The thing about Overwatch is that the entire game is based around picking a hero that counters the enemy hero and then playing competently with that hero to beat the enemy team. Enemy team has Zarya? Pick D.Va who can suck up her ult.
This is my all time favorite of these. It's like he's bursting into laughter secretly while everyone else is looking at him super seriously. Venom just thinks "Haha, maybe wiping ashes on my face was a bit too much. what dumb shit can I say next?".
I was going to post the thing you guys predicted in the end, but I predict that would be too predictable to be funny, so I'll make a comment not so predictable instead that acknowledges how unfunny that predictable comment would be. What I however did not predict is that my comment would still be unfunny.
i have SO many memories with this game. i miss it so much. i might just buy it again solely just to bring back those memories. it makes me happy to know that it isnt dead :))
@MICROWAVE fuck maps they were terrible and did not support dynamic shadows / daycycle : the game is not full of bugs unless you have some shit add-on installed that overwrites or interferes with default functionality. The GUI's could use a bit of work but its easily navigable and doesn't look like complete shit at least
when i was younger, i got blockland on my computer. at some point, when i tried to play it, there was an error message with a bunch of jumbled text. pretty recently, i used my old laptop to check it out, but instead nothing happened. well fuck lol. i got a new blid from steam and now i've made an nes monster and messed around with my buddies. thank god that this game exists.
Very Nice ! -Improved controls -better landing -improved graphics
i Think i would like to make another remake using tradicional 2d hand drawn animation with vintage effect and black and white colors ! fully voice acted voice version with the 80s cartoon style ! if any one want to work with me in this project then send me an email ( i do the art and animation and you do the coding !) [email protected]
I remember begging my parents to get Blockland for me. This is honestly such a memorable game and i remember playing the demo for a few years only to buy the game recently. The community is still sturdy and i love everyone in it. Thanks, Badspot. Hope you read this eventually ;)
Badspot, your game is being forgotten and more and more people stop playing it. YOur game is full of bugs and the game engine is outdated!! YOu should put back maps and fix those bugs and make a better GUI. After that, people will maybe come back!
Blockland is the best damn game I have ever played.
I've been around since july of 2007 and I and so many others are still here and share the same enthusiasm for it, just one of the many testaments to the longevity of this fuckin' great little indie game.
Perhaps I am, though not what I mean to do in principle. They are not contradictory positions, correct, didn't mean to make them sound like they were. I think my dislike is in using a bait-y but definitively true gif that, while it makes your point, is something your user base feeds off of and reinforces other negative viewpoints they have.
But, I am too quick in judging you as less likable as a person for a less likable post. From what I know of you I wouldn't be able to come to any meaningful conclusion on your likability (at least in an absolute sense) because I just don't know you enough.
I imagine if there's as many people out there that know you so little and judge so definitely that it must suck to be you sometimes :/
Just by making that comment here on this page, you're tacitly admitting that "gender equality" is code for anti-male discrimination. Being simultaneously anti-discrimination and pro-privacy is not a contradictory position. If making a strong argument for this position makes you not like me as a person, that really says more about you than it does about me.
Why am I here. Why do I visit your site and view your ads and give you money.
This post is ironic, for just as you complain about the values of the system that treats privacy as something traded and bought, you have no care for gender equality or other social movement. This doesn't make your argument weaker, it just makes you a less likable person.
how the fuck would anyone fall for the cicret bracelet one? im not that well-versed in technology and i could see myself falling for some of this shit but that shits just impossible.
I don't blame those aliens for being pissed off. They were lied to, bamboozled, made a fool of, you might even say they were "tricked" into believing something they thought was true their entire space journey!
they outta start a gofundme to get there! 150 billion dollar goal for some cool pics and they might even throw in a half believable video of their neat CGI adventure : cant wait to tune in and watch it for real!
Torque Game Engine was the most popular engine back in the days. GarageGames was pretty alone back then I've read. I hope they fix up Torque Game Engine and re-release it to the public with some shader update. Would be amazing.
There is a log, and if you open the console (~), type trace(1); and press enter, it will log every function call. Do this, duplicate the crash, post your console.log file, and I will attempt to figure out what dumbass thing you've done to make a basic directory listing not work.