [email protected]
Blockland ID: 34464

2012-02-21 - Key Purchased
Blockland ID: 34464
Buyer Name: Zac Conover
Buyer Email: [email protected]

2012-03-13 - Forum ban
colonial killer
Rule #5 + Sockpuppetry + Lying to my face
Note: Claimed to not be "JazZ" in pm when he clearly is, colonial killer has even responded the name jazz in previous posts
2012-03-13 - Forum ban
Rule #5 + Sockpuppetry + Lying to my face

Subject: Banning
From: Zac Conover <[email protected]>
Hello, this is Michael Walker here to ask about a permanent ban me and my brother Zac Conover received today.

I don't know if you just decided in your mind that you were right, but you were very clearly wrong, if you'd like me to state exactly how I can prove we are brothers, I'll go ahead and do that
I'm 19 now, attending Otterbein college in Westerville, Ohio.
I started on Blockland about 4 years ago, from an ad underneath a Flash game I was playing.  So I played for about 3 and a half years, well actually about a quater, and was a very silent member of the game, not much of a forum-goer, expecially not any type of mod/addon creator.
My brother-in-law Zac Conover was over at my house a couple months or so ago and saw me playing the game, he's always been into Lego's, and he thought the game was quite interesting, even at his age of 16/
So he started playing on my account, well I had by then been consumed by the college life, studying, partying, and just being busy.  So I just gave Zac my account on the condition that after I finish college he had to buy his own, well I thought that was kind of selfish of me, so I just bought him his own key, ID 34464, and then he realized that there were such thing as "BL_ID's" and he desperately wanted a low ID, so I gave him my account to use, and whenever I decided that I had time to play, I used the 34464 account.
The ban you gave me and my brother was very impulsive and not thought out.
Yes, my brother deserves a week or so ban due to his raging on his Drama, and I think there was something about a leaving post as well.  But the permanent ban me AND him received was not correct.  You can't do what you think is right, I'm sorry, your the responsible owner of his own company, and you need to make your decisions on fact, not what your game-users think.  If you need more proof of me and my brother both existing, I have plenty of readily available at any time.  We have pictures were both in, we have pictures of me and his sister together.
But overall, the bans are wrong, it's as simple as that, I lied to you in no way or fashion, I did not break rule number 5 as I clearly stated in my post, and I did not "sockpuppet" for my brother, actually I made it clear I wouldn't even allow him to post on my account while he was serving his ban time.

Note: Personally, I don't believe in little brothers. Especially when they don't have their own email accounts.
2012-03-13 - Forum account created
Name: Fission
Email: [email protected]
Blockland ID: 34849
Note: Spoilers! I'm sure he had a different avatar image at some point.
Subject: Re: Banning
From: Zac Conover <[email protected]>
Hello, it's me again.  I don't know if you decided to ignore me or you haven't received the first email yet, but I have decided to prove to you once and for all we are brothers-in-law

My Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=669072048
Zac's Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000861618503
Picture of us together with his sister Courtney: http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/189494_1933902191054_1347281998_2249486_6828277_n.jpg
Truthfully, you really screwed up.  You need to revoke my ban and return his one week ban.  There was no form of "sockpuppetry", there was no form of "lying to your face."
You have no right to contact me or my brother through our Facebook, so don't.  I gave you those links purely for a source if truth.  
And also, if you think I linked to two random Facebook pages, the pictures of Zac in the "post pictures of yourself" thread were taken from his phone, so they are not on Facebook.  
I'm sorry I had to get mad and frustrated about this, your clearly in the wrong, and you need to set it right.
Revoke my ban, reset his ban back to a week.  And you'll never have to get another email from me again, and also, it's none of your business why we share accounts/photobucket accounts/forum accounts.  I payed $40 to you for a forum account and an authentication key, please return whats rightfully mine.

