Jls9002011-06-17 23:09:42
Your description reminds me of Seiklus. Ever heard of it? Its an old freeware platformer heavily focused on exploration.

As someone who likes to fiddle around with crappy engines and pretend to be an indie game developer, I have my two cents. I like your sprites but hate your sound effects. Chiptunes are so overused amongst indie games that I literally cringe when i hear them, despite how well it fits a style. Did you use a program like sfxr to generate them? The way the ground curves is a really nice effect. I didn't see very much use of particles at all, which I think is a good polish for a retro style. Simple crap like tiny specks of dirt flying up when you run/land on ground and slight explosions when you grab those coins/stars/shurikens could work well. The background work is great, definitely as an exploration mood to it.
BBOY2011-06-17 11:01:18
Wow I took time to read all of these.
BBOY2011-06-17 10:13:56
^^ That comment makes no sense.
Alpha Command2011-06-17 09:12:02
Good thing I have dogs. This will never happen to me :D
Fun Blockland Man2011-06-15 10:23:08
This is so awesome!
Gothboy772011-06-15 06:55:37
Woops I forgot my name lol
2011-06-15 06:55:21
Hehe I like the concept you are going for. It seems like one of those classic games I would play on my old NES. The unlockable abilities seems nice too. When I saw you push the blocks onto the spikes it kinda reminded me of an old Legend of Zelda game i used to have for the GBC. So this being a 2D game and all is the work time shorter? Just wondering because I would love to try this out. Got a name for it yet?
Badspot2011-06-15 03:30:16
My current concept for the game is an exploration/collecting game with some metroidvania style unlockable abilities that help you uncover new areas. Combat would be limited to super mario style jumping on baddies or avoiding them. I'd like to have a casual mode that removes most enemies, so the game should stand on the exploration, platforming and puzzles alone.
Badspot2011-06-15 03:21:18
The four girls are established characters in this comic series. Here they have been placed into the role of the left 4 dead survivors for the purpose of making a joke about the game. This is common practice. A very similar example from the comic "rooster teeth" can be seen here http://www.tacticalsites.com/skylark/pics/L4Dcomic2.jpg

In the United States, "Ms." is the default form of address for women, regardless of marital status (as opposed to "Mrs." which applies exclusively to married women). The "Ms." names in the transcript are simply there to match the dialog to a character and are often played for laughs as well.

MegaScience, you've forced me to have these sorts of remedial interactions with you for several years now. For my personal records, please answer the following questions:
- How old are you?
- Have you ever been diagnosed with any kind of mental condition?
- Are you on any kind of medication?
- Are you or have you been home-schooled? For how long?
MegaScience2011-06-15 00:29:11
I don't understand why the comic your parodying would say "goto" is bad. My only experience with that is batch files, but I must say that it's essential to making the code flow correctly. There's no way to avoid it if you want to branch and such. Otherwise, you're dumping tons of repetitive code into it...

But again, I only know it in batch code.
MegaScience2011-06-15 00:22:57
I'd ask why you didn't actually draw men for the men in this, but everyone will just get mad. Just kind of creeps me out you drew strange guys as hot girls, even if you refer to them as wives. (Why is Bill's wife just as young and hot as the others? What's going on there? So many layers of wrong when you think too hard about this...)

Funny though, I get the joke. Always hated that, yet I can be accused of doing it, myself.
Gothboy772011-06-13 17:29:11
Wow bro, you know we have the same IP, right? lol
Bluest2011-06-13 17:28:12
It looks like it has potential.
Gothboy772011-06-13 17:23:38
So then are you taking a break from working on Blockland to working on this?
I like the concept a lot. I was surprised to see the dungeon though.
Are you planning to implementing fighting into the game, or is this strictly puzzle?
James2011-06-13 13:09:17
DirectX is a over-glorified piece of shit.
Paul DeCo2011-06-13 01:21:12
I really enjoy your comics; keeping an eye on you :3
Goku!2011-06-12 20:07:57
wow. Funny. LOL
Goku!2011-06-12 20:06:33
So so true and so funny.
Goku!2011-06-12 20:02:53
lolololololololololololololoLolololololololLolololol Halarious fat guy.
Goku!2011-06-12 20:01:40
Wow, that must be alot of time *that many hours later* ZZzzzZzzzzZzzZzzzz
Goku!2011-06-12 19:59:47
Goku!2011-06-12 19:57:46
Lol, nearly like eating cicedas. o.o
Goku!2011-06-12 19:55:25
Hmm..Delicious fridgemites...X.X they eating my stomach!

