Clone v.1172011-09-07 04:17:44
I like basghetties
Tuevon2011-09-07 04:02:56
No really, where is that, your front yard? Jesus, hope not at a cemetary. :C
Bisjac2011-09-07 03:00:05
I bet there is treasure under that brick.
.:FancyPants:.2011-09-07 02:57:51
That's our job; worry about cement and yell at people whos family members have died.
Badspot2011-09-07 02:48:30
Good lord you people will read anything into anything.
Lesrock2011-09-07 02:47:39
>Oh jesus christ this better not mean what I think it means.

Same. :C
SeventhSandwich2011-09-06 20:49:36

Oh jesus christ this better not mean what I think it means.
Avi2011-09-06 09:59:44
those things are gross!
JesusFish2011-09-04 19:33:04
Nauss2011-09-04 15:12:32
Everything could be grimey from all the attendee's, but a fail nonetheless.
Nauss2011-09-04 15:08:15
No kidding dude, y so serious?
Nero25252011-09-04 13:31:28
um...i dont think thats the space marine's arm...
Quontos2011-09-04 11:55:17
God i hate this shitty laptop, it always double-posts shit...
Quontos2011-09-04 11:54:32
And i woulda buried the bodies :D
Quontos2011-09-04 11:54:28
And i woulda buried the bodies :D
Some Pervert2011-09-03 08:35:20
I thought its call "Busty Hearts" ... common mistake, I guess.
Loqe2011-09-02 18:35:25
Actually, the game is quite clear up there called "Rusty Hearts", a low poly asian hach'n'slash, not much fun.
redbaron2011-09-02 10:31:02
I woulda paid for your lawyer....
Marcem2011-09-02 04:58:26
"Made in the USA!" suggests that it is a physical product, but whatever it actually is will remain a mystery.
Badspot2011-09-01 20:31:00
There is an ascii-only white list filter. Prevents people from breaking the page layout with unicode formatting characters.
Caspian2011-09-01 10:02:23
Damn, your site seems to not accept cyrillic. Me is sad.
Caspian2011-09-01 10:01:53
. ? !

Now figure out what language this is.
DJ2011-08-31 18:51:12
I can see why there isn't any rules against Language in BL...
DJ2011-08-31 18:41:41
The one on the Far left is Broken and Not Looking at the Camera, Is that it?
TheChaosCarrier2011-08-31 16:31:23
fapfapfap2011-08-31 13:04:53
Trogtor2011-08-31 13:02:01
Its his Masturbation Machine
Trogtor2011-08-31 12:59:23
My parents had one of these.
Avi2011-08-31 10:09:42
I think it's okay to make something and still criticize others' work. There are a few professional wine tasters that eventually start their own vineyards, and it might not be the greatest wine ever, but it is to them, and they still drink other adult-grape-juice.
Avi2011-08-31 10:06:45
needs more boobs
Nero25252011-08-29 19:28:51
well halfway thru my post i relized that and thats why i put in the "but blockland is a completely different game and i gess thers gona be at least one that doesint like it" but i was just shocked that he called it shit thats all so i apologize
Herrerarausaure2011-08-29 12:02:34

Alright then.
dartigen2011-08-29 08:52:31
Urgh. I can't stand Collectors, they just...urgh. I live in a house that's terminally bug-infested so I'm sort of conditioned to hate and be disgusted by anything remotely insect-like.

(I keep wishing for the Normandy to get a ship's cat. For pest control, I swear!)
dartigen2011-08-29 08:49:31
Garrus. Sniper rifle. Balcony. Get Morinth out into a back alley. Boom headshot. Mission accomplished. Never saw it coming.

What annoyed me was how Shepard JUST FREAKIN' SAT THERE WHILE SAMARA AND MORINTH WERE FIGHTING. The whole time I'm like 'do something, Shepard! Where is your mad Marine Kung Fu? Where are your insane Vanguard skillz? DO SOMETHING!'
Avi2011-08-29 01:48:12
that's amazing.

