Comic Ovophagy
You're not really eating something unless it was once alive.


Panel 1
[A kitchen]
Ms.Eat: Ooh! What's all this?
Ms.Cook: I'm making my own Cadbury's Creme Eggs

Panel 2
Ms.Eat: Looks delicious, but why not just buy some?
Ms.Cook: I would have to wait until easter. Plus... the Cadbury's version never lived up to my expectations.

Panel 3
Ms.Eat: What's this crunchy bit?
Ms.Cook: The embryo

Blarh2010-07-04 23:30:21
What's with the apron?
Jorna2010-07-05 08:50:06
Hydralisk2010-07-05 15:42:57
PERV2010-07-05 23:10:22
boobs :) lol jk im not a perv
Spock2010-07-06 07:00:12
Less funny, more cheesecake

fine with me
Comr4de2010-07-06 07:45:00
:( poor egg
Lordician2010-07-06 18:26:06
@last frame:
Meeses2010-07-07 05:46:58
MB UR MUM2010-07-07 18:44:22
Pervy pervy2010-07-10 04:34:56
Apron FTW? :P
Boom2010-07-12 07:34:56
Is it just me, or is all that girl is wearing is an apron?
The Duggler2010-08-03 22:03:48
Ha! New Cadbury Solid Eggs. They're crunchalicious!

I must try that sometime.
Antares2010-08-16 22:17:16
Wait the girl only carry an pink outfit without bra, panties or anything else? I would bang that slut on the kitchen table.
Plant2010-09-01 01:27:34
Cheeseburger Apocalypse2010-09-01 21:17:04
Ive seen one of those chinese dishs' that have the chicken embryo partially developed. This just reminds me of that abomination.
Shadowed9992010-09-07 17:45:42
( . )( . ) FTW
2010-12-05 21:39:00
Chocolate makes everything delicious! It's in the 5 chapter of the Female Instruction Manual
Magpie2010-12-05 21:39:12
Chocolate makes everything delicious! It's in the 5 chapter of the Female Instruction Manual
EtrnL_Frost2010-12-05 23:04:16
Why is it that this one made me laugh the most? I need to invest in a psychiatrist...
Alex2010-12-28 21:12:18
Was she wearing anything under that apron?
Bloody Mary2011-01-04 00:09:06
I could have sworn that the last panel changed.
I thought it was just "The embryo"
Anon2011-03-04 22:26:25
The commentary text really made this for me.
Alex2011-04-09 10:15:32
She looked like pure evil in that last panel. It would've had more effect if she laughed evilly at the end.
Mady022011-07-18 23:22:08
i bet thats a trick :P
Fifth2011-08-22 07:13:14
Preparing eggs the Filipino way I see. Balut

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