Lol, I hate it when that happens.
Goku!2011-06-12 19:54:08
Lol. Francis and Louis acting like mummies. that is a DEFINITE Lolwut.
Mega Bear2011-06-12 16:20:44
Memory Lane looks a little ... run down.
Mega Bear2011-06-12 16:18:34
That's nice.
Mega Bear2011-06-12 16:18:12
And not a single minority in there.
Night Fox2011-06-12 16:16:10
Kalphiter2011-06-12 16:09:07
Slap some animalistic ears on that thing and it's Night Fox.
Mega Bear2011-06-12 16:05:55
It's a gold fish. I would still eat the thing.
Alex2011-06-11 16:04:06
Anyone else think this is actually Badspot in real life?
Alex2011-06-11 16:02:43
>Anyone else notice the ebola virus guy on the right's head falls off?
I did. Not because I read that. Really.
Alex2011-06-11 16:00:00
How you doin'?
Alex2011-06-11 15:56:08
Actually, OpenGL is the renderer most games use. Torque uses OpenGL quite a lot because Direct3D fucks up texture colouring and stuff.
AfkR@ndomdude2011-06-11 14:33:13
Badspot yu 'modater
Nero2011-06-09 17:51:37
yes he does...sometimes
AWESOME:D2011-06-08 15:35:18
I think the wrong turret is the left one. I mean, look at the picture! It is not working so how could it be real? All turrets are active!
2011-06-07 23:48:34
Even better idea. "So Aria, I need to like bomb a part of your club...no? I see"... Boom. "I need to go now"
Dezmar2011-06-07 23:45:33
Asdg09hfsd2011-06-07 22:30:57
Stolen from robot chicken:

Crab Apple2011-06-07 15:58:46
I've been bitcoin mining with three AMD 6970s. 100% of your card's processing power is used during this. This makes them very very hot.

The way I discovered this was rather unpleasant.
Leon S. Kennedy2011-06-06 18:18:36
That's a definite lol.
Penis2011-06-06 01:21:22

Guilty Bystander2011-06-05 21:03:00
I like how they're following the gun safety rule of keeping their fingers off the triggers until they have a target.
powerdag2011-06-05 17:21:19
I make better comics
Skyfrost2011-06-05 16:59:31
Thats why I carry adrenaline at all times, so even when im injured, I wont be last to the safehouse.
Darkness2011-06-04 11:48:35
MsFranis: Tehehehehe
MsZoey:Hur Dur
BobSevenSevens2011-06-03 17:59:20
Doomcop2011-06-03 00:42:44
The pixels and stuff remind me of Dino Run.
yndaaa!2011-06-02 21:55:24
yndaaa2011-06-02 19:50:17
Well at least they aren't locking her out, I hate it when people do that to me.
^_^2011-06-02 16:55:00
Shadowed2011-06-02 15:09:57
jcat2011-06-02 14:56:38
badspot your stupid. i hate you and i never wanty anything to do wtih blockland ever aggain!!!!!!!!!
Aeschylus2011-06-02 14:52:12

I love how you make a very unnecessary remark, but you have my name. You dick..
J_MASTER2011-06-02 12:06:29
That explains where all the medpacks go when I get into the saferoom last -_-'
Draco2011-06-02 11:58:37
Lol'd, good work
Iban2011-06-02 11:13:48
I thought that was a tampon casing on the ground.

Who the hell puts toilet paper in first aid?
?2011-06-02 10:18:49
All you need is gauze.
Left 4 Dead Bacon2011-06-02 00:09:28
I hate bloody nipples
Badspot2011-06-01 00:58:08
>implementing it to the public


>tasking on management

also wat
MegaScience2011-05-31 23:28:37
I wish I could do this, but we kept dropping the turrets. :(
MegaScience2011-05-31 23:27:44
Ah, I like it. Just wish there was a simple way of implementing it to the public without tasking on management...
daq2011-05-31 16:13:42
Haha, ugliest game ever. I'd tap that. I mean I'd play that.
Reminded me of days when I was proud of my CGA monitor. 3 awesome colors.
Left 4 Dead Francis2011-05-31 14:07:12
I hate sandpaper.
MeltingPlastic2011-05-31 00:14:02
Looks pretty sweet!
nonofurbiznuss2011-05-30 17:02:21
i have to admit these comic are awesome it like there almost real
Sonic2011-05-30 09:56:52
Okiver2011-05-30 09:22:32
Kompressor is ID 1 c:
emaN ->2011-05-30 08:39:32
OpenGL? are you communist or what?
I Played ME2011-05-29 13:37:32
This comic is wonderful! I wish you luck! = )
Crystalwarrior2011-05-29 13:31:47
Lolwut. Sucking baby?
Tyler2011-05-28 22:46:19
Your a great game designer, keep it up. I'd actualy like to beta test/help design and fix up some glitches. You can contact me on blacklan (ING:boba fett) or try my email:[email protected] I would really like to help in any way :D
DraftDinosaur56782011-05-28 21:00:34
Also i noticed BadSpot's server is on in blockland!
DraftDinosaur56782011-05-28 20:59:25
Lol in blockland i been glitching in multiplayer for 9 days already...
Jacob 123452011-05-26 17:38:32
Jesus christ noooooooooooooooooo
james41152011-05-26 16:07:08
Bluest2011-05-26 12:38:38
Don't you hate it when that happens?
MegaScience2011-05-25 19:17:33

