Marvel Vs Capcom 3
psylocke animation
I found this rather incredible image on a certain popular anonymous image board. The story is that it's a leaked sprite from the as yet unannounced Marvel Vs Capcom 3. This story seems plausible given the quality of the animation.

There was also some speculation that it is a MUGEN sprite - but that seems highly unlikely as most MUGEN sprites I've seen are either straight rips or hideous edits of existing game sprites and this appears to be new, proffessional work.

Necromanolo2010-03-13 11:45:52
Yep... quiet amazing the quality of this sprite...
I hope it's true that Marvel Vs Capcom 3 Rumor.

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AlexGT2010-08-10 14:30:33
Surprisingly peolpe can't press the permalink button.
Antoine2010-08-29 05:02:32
That's great work!
Shy2011-05-01 16:16:47
OMG! look see Marvel Vs Capcom 3!
Me2011-08-11 21:22:48
Nice boobs
Mr. event2011-08-25 00:19:54
Her breasts seem to be spring loaded...
Roxas2012-04-24 02:48:46
Which Mugen version of her is this?
Scott2014-06-16 09:00:33
I like her jugs.

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