sherbet2011-01-04 03:07:59
Sideways ponytail??
Phil E. Drifter2011-01-04 02:33:02
Did she died?
julie2011-01-04 01:44:18
I want to see another one comparing men and how much their pants hang down past their waist!
Joe2011-01-04 01:00:55
I'm 12 and what is this?
Snip3rM00n2011-01-04 00:17:00
Spider2011-01-04 00:04:47
Disagree with 2nd from right. Only girls I saw wear this hairstyle was in Australia and as I used to have long hair myself, realise it's the best way to keep cooler in the hot weather.
Bloody Mary2011-01-03 19:09:06
I could have sworn that the last panel changed.
I thought it was just "The embryo"
I can attest2011-01-03 16:54:29
That the wearer may not be retarded, but they sure look dumb as hell.
Bloody Mary2011-01-03 14:53:50
I just noticed that if you read the panels in the order of 2-1-3, the woman becomes a heartless consumer.
Who donates to cancer research.
It's funny, but meh. 2011-01-03 13:10:19
The "Below average" hairstyle, is probably more so used by people like me who otherwise couldn't keep their thick curly hair from driving them crazy.. which I don't find stupid at all.

If you guys haven't guessed already (this is to those who are getting offended by a silly internet picture. Really? Grow up) How many women do you see with low-tapered ponytails? The nerdy ones with flat hair. It's a stereotype that many movies, cartoons, etc play on, and people give into.

The "Retarded" hairstyle works great when applying makeup, washing your face, keeping your hair out of newly pierced ears (Though I imagine a good headband would do the same.) But I can't say I've seen anyone older than five or so actually wear their hair like that in public, because.. well.. they'd look retarded.
Badspot2011-01-03 13:07:38
^^^ Retard
MutterButter2011-01-03 12:11:37
Yes, let's make generalizations about individuals' intelligence based upon their hairstyles. Apparently I become more intelligent as the day wears on. You should submit this to a scientific journal, as it would probably win you some shiny medal. Mutter.
miked2011-01-03 11:09:27
That is nearly 6 years ago now... jesus christ. I was 15 when I read that Edge article. In fact I remember telling you I saw it in some thread (like "where did you find blockland?") on the forums. Now I'm about to graduate from university. My little brother plays Blockland retail at least once a week and he is now 12 - so he is going through it all again. It won't be the same though. Ah, nostalgia.

I just found your website when it appeared on my reddit homepage:

Hope you are keeping well Eric. I will buy you a pint if you ever drop by London.

miked2011-01-03 11:09:03
My message is too long so I will split it up.

^ Haha! This is how I found Blockland; I remember reading EDGE on a plane to California (I live in the UK) on an Easter vacation. When I returned from the 3 week holiday I remembered those couple paragraphs and downloaded BL 1.002 I think. Weeks later everyone was talking about BL Mods which was the new thing. AiO came along, and RTB challenged them (Lonhaj) soon after. I then spent huge portions of almost all my free time on either blockland or AOT. I recall so much from AOT. The first time I got the gold hook, forming a gang called the penguins, shop roof glitch, the day I guessed purely by chance that your admin password was "vanilla"! I owe a lot of happy memories from my adolescence to you.
A.I.2011-01-03 10:18:28
If you find a dumb girl wearing one of the smarter hair styles, that's called "artificial intelligence", she's just imitating a smarter friend.
mag2011-01-03 10:14:23
soooo goood ! :D thanks
Fuin2011-01-03 07:03:41
I'm amazed of how accurate this is, i never seen type 1 , but all the rest comply with an accuracy of almost 100%.
Henk Poley2011-01-03 05:29:33
I wonder what happens when it goes through the neck and ends up on the chin.
Hieronymous Cowherd2011-01-03 02:55:48
... well, there was a nasty clipping effect. But he seems to bounce right back.
Erythros2011-01-03 02:46:28
Erythros2011-01-03 02:44:59

If he has balls of steel, then why does he cringe after he gets kicked?
muffdyver2011-01-03 01:57:42
what about the side pony tail?
Crakor2011-01-02 23:28:16
> Lol, ZZT doesnt even run on Windows 7, its way too old. xP

Hahahaha "xP" ...
Crakor2011-01-02 23:17:41
Looks like you've found yourself between a rock and a hard place...
masseffectgirl2011-01-02 14:03:40
Oh,okay.Still do you have any suggestions for which romance?
Badspot2011-01-02 01:21:32
I didn't romance anyone in either game. I would have gone for Liara in the first game but I couldn't be bothered to take a 1 minute elevator ride each way between every mission just to see if I had magically unlocked more if the dialog yet.