Have a nice day,
Subject: Re: Re: Banning
From: Zac Conover <[email protected]>
Third time I've contacted you, I don't know how often you check your support emails, but it needs to be sooner, you've been on the forums, so I know you've probably read all my emails.
Look, your really starting to piss me off, I'm not usually a "mad" guy, and I usually keep my cool.  I've proven to you that me and my brother exist, that we both are related, and that I still play Blockland every once in a while, I've explained to you that we share a lot of accounts/emails etc.  You really need to undo the ban, and you know what?  Maybe you still don't believe me, because we use the same IP, and the same email/photobucket.  But it really doesn't matter what we share and don't share, because that's none of your business, I cannot prove any further that we are brothers-in-law, I've given every possible amount of evidence, yet you refuse to revoke the ban.  If your going to leave the ban there, and violate what I payed for, the forums account/registration key, then refund my full $40 and revoke my keys, I refuse to play a game with a corrupted developer, I payed for both of the accounts, including the forums account, and they are still rightfully me and my brothers, so as I said before, you can very simply refund my money and remove my authentication keys, or you can return both of the forums account to their original status before the permanent bans.  But if you do choose to ignore this email, once again, and do nothing about the situation, I will purchase another key, I will register another forums account, and I will explain to the Blockland public exactly whats going on.  No, I'm not going to say I'm going to get legal crap involved, because that's beyond immature over a stupid game.  So just refund my money, or return my accounts to their previous status. 


2012-03-14 - Key Purchased
Blockland ID: 34849
Buyer Name: Zac Conover
Buyer Email: [email protected]

2012-03-30 - Forum ban
Attacking servers, repeat offender
Note: Zac was involved in distributing a back door exploit script and confessed to it in this post.
2012-03-30 - Keys deactivated
Note: Willfully distributing malicious code is not acceptable.
Subject: 4 Deactivated Keys
From: Zac Conover <[email protected]>
Hello again.
I really expect a reply to this email.  I have been playing your game, Blockland, for about 4 years now.  Recently I've been quite a 'menace' as some would call it.  I'm sorry about that.  But you deactivated all 4 of my Blockland ID's.  That's not alright.  I payed you a total of $80.  I could understand if you deactivated my 5109 ID, but really?  All 4?  I still wish to play your game, and I will not buy another key, out of pure fear that it will be deactivated as well.  Anyways, I wish for return of at least 3 of my keys.  The least you could do for me is reply to this Email of what I need to do/don't do for the return of my keys.

Have a nice day.

2012-03-30 - Key Purchased
Blockland ID: 35157
Buyer Name: michael nurre
Buyer Email: [email protected]
Note: Purchased key immediately after being banned/deactivated.
2012-04-02 - Forum account created
Name: ¥ola
Email: [email protected]
Blockland ID: 35157

Subject: Blockland Keys
From: Zac Conover <[email protected]>
Yes, it's me, JazZ.  About two months ago, I started to become a little bit bored with Blockland, thus leading into me doing a lot of things I shouldn't have done, such as attacking servers, and saying things I shouldn't have said on the forums.  Well, after these two months, I miss the fun of building in Blockland and such.  All I'm asking for is my ID 5109 key to be returned, all the others I have no use for, as well as all the forum accounts.  If there are any questions you have for me, simply reply with them in an email.


2013-01-28 - Forum ban
Flaming / Habitual problem user

2013-02-02 - Key Purchased
Blockland ID: 41324
Buyer Name: michael nurre
Buyer Email: [email protected]

2013-02-02 - Forum account created
Name: Yola²
Email: [email protected]
Blockland ID: 41324

2013-02-18 - Forum ban
One week: Flaming (Repeat offense)
Note: Banned, purchased new key, and resuming old behavior within 20 days.
2013-04-09 - Forum ban
Rule #5 + flaming

Subject: One last thing
From: JazZ AI <[email protected]>
  I'm not entirely sure as to why the post I created inside of the 'Yola has quit' thread was ban worthy, in fact it was not in any way, shape, or form.  Eric I understand that you like to believe that you have full ownership and constantly flex your arm so everyone can see it; whether it be right or wrong.  However, this is close to five bans I've received that were blatantly uncalled for.  I've already let you and everyone know I've quit your game, and honestly whether or not me getting the account back isn't in my interest.  Have you ever thought maybe your game isn't being recognized by the rest of the world simply because of the fact the creator couldn't give less of a shit about the community.  Honestly, I've never seen a developer, especially a single developer, be so hateful and belittling to their community.

