rex2018-12-08 20:05:54
anyone still playing this?
rex2018-12-08 20:05:53
anyone still playing this?
realy cool guy2018-12-07 18:33:10
first coment
milkface2018-12-04 05:18:47
hi, make a christmas special please :D
Gothboy2018-12-03 00:09:59
Occasionally I go through these again and I noticed I commented back in just trying to figure out who the hell I was responding to and why lol. I don't see anyone named Shell in the comments here. I supposed I posted in the wrong place that day. Whoops :3
Gothboy2018-12-02 23:56:44
oh gosh this brings back memories! blood does make every game better >:D
Gothboy2018-12-02 23:48:24
"strangely, many of them run slower on a 3+ GHz computer with Windows 10 than they did on a Pentium-200 with Windows 95. Thanks Microsoft."

I've noticed some games that ran on xp/vista/7 smoothly - but when ran on windows 8/10 you get mass FPS drops - one game that comes to mind is Hard Time
Pp2018-12-02 23:32:26
It fell off
Niggre fucking shit whore bitch2018-12-02 18:36:13
My penis is thick
2018-12-02 14:35:40
Insert obligatory "you need to work on blockland" comment
Glass Tony2018-11-30 18:20:40
>friend of mine
Fake and gay, Badspot has no friends.
asdasd2018-11-29 15:28:36
Btw ur auto ban doesn't workasd
asdasd2018-11-29 15:24:28

<img src=doesnotexist onerror="alert('great xss protection')">
asdasd2018-11-29 15:18:04
You don't understand the point of DDG. They aren't a charity. They need to support themselves and the business. The point is that they don't track you and use your personal information to sell the ads to YOU specifically. It's like an advertising company that puts up billboards vs one that has salesmen watch everything you do and then going to you and trying to sell you stuff.

P.S. Your gif is no longer accurate.
Peaj2018-11-24 07:20:01
All Badspot Mass Effect comics are excellent but this is my favourite, not least because it can be shared in ME forums as a response to so many different discussions.:)
PixelCrunch2018-11-22 14:47:22

Panel 1: Pie Crust falls onto the ground with a plop, with a crowd of people looking at him.

Panel 2: Pie Crust, with very suppressed laugh, says in a whispery voice: "I fuck dogs."

Panel 3: The group of people explode upon one another, arguing about whether dogs should be or not be fucked. Translation: CHAOS.

Pie Crust with a smug grin walks off panel.

Hope you liked my script.
PixelCrunch2018-11-22 14:41:04
It's Call of Duty, Plus facts, times realism.
IMAGINE2018-11-22 00:00:44
Imagine being the dude who spent hours building a castle, seeing it being destroyed, and the next day see your castle being destroyed on tv
Charmoh2018-11-19 16:09:52
Very interesting..
nogger2018-11-13 08:14:18
are we down for the day?
Psychedelic2018-11-13 07:03:06
lmao every single comment on the same page?
woodman2018-11-08 16:39:11
nice >:]
ping sprite2018-11-06 16:30:42
SPRITE2018-11-06 16:16:19
pretty old and large
Kidd2018-11-06 15:52:46
how do i delete comments
Kidd2018-11-06 15:52:31
ah i see a fellow supporter
Kenko2018-11-06 15:32:11
Thanks, Badspot
2018-11-06 15:32:06
now THIS is epic.
my face hurts2018-11-05 19:37:00
wow epic skis
Michael2018-11-02 10:03:34
Hey! Vsauce, Michael here.
Darth2018-11-01 20:12:11
who cares edd
lambdatorin2018-11-01 17:03:29
brickadia is full of fucking cry babies and faggots who cant take jokes
edd2018-11-01 15:02:31
what the fuck are you crying for its a bootleg version of the forum and youre still angry over the evil trolls
A true Lady eh2018-11-01 14:36:18
What the heck who broke the forums this time?