You should play DDO!
Mr. event2011-08-26 00:07:51
I find this disturbing...
Master Pogoys2011-08-25 19:33:19
umm dude he says hes calling it an enderman but their real names are slenderman
Mr. event2011-08-25 00:19:54
Her breasts seem to be spring loaded...
2011-08-24 00:40:38
Let me guess. You used the portal gun to create portals they would fall into, bounce right back up, but before they came back down you moved the portal, until this was achieved.
2011-08-24 00:33:14
Notch isn't calling him slenderman, its enderman. Read the wiki.
2011-08-24 00:02:53
He can't unsee it.
2011-08-24 00:02:53
He can't unsee it.
Ector2011-08-23 13:17:44
that's probably the dumbest argument I've ever heard of. What does making Blockland have to do with anything here? And why do you think that EVERYone thinks it's awesome?
Rusty2011-08-22 14:12:47
I.O.U one bro-fist. Bloody awesome work.
Fifth2011-08-22 03:13:14
Preparing eggs the Filipino way I see. Balut
2011-08-22 00:52:40
Is It Really Important To Talk Like This?
2011-08-22 00:42:05
A man can't have lesbian oral sex dumbass.
Lord Tony2011-08-21 16:30:14
I'm watching the movie right now on TV. :D
FUCKER2011-08-21 14:21:51
Max43442011-08-21 01:10:00
Where is that brick?
LeetZero2011-08-20 19:17:23
I'd say the joke isn't related to the bots, but to the screen.
A hi-tech sci-fi stuff-you-never-seen facility requiring a disk to proceed. I mean seriously, what?
Liriuscat2011-08-20 18:32:11
Nero25252011-08-20 02:27:26
-quote- badspot: the game is shit. Don't play it. -quote- i can't believe the one who made blockland is saying this, but blockland is a completely different game and i gess thers gona be at least one that doesint like this game eventhough to everyone else its awsome and i mean EVERYone else
BurnaBoy2011-08-20 02:03:19
You Made me Google it!!!
Strbrst2011-08-20 01:08:34
Who the hell would take Tali into the final battle??
Toast2011-08-19 16:50:45
Why is it every time these 2 chicks are in a comic they are in their underwear? Don't they have clothes?
VegetarianZombie2011-08-19 14:40:50
Does that little sign in the bottom right say "Boots" or "Boobs"
Menen2011-08-17 13:56:49
Badspot what the hell?
Man of Derp2011-08-13 17:57:55
Thats the prototype for the fleshlight everyone
Scott2011-08-13 01:49:42
Oooh Jessica Rabbit :D
Courtney2011-08-13 01:09:05
I go to sleep "retarded", then wake up as a "zero point". Then I go on with my day with my hair down because ponytails are ugly.
Nero25252011-08-12 21:31:25
wow lol i think you should turn the graphics DOWN (somthing weird happends when i turn mine all the way up, but not this weird (also, FIRST))

also im Ziga/shiningNero wich are my 2 lvl 24s

and its funny how you were 00.06% away from leveling XD
Me2011-08-11 21:22:48
Nice boobs
SickBritKid2011-08-11 05:05:09
Wait a second. Shepard's only barefoot in that one comic! For all we know, it could've been a coloring error!
Mr. event2011-08-10 23:37:10
"Penalty for private use, $360" - wtf?
Mr. event2011-08-10 23:35:09
Pocket pussy
Fiesta!2011-08-10 14:23:46
Fiesta Spider :(
ToastBro2011-08-10 11:52:50
Oh lol...
ToastBro2011-08-10 11:49:54
I saw lost spider once
ToastBro2011-08-10 11:46:53
Wheres slenderman?
jgy2011-08-10 11:16:47
Brickbot2011-08-09 22:04:13
jntcoolman2011-08-09 14:30:58
No!! none of them arent turrets cause if you look at the body of the turrets then p-body's body then they are the same so p-body is a turret but with modifications like they took out the kill command the guns replaced the sides with arms and made the legs made for testing so p-body is technically a turret just modified to be built for testing and not to kill
Ben2011-08-09 02:58:31
I am Ben and this is me and my cat.
Jeb2011-08-08 18:26:09
Aw. I thought this was my parents way of making me take a bath.
Long Shot2011-08-08 00:56:40
I find the boobs(and picture)APPROVED
MegaScience2011-08-06 18:07:30
Wished to correct the above, as it will eventually get flamed: After I first made that post, I did find tons of videos of people going way further. Sad. Hyped myself over nothing.
MegaScience2011-08-06 18:02:19
What brought you to this? :o
MegaScience2011-08-06 18:01:23
It's like her ass is made of boob.
Access2011-08-06 13:30:12
Pure class.
SeventhSandwich2011-08-06 06:31:52
I approve of those fine boobs.
Quontos2011-08-06 02:21:21
I love how you draw da boobs.
Roenik2011-08-05 16:41:05
Sumptuous and demure.