  Zac Conover
From: Blockland Support <[email protected]>
If you post that you are leaving, you get banned.  It's rule #5.  You should know this because you have been banned for this exact reason before.  
Subject: One last thing
From: JazZ AI <[email protected]>
Don't give me that, you know well that many users before me and I myself have posted hiatus messages and not been banned, and what was that flaming addition there for ?  I flamed no one.
Subject: One last thing
From: JazZ AI <[email protected]>
If you want evidence on who has been attacking your forums, I have it.  I've collected it since the first instance of "the storm is coming".  Unless you have it under control.

Note: Several forum accounts have been compromised and used to spam gore images

From: Blockland Support <[email protected]>
>If you want evidence on who has been attacking your forums, I have it.

Send it.
Subject: One last thing
From: JazZ AI <[email protected]>
I mean I want something to gain here; you get evidence on who's been attacking your game and I get nothing ?  That doesn't seem very fair.

On a more related note; it hasn't been the same person, one person started it and others continued it.
From: Blockland Support <[email protected]>
I'm not going to unban you, dude.  You broke the written rules for at least the second time.  Even if you were my best friend I'd still have to ban you to keep up appearances
Subject: One last thing
From: JazZ AI <[email protected]>
I'm not asking to be unbanned as that isn't relevant.  What about the return of my 5109 ID key ?  I don't know.

I'll get the files upon my return home
Subject: One last thing
From: JazZ AI <[email protected]>
In total I have three .png files of chat logs, a video if a chat session, and am audio clip talking to one if the attackers.

Note: More forum accounts are compromised and spam gore images

Subject: One last thing
From: JazZ AI <[email protected]>
Still gonna let yourself get played by these kids ?  Wow you have a pretty large ego Eric.  If keeping up appearances is this important then shit.
From: Blockland Support <[email protected]>
Right, it's my huge ego that keeps me from bending to your petty extortion scheme.  Sure. 
Subject: One last thing
From: JazZ AI <[email protected]>
How am I extorting in any way ?  I'm making a fair trade.
From: Blockland Support <[email protected]>
You're saying "give me what I want or something bad will happen to you".  You are not trading, you are attempting to coerce action with a thinly veiled threat.  The fact that your friends are doing the bad thing and not you (so you claim) does not change the nature of the threat.  
Subject: One last thing
From: JazZ AI <[email protected]>
I have no intentions with or support behind what they do, nor do I take part or have ever taken part.  I'm simply offering information for them.
Subject: One last thing
From: JazZ AI <[email protected]>
I'll go ahead and let you know the Maxwell account compromise was not due to any of the same people responsible for past attacks.

2013-04-17 - Keys deactivated
Note: Extortion is not acceptable behavior.
Subject: One last thing
From: JazZ AI <[email protected]>
Alright Eric, that is the final authentication key you will take from me.  I have nothing to do, do not support, and do not take part in any sort of internet attacks on your forums, game, or personal self.  I have not even logged onto the forums with a user account, as a non-guest, in the past week.  I tell you, I have information on the people who are conducting the attacks on your forums; you say you want the information, so I retort with the fact I don't feel that giving a person who has done nothing but be aggressive and egotistical towards me.  I am not extorting, nor blackmailing you.  I am not saying "If you don't give me what I want, these will continue", I am saying, let's make a trade; I give you the information in return for the return of my old key.

So what do you reply to me telling, and trying to help, you this morning; I told you "I'll go ahead and let you know the Maxwell account compromise was not due to any of the same people responsible for past attacks.", because I didn't want you to think so, and take my past offers to be taken as blackmailing.  You revoke my current two keys, $40 USD worth of keys.  Illegally and unethically.  Eric I've seen you do some pretty shady and low things, in the past, but I'll tell you; That is pathetic.

I will no longer support you nor your game, and do anything possible legally to re-acquire either the money used to pay for or the keys themselves.  I am not threatening you, either, I am simply stating that I will use the law to my advantage this time, and if that requires me in a courtroom, I will willingly go.

You've pulled the last chain, Eric.

  Zac Conover
Subject: One last thing
From: JazZ AI <[email protected]>
Your game is progressing so far Eric!

Not a single update in over a month, server issues, a failing community, and no hopeful outlook of being publicized other than being on a site that is unknown for selling games.  Seems like a great community to be a part of as well, moderators who put themselves above everyone else, oh what happened to "Even if you were my best friend.. to keep up appearances", I suppose that just died off didn't it?  Karma is a pain, and DDoSing doesn't really help either.