Darth2018-11-01 14:34:59
It's honestly amazing how many BOS users come in here to create the most toxic cesspool of human beings to ever exist within a day. I know the BLF3 has been here for a while but still, my point stands valid
kidalex2018-11-01 14:33:02
Plastijames is a fucking retard
Pyrocinical2018-11-01 14:30:32
Who is this cute little lesbian?
kidatschool2018-11-01 14:07:22
This Si UnEpic..
TableSalt2018-11-01 14:05:28
tell the hosting provider to stop having a few hours of planned maintenance at the hosting provider
jam jar2018-11-01 13:43:00
free brickadia keys for sale
Dog2018-11-01 13:38:56
This is fine.
fuck2018-11-01 13:35:26
Badspot2018-11-01 12:48:37
There's a few hours of planned maintenance at the hosting provider.
2018-11-01 12:33:30
we dead again?
Isaiah Austin2018-10-31 17:55:30
Never mind. Finished it!
a2018-10-29 11:26:32
where my october 2018 vros at
PixelCrunch2018-10-28 10:08:53
Super Mehrio Lande!
PixelCrunch2018-10-28 10:08:08
This game is actually a base for my current Engineering project.

A simple Game o' Life program, running on Win7.
PixelCrunch2018-10-28 10:05:53
This would make for a good Single-Level doom wad.

PixelCrunch2018-10-28 10:03:39
I'm a Pices, so I think I got a good horoscope.

S2018-10-26 21:21:50
why dont you call it kawaii
Isaiah Austin2018-10-26 13:28:41
I can't even finish the game!
Isaiah Austin2018-10-26 13:27:49
At the end of World 2-3, I keep getting stuck in the ground!
Badspot2018-10-26 12:47:04
I have no idea what you're doing. Just download the zip file and extract it, don't try to save the web page or whatever.
Badspot2018-10-26 11:54:13
I made this in Macromedia Flash over 13 years ago. But I do still have the files and I have uploaded them for you if you really want them
PixelCrunch⬿2018-10-26 11:05:52
What program did you use to make this? I wanna expand on this beauty.
Isaiah Austin2018-10-25 12:57:02
I have downloaded the file on my PC, but when I click on it, it just accesses the game code. What do I need to do to play the game?!?
omgacat5202018-10-25 03:25:00
Damn. I miss this game, was super fun, maybe a steam workshop? - it would definitely revive the playerbase. This game could get such a cult following, I don't understand the lack of interest in the project! @badspot
Badspot2018-10-22 21:42:24
All of these games are working for me. If you're having a problem, describe it.
Kittzy2018-10-22 16:38:21
This was my childhood game on my moms old windows Xp computer
ep2018-10-22 14:32:04
Squiddy?2018-10-22 13:33:42
Squiddy?2018-10-22 13:33:10
Squiddy?2018-10-22 13:32:44
Squiddy?2018-10-22 13:24:44
Heh Hes Liar. I POEPPD
Deokotaru2018-10-21 06:56:42
Will comment as I listen & stuff

Japan does some weirder shit than Fear Factor.
You guys just feel old for understanding the references of your generation, while newer generations usually don't get it. Imagine how the people older than you feel.

Damn, I've watched Conan more recently than you guys. And I don't even watch it.

Bomb physics, bomb-conversion, rolling rocks, conveyor belts (on/off/reversible), bear traps, falling blocks, keys, and dozens of things to be distributed into levels. In 3 chapters: Discovery, Adventure, Insanity. Powerups in adventures collecting 3 orbs 3 secret levels challenges (coin-collecting/speedrunning/death/superhard?)
more stuff comfirmed

Blob thing that grows? Creeper Mod? (Nvm, I see you found it)

Badspot didn't name Blockland, some random guy from another forum did. Awesome.

By the way, are you doing OK since that injury Rotondo?

Sounds like Perennial will have better physics than Blockland.

25.28% Complete. Nice. Hub world!

