Everyone asks you the same questions badspot, and im sure that if someone could get an interview with you, it would awnser around 65-70% of the everyday bullshit questions, then you wouldn't have to repeat yourself... or as you would have it, ignore them completly.
@Darah. Real good breakdown but with a little add on. While in the beginning of the mission I had garrus lead the second team, My buds say grunt also works, and I think Zayeed will work too. I mean he's GOT the experience to lead a suicide squad.
If he fixes vehicle collision too I will have to clean my keyboard. This is gonna be a cool update. I just hope someone makes a decent terrain generator. Building a mountain with bricks from a flat surface will be annoying.
We could have avoided the loss of limbs! But then Smuckers would be out of business... Not to mention how boring it would be if no one got torn apart in screaming vicious, torturous, painful agony, right?
More like laziness than intelligence xD As a girl, I am honestly too lazy to brush my hair and use 2040329840380 bobby pins to put it perfectly up so i do a low ponytail. But, I am flattered :P
I'd laugh my rear off if she turned out to be a Cerberus spy or something. And I'd laugh even more if Shepard gets to insinuate that she's in league with the Reapers and she gets locked up because of it :P
Or I'd get James or Ash to shoot her. You know, whatever my options are at the time.
I'm not going to lie. EVE can generally be very boring if you don't know how to do everything exactly right. I hated this game when I first tried it. In fact, I came back to buy an account 3 years later. But the main reason I like EVE is the diversity and the community. EVE is exactly like a game of chess;just with space ships. You can have two of the same ships but it depends on the specific fit each one has. that will determine the outcome of the winner. This, along with the free-will to do whatever you please to do in EVE, is what I find the interesting aspect of the game. The other is the community. I like EVE because of the(mainly)mature group of players. Trials don't really count because most of them are 9 year-olds who can't afford to buy or play the game. This game is different from other popular MMOs for 1 thing: You need a brain to play it. Now most people think it's pretty stupid to play a game and actually have to think to enjoy it but it's good fun. Plus, when you win a fight you feel a lot smarter than your opponent in the end.
I hope Bioware puts that reporter to good use in the final game. With Shepard on trial, she could be in the "anti" camp, get captured and indoctrinated by the reapers, then you finally get to kill her.
Went ahead and converted over to version 2. works like a charm!! Only thing left to do is configure Sega Saturn. I looked at some of the other front-ends like Hyperspin and Maximus Arcade... both of them have .ini files for running Saturn games with SSF. My guess is they are also using a batch file to open up Daemon Tools or something like that as well....
Also, I was curious as to what you use for your Sega Saturn setup and if ROM Shelf has a way to detect virtual drives. I use SSF, but due to it not loading .ISO files without mounting them first, I haven't configured it within ROM Shelf.
Cool, I've got a new media Center PC on the way... should be here in a few days. I plan on doing a whole new configuration starting from scratch. I'll give version 2 a go on that PC. Suppose I want to update my other Media PC with version 2... do I have to delete everything and start over? Or can I just import certain files over from V2?
>By using a sqlite database, does that mean if a ROM isn't in the database (Say a ROM hack) that Romshelf wont recognize it?
No, the changes only affect how the list of roms and ratings is stored after it is generated. In version 1, the list of roms for each system is stored in a plain text file and then loaded into a huge number of script variables. The problem with this is that 1. reading and parsing huge text files is slow and 2. there is a bug in the torque script engine where if you have a huge number of variables it will randomly forget about some of them. Switching over to the sql database fixes both of these problems.
>Is there a way to keep ROM shelf from displaying all the clones of various games?
v2 parses the xml dump from the mame exe to remove non-working games, clones and can optionally remove games that require various custom control schemes (ie lightgun, dial, keyboard, etc). There is also a custom clone list that I made because the internal mame data is inaccurate in some cases.
I'm not too sure I want to switch to version 2... a few questions: By using a sqlite database, does that mean if a ROM isn't in the database (Say a ROM hack) that Romshelf wont recognize it? Also, I have a full-set of Mame ROMs. Is there a way to keep ROM shelf from displaying all the clones of various games? or displaying games that simply dont run?
There are no earwigs where I've live my whole life. It's too cold here. The bugs warm places have freak me out to the point of not wanting to move. I'll stick with bear, moose, and deer thanks.
I felt...I don't know, badish for Jin, but then I stopped caring because I didn't care about the crappy cut-scenes from that game and focused on wailing on zombies with my sweet Kanabo.
My strategy was to whore up the magic range attacks or distract enemies with the summoned wrymling. Magic training and ley walker tap mean basically infinite mana. Unarmed combat so I could double up on orbs and go for maximum magic power. Ley walker teleport spell lets you get the artifacts that spawn on islands, which can then be cashed in for experience via archaeology. Archaeology + Perception to avoid traps, especially doomsday traps like thaumite nest and corruption fluid on later levels. Berserker rage to get through the first level.
Yep, she's on the Citadel. She asks you snide and insinuating (or disingenuously assertive) questions about sacrificing human lives to save the Council (or if you killed them, she has equally slimy comments on that, too). And you can once again knock her on her keester. If you didn't do it in ME1, Shepard will add: "I wish I'd done that the first time we met."
If you have Lair of the Shadow Broker, be sure to look for her in his video archives as well ;)