From: Blockland Support <[email protected]>
How old are you?  
Subject: One last thing
From: JazZ AI <[email protected]>
Not old enough to be tried as an adult, haha, why Eric?

2013-05-06 - Forum account created
Name: ¥ola3
Email: [email protected]
Blockland ID: 42759

2013-05-08 Unrelated (?) activity: I deactivated cciamlazy for suspected involvment in a chat impersonation script. Cciamlazy wrote the original back door exploit that Zac was originally banned for distributing.

Subject: One last thing
From: JazZ AI <[email protected]>
Alright Eric, you've taken it too far.  What point do you have to prove?  You're simply going to revoke everyone's keys in an attempt to find the person who has a hatred for you?  That's absolutely and utterly pathetic.  Honestly if I had the resources and time it would take, I would file a lawsuit against you.  This isn't a game, $20 may not be a lot to a lot of people, but someone worked hard for that $20 and you have no right to discontinue the service that it paid for because you have a small belief and no proof someone may be connected with an activity that you don't like.  Face it, you lost your own game, but don't take it out on innocent kids that know no better.  You aren't anything other than a locally known indie developer, and if you were any more, you'd be in jail for fraudulent activities.  You've stripped me of over $150 USD and I've never once committed an illegal activity towards you nor your community, and that I can prove as well.  Sure the same could be said that I shouldn't have kept spending money, but it's something I enjoy, playing a game with old friends that brings nostalgic feelings back.  If you're this desperate in finding who has been doing this against your community, contact me like a real man, no more petty threats and egotistical emails.  You should know better.  I'm not going to ask for anything in return for proof against who conducted attacks you, your community, and your game other than for you to return the keys to anyone who had no part in it, and that you contact me in a non-egotistical way.

Zac Conover
From: Blockland Support <[email protected]>
Last email you were bragging about being too young to be tried as an adult, now you're back to playing the victim?  Make up your mind.  
Subject: One last thing
From: JazZ AI <[email protected]>
I'm not playing a victim, I'm saying you're victimizing innocent people.  That email was sarcasm Eric, sorry for not making it more clear.
Subject: One last thing
From: JazZ AI <[email protected]>
Alright Eric, I asked for a pretty simple thing and you had to reply egotistically as usual.  Have fun explaining to Amazon and Steam that you have authority over keys that you revoke whenever you feel necessary.  That's gonna work for you brilliantly.  I can see why your game has suffered publicly for so long.
From: Blockland Support <[email protected]>
Who is innocent here?  You?
Subject: One last thing
From: JazZ AI <[email protected]>
Plenty of people, largely being me, yes.

2013-05-09 I compiled this log file, uploaded it, and posted it on the Blockland forums

Subject: One last thing
From: JazZ AI <[email protected]>
Checking to see if your shitty comic strip is automatic or not.

Subject: One last thing
From: JazZ AI <[email protected]>
That's a shame.

Hey you should work on fixing your forums so I can post something on my behalf, you know, so people don't see your one-sided shit.  It's pretty fair of me to ask that.

Subject: Righting Wrongs
From: JazZ AI <[email protected]>
Hello, I'd like to apologize to you, directly.  No more childish games involving the community or anyone else, man to man I'd like to say I'm sorry for offering information then putting a price tag on it, annoying you, and disturbing the community in any way.  If you still need any information I can give you whatever I have, the person to whom it related is no longer on an even nearly friendly relationship with me and I'm not scared of anything he might do to retaliate against me giving you his information.  And no, what I'm about to ask does not relate to the information, if you decline, the offer is still available.

Can you please delete the Drama Dossier on me?  I understand that it has been cache'd and there is no way to permanently remove it, and I have no issues with you opening another topic on me, just without my personal information on it, or made easier to access via it.  I can't take the calls from my family and friends complaining about threats, ignorant behavior, and stupid shit from members of the community.  It's gotten to the point of flat out harassment, I don't even care about what they send directly to me, it's just that everyone around me has to deal with it as well and I'm taking all the flak for it.

Contact me at this email if you have any questions or the sort

Zac Conover
Note: I didn't really read this email. Zac became upset about this on 2013-07-08 in this thread.