Your distinctive lines can never be missed :)

Josheua2011-08-04 18:59:56
Hai kirby
stromdriver2011-08-04 10:16:10
a jewish sorceress?
kirby2011-08-04 09:39:29
hey! how do you download this game?!?!?! i really really REALLY want to play that game so much!!!!!
lilrobot2011-08-04 00:51:31
you should let me play portal 2 with you.
Owl2011-08-03 17:06:31
The game does suck
after 3 mins of playing i quit
xployalist2011-08-03 10:35:17
In the third panel, "ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL."
SeventhSandwich2011-08-03 09:14:12
dat ass.
Wallacoloo2011-08-03 01:40:40
I looked up "Bob's Game", And I have next to no respect for that guy anymore. Although, I am quite confused as to whether it's all a big joke or if he actually did and believes all those things. He claims to have gotten offers from 12 different publishers to publish his game on the DS, and then to have turned them down. He says he wanted Nintendo to make their platform open to indies, and then after failing he decided it would be better to make his own console for indies. But nothing he says can be believed... I'm pretty sure a console with those specs would only be attractive to developers like myself who like to tinker anyways. But regardless, I have to say I agree with you about the nD now.
PS, you should add some sort of character counter to this text-box so I can see how many characters I have left.
Badspot2011-08-03 00:04:00
Upon rereading the description of "Bob's game" on the nD page, I can't rule out the possibility that the whole game could be a joke. The plot of the game references the delusions of the developer about the failure of the game. I'm not convinced this game ever existed.
Badspot2011-08-02 23:52:22
My assessment of the nD is based on the people involved in the project, not the idea itself. I'm sure a small, cheap, open source handheld could be made - but not by these people.

The nD is being developed by a person who spent 6 years dicking around with a 2D rpg staring himself as the savior of the games industry. In the info about the game the first thing he mentions is himself, as if the author is the most important part of the game. He describes himself as a game maker prodigy despite having never shipped a game (as far as I can tell).

When he got rejected by Nintendo, rather than ship the damn thing on pc or android or iPhone, he threw a complete hissy fit. He staged a protest where he locked himself in a room for 100 days. He has publicly stated "I am far better than Miyamoto, Itoi, Kojima, Carmack, and Wright COMBINED."

The nD webpage is made by this same person. There is clearly no graphical designer on the team. The games section is populated with garbage made by children. Who is designing this thing? Who is funding it? The whole thing is a giant drama fueled make believe ego wank.
Wallacoloo2011-08-02 22:34:53
If perhaps your doubts are more about why a person would make something like this and sell it at a price just to break even rather than profit, consider the whole world of open source software.

I didn't intend to write such a long letter. But the point is that the nD COULD be successful, and you shouldn't be so quick to reject that possibilty.
Wallacoloo2011-08-02 22:34:41
If perhaps your doubts are more about the feasibility of a hobbyist to develop such a thing and obtain the parts, the field of electrical engineering is actually very open. Anyone can sample microcontrollers from places like for free, and there's a wealth of information and tutorials on the 'net for how to interface with displays and such. Personally, I've gotten a pic microcontroller to output video to VGA as well as a cheap cell-phone display, and audio to speakers. It's not much further to go until you've got a stripped down handheld console like the nD aims to be. Some people have even independently developed more advanced consoles than the nD just for personal use.
Wallacoloo2011-08-02 22:34:15
Sorry, I have to split this across multiple comments...
I wouldn't be so surprised if the nD was actually released. Just look at all the hype from people like Alp. There are thousands of people that would buy it in an instant (including myself - I've always enjoyed tinkering with things like that). He projects his price to be $10, which is a bit of a stretch. I think it's more for marketing purposes. However, it is a very lean design. He could probably get $20/unit in bulk, especially if he settles on a cheap battery. If he sells it for $20, it's still dirt cheap enough to where all the people excited about it will still buy it.
Mr. event2011-08-02 18:10:56
This gives me night mares...
Mr. event2011-08-02 18:08:52
Shazang2011-08-01 20:37:50
Mysteriously, there's a pile of jizz in my briefs...
Random NPC2011-07-31 22:48:50
MegaScience don't be a dick. "Dunce" knows it's not portal, they were just making a joke because of the eggshell-white style of Portal on the thing.