I'm not going to lie. EVE can generally be very boring if you don't know how to do everything exactly right. I hated this game when I first tried it. In fact, I came back to buy an account 3 years later. But the main reason I like EVE is the diversity and the community. EVE is exactly like a game of chess;just with space ships. You can have two of the same ships but it depends on the specific fit each one has. that will determine the outcome of the winner. This, along with the free-will to do whatever you please to do in EVE, is what I find the interesting aspect of the game. The other is the community. I like EVE because of the(mainly)mature group of players. Trials don't really count because most of them are 9 year-olds who can't afford to buy or play the game. This game is different from other popular MMOs for 1 thing: You need a brain to play it. Now most people think it's pretty stupid to play a game and actually have to think to enjoy it but it's good fun. Plus, when you win a fight you feel a lot smarter than your opponent in the end.