2013-05-19 Habitual problem user Jared Clemens aka "dotdotcircle" (and variants) digs up more information on Zac and openly attempts to extort him with it here

Subject: Put an end to this
From: JazZ AI <[email protected]>
I want dotdot's payment information, I want anything you know about him.  Look Eric, this isn't a game anymore okay.  There will be lawsuits involved if he even thinks about fucking with my dad, and that's not under my control, nevertheless all the people who I don't know personally who he is going to contact.  I asked you earlier in a nice manner and a nice fashion and you ignored it, this isn't nice and this isn't something to be ignored.

All the threats I've made before won't even relatively compare to whats going to happen if you don't do something.  And none of it will be my doing.

2012-05-25 - Forum ban
Using childish logic while calling everyone a "fucking kid"
Note: Relevant posts
Subject: Really?
From: JazZ AI <[email protected]>
That's cute, you ban me for calling you out in your own community.  Not even a real rule, nor an unwritten one, you just wanted to make a point.  You know Eric, I get it, I understand that you want to be 'supreme dictator' of the community, but banning people for random things is a bit childish.  There was no childish logic, I was simply saying that you can't say something is fact when it simply isn't.  That's not how our world works, and your community is no different, and it's most certainly not your choice either.

I won't be returning this time, I have no money to waste on trying to argue with you nor your community, so don't bother wasting time searching for my alt.

See ya around,
Zac Conover

Subject: Freaks like you should be put behind bars
From: JazZ AI <[email protected]>
Hello Eric,

This is Zac's mom using his email.  I have recently been alerted about the extensive online bullying that you, and your online community are partaking in against my child.  Particularly you and the forum member named "dotdot: revolutions" who has extorted money and repeatedly hacked my son's computer.  I have read your "Drama Dossier" as well as the Blockland Forums topic which my son has directed me to.  Do you seriously think that this is acceptable online behavior?  Attacking children over the internet to remedy your own pathetic life's misfortunes?  This isn't a game where one can simply destroy their enemies, you little punk.  I can't believe that someone your age would stoop this low.  Take your harassing web page and shove it up your fat ass.

Linda Conover
Note: There is precident for Linda sending email via her sons account (see top of this dossier), so this seems legitimate. At this point I think she might be unaware of how her son actually behaves since all of her communication is filtered through him.
Note: She lumps me in with Jared's extortion posts even though I banned him for it. Wtf :(

Subject: Re: Freaks like you should be put behind bars
From: Blockland Support <[email protected]>
Do you not have your own email address?  If you want to actually discuss this you need to email me directly.
Subject: Re: Freaks like you should be put behind bars
From: JazZ AI <[email protected]>
That was not my mother nor me, this email has been compromised, dismiss any further mail from it.
Subject: Re: Freaks like you should be put behind bars
From: Blockland Support <[email protected]>

2012-06-06 - Forum account created
Name: Yenola
Email: [email protected]
Blockland ID: 52745

And that brings us up to today. There are still some things missing:
  • PM logs, especially surrounding the "colonial killer" banning. I havent looked into that yet.
  • There were accusations that account hijackings and subsequent gore image spam were in retliation for banning the "yola" account. More information needed.
  • Post links for all bannings, especially the last one because it was melodramatic as fuck.

TableSalt2016-02-13 06:07:14
Luigi6092016-05-15 19:53:41
Regirock2016-05-16 02:04:05
I think he has an obsession with this game, no joke.
Defininetly not notbomberguy2016-05-16 19:50:29
holy shit if you made a drinking game from the alts, you would be drunk as fuck
Not a guy u kno2016-05-17 09:51:44
Oh thats quality
This guys a total faggot.
Lego Lad2016-05-18 20:06:11
how does someone get the patience for this
SBG2016-05-20 17:49:18
he has a lot of money
The_Last_Pikachu Alive2016-05-21 17:16:55
This is pretty crazy.
PsiSnyder102016-06-27 05:45:19
That's quality for you.
Va11Jr132016-07-12 06:21:03
Jazz2025-02-17 14:51:31
Hello Eric,

What's it been, 12 years? I see time hasn't fared well for Blockland. I hope it's treated you better. I lost someone very close to me recently and your game has given me a lot of solace; for which I owe you a lot. I had to explain this dossier when I was assessed for security clearances, and I had a lot of thinking to do on it but eventually decided to leave sleeping dogs lie and accept it was a different time. I'd be interested in chatting with you, if not just to reminisce for a short while.

Do NOT post html or bb code. You will be auto-banned.