Jack and Tali were just teases. Forever alone.
masseffectgirl2011-01-01 22:26:01
strong enough to stand up to that kind of beating ? i geuss he must have "puts on glasses" balls of steel

W2011-01-01 17:17:29
I got those genes from your side of the family, mom.
Antares2011-01-01 15:17:54
> Ok, I like!!!!!! Please make a AoT2 and make male models, with the base format of the old game, and jeeps, guns, tanks, whips... OOOOOOOOOhhhhhhh I am getting tingly just thinking about it!!!

Badspot isn't going to make a sequel to Age of Time. He can't keep two games into his hands, and Blockland is on the first place the important game for him. Because thousands of people play it now.
Antares2011-01-01 15:05:20
Woman love space too!
King-Julian2011-01-01 14:44:41
lol only girl can fight XD
King-Julian2011-01-01 14:43:26
(it is the picture on the kitchen((Blockland)))
Matthew2011-01-01 05:50:52
This is SO accurate. When I see this I think on Kandi from Two and a Half Men. lol.
2011-01-01 00:34:18
if only we could have a game like this. nice, simple, and looks fun!
I guess you should just keep up on blockland, since you've been doing phenomonal on that.
Bloody Mary2010-12-31 20:33:01
W, you're a moron.
JP2010-12-31 18:46:21
at least it's not their pubic hair in a pony tail
W2010-12-31 13:07:39
I suspect he's taunting you ... he likes it, most action he got all game and you, his ragdoll of love.
:D2010-12-31 03:31:43
:D :D :D
Shakey2010-12-31 00:58:31
Would be better if they were in reverse order. You know, lead up to the punch line, not away from it.
Masseffectgirl2010-12-31 00:24:36
One of the liines from the renegade ending, if you saved the collecter home world and you're having a final chat with the Illusvive Man. The line chosen ''Don't lecture me.'', what she/he actually says,''Sorry,i'm getting alot of bullshit on this end.''(if you're lucky,sometimes this is added on)''Looks like i'll have to try again later''*DISCONECTS AND WALKS AWAY SMIRKING.*
Masseffectgirl 2010-12-30 23:44:17
if you don't want to tell me,that's okay.
Name2010-12-30 18:33:48
Clearly he has BALLS OF STEEL
masseffectgirl 2010-12-30 15:02:31
Yeah. People Kelly is supposed to have the cerberus logo on the shoulder of her uniform.
Masseffectgirl 2010-12-30 12:05:14
All my characters were loyal and I STILL DIED! Even the two characters at the end were loyal,I checked before I went to the collecter home world. By the way, if you did a playthrough as a girl, who's romance did you do,Ican't choose?
Masseffectgirl2010-12-30 11:52:02
Well,finish it. My friend did that and it was hilarious.The renegade ending is so funny.
Bloody Mary2010-12-30 01:10:21
I have never heard of this game, but I'm strangely intrigued.

I also love the non-comic updates.
I suggest you do more.
Badspot2010-12-30 00:01:25
About one and half times. I started a playthrough on hardcore difficulty and making all renegade decisions but I have not finished.
Badspot2010-12-29 23:58:50
>Okay you may want to go back and redo the playthrough

I did play through the ending sequence several times to see what happens when you save everyone, however I consider the first play through to be what "really" happened. Playing through the game spontaneously with no save file manipulation or future knowledge makes the story more interesting to me.

>if miranda or any of your teammates die in this one then you won't have them in the third game

I suspect there will be plenty of new teammates.

>I did all the loyalty missions but I still died.

But were the two you took to the final battle still loyal? You can lose loyalty on a character