Yes I think there should be. I'm one of those people who would try to get everything the first time if I'm unsure I could return. Many games DO in fact do that. I'm often reminded that "You can go back to revisit levels that you have previously completed.". And usually they're accompanied by more content. Just hopefully not grindy required content.

All physics stuff from Perennial came from Badspot's ass. (CONFIRMED)
Squat some out for Blockland. Grab some coffee.

Lmao didn't you name Slate
RIP Slate

Nice Podcast. My bad for the long comment.
Badspot2018-10-18 03:19:00
Yeah that sounds like an oversight on my part.
aaron2018-10-16 16:32:28
you dray Miranda good better then default
Jon2018-10-15 16:43:05
like crash test dummies, test drive etc. these are not crap roms
Jon2018-10-15 16:42:06
Every rom with the word test in it is ignored as a crap rom. even with crap rom config deleted. HELP
Isaiah Austin2018-10-13 13:00:39
This is awesome!!! I wanted to play Super Mario Land without downloading an emulator, and this is the best online version of the game I've ever played. Great work!!!
Kid In School2018-10-10 16:33:28
call it Small Bean BEATER!!
Snoopi2018-10-07 23:52:20
Well, I hope in the future you can do player select.
Badspot2018-10-07 23:50:03
Currently it's hardcoded for multiplayer. I think you could make the other players join, control the one you want, then hold the suicide button on the others to remove them.
Snoopi2018-10-07 21:40:43
So, um, I played this today, and I saw Luigi, Wario, and Waluigi. Is there any way to play as them in single player or there isn't?
Hostileuser2018-09-09 22:49:41
Nevermind, I'm stupid
Hostileuser2018-09-09 22:49:24
This video used your comic. Just thought you should know.
the new and impoved forms2018-09-09 19:49:03
:)2018-09-08 19:26:24
i like listening to these podcasts
Burrito2018-09-07 19:36:24
Thanks for the 10 years of fun Badspot, I really got my moneys worth. <3
Hostileuser2018-09-07 00:21:35
As many game critics put it, "it's alright".
Hostileuser2018-09-07 00:15:34
Real cool, man. If only my shaky hands could do something this talented.
Superfun909/wilrnilr2018-09-05 21:30:14
That..actually sounds like a really good idea, though, torquescript might be really hard to port, and I think badspot is just done with blockland content updates.
mcafee?2018-08-31 14:07:55
more like diarrhea
bongus2018-08-31 14:03:32
one day... i will find this and take a giant piss on it
:)2018-08-27 14:39:26
The Heart Emote is the Same as Blockland's :)
slate2018-08-25 02:19:57
Easy2018-08-24 21:23:24
Every thought about porting blockland to Switch? Not saying it would be easy but would be a easy way to make the game blowup again
Not Dotmaster Cade2018-08-24 20:36:32
for the love of god why @personabove
block land2018-08-19 20:50:55
i am dead.
Badspot2018-08-19 18:27:28
You can also directly load a map from the command line like so:
MarioLandfun.exe -map 1-1
Badspot2018-08-19 18:25:45
The color filtering is part of the map data. You can edit the data/*.map files in any text editor and change the "COLOR" lines. Be careful because the map parser is not very error tolerant.

You can also open the .tmx files in a program called TilEd if you want to make your own levels
Sir Leviatan Doom2018-08-18 18:10:16
Incredible work, how could I turn off the color filters? I just finished a color mod !! and I would like to share it, thanks for your attention.
3d?2018-08-17 20:24:16
3D 3D D3D 3D3D 3D
sleep2018-08-16 16:10:27
CRAZEY2018-08-16 15:16:49
can you make a video of you playing some games on it?
Fazza2018-08-15 20:38:46
epic epic
Sir Blockhead2018-08-15 13:16:40

fuck2018-08-13 20:57:15
yeah hes right
JC Denton2018-08-11 23:56:42
heh heh.