Holy shit, I actually beat Badspot. I took a screenshot of it, linked above. I was doing that limping method the whole way down the track, and my foot actually made it to 100.1 metres. Not lying, not modified. I'm so fucking amazed. Badspot, do a new try when you find the time and beat mine, as I'm sure you can do better.

Also, in the below image, I got stuck in such an awkward way at one point. It wasn't swaying or anything - it was actually stuck at that angle...
MegaScience2011-05-25 17:27:15
That's Mass Effect, not Portal. It even says that in the title and description, you dunce.
MegaScience2011-05-25 17:26:37
People make stuff that makes so sense just to laugh and then somehow genuinely believe what they've done is okay out of their own leisure. Although you can get better explanations than this.
MegaScience2011-05-25 17:25:44
Donating money in such a way is indirect, drawn out, and might not even make a difference to the cause as a whole. In comparison, if you give change to the single homeless person, it can be enough to keep him alive at least another night.
2011-05-25 16:06:08
Happey-face er Retisshue resumthing sumthing modele

Sponserd by Apture science
Nick123q23iforgottheqlasttimelol2011-05-25 15:59:40
Dont get this
Nick123q232011-05-25 15:55:17
She spent her change on cancer, so she dossent have any for the homeless man.
Makes perfect sence but i dont get what your trying to say here
Nick123q23q2011-05-25 15:46:31
So, Jimmy plays gamez at hostpital,den jimmeh dies becuase his mom thinks he whats to go back to play games. How sad (No really This is sad :(
MegaScience2011-05-25 12:40:20
They're making sure no one sues them for being attacked by it... But they still want it reported, because they know how to treat it...
Joey52011-05-25 05:52:46
Wow.. these people really want there skunk back..
Joey52011-05-25 05:39:53
Humping the box.
MegaScience2011-05-24 23:06:41

As in the above screenshot, I was only able to make it to 64.6 metres before failing. And that was while moving by making it limp awkwardly by holding W and tapping P & Q (Sometimes O if I get stuck). Still haven't figured out how to take more than two normal steps before flipping over like a bad Youtube video.
MegaScience2011-05-24 22:49:48
Well, good you were able to find a functional alternative to the main. I mainly used this when a virus used locking to prevent itself from being deleted. This cleared that right up. What do you mostly use it for?
Badspot2011-05-24 19:43:39
Unfortunately, unlocker doesn't work in Win7 64 bit. I eventually got the functionality I wanted out of the sysinterals "handle" utility.
MegaScience2011-05-24 18:41:13
I fell in an odd way with my legs apart where I can't completely fall over, and am slowly inching my way to 100 by bouncing myself up and forward over and over.
MegaScience2011-05-24 18:34:26
I think they changed that. I didn't know you used Unlocker, too. o.o Nice, Badspot.
MegaScience2011-05-24 18:29:45
I see a stop sign on Memory Lane.
MegaScience2011-05-24 18:28:24
Don't you live in a wondrous place?
MegaScience2011-05-24 18:27:49
That's sad on a few levels...
MegaScience2011-05-24 18:27:15
Nice coincidence...
MegaScience2011-05-24 18:26:15
Even "CLICK HERE PLAY NOW" comes out the wrong way. Perhaps it's a conversion of an advertisement in another language that failed miserably.
Kendra2011-05-24 18:24:12
Actually, this is a correlation of a ponytail ATTACK angle and your intelligence! 1) The "Zero Point" is really dumb in this sense because to attack with your ponytail, you swirl your head suddenly and hit the person in the face. So in this case, pointless, as the pony tail is in your face,
2) "Retarded" is pretty much the same thing as the "Zero Point",
3) "Low Average" is not that good unless you're shorter than the intended target,
4) "Average" works if you are the same height as the offender,
5) And "Above Average" is best for if you are taller than the other person.

In my opinion, above average is best, because I have curly, clumpy hair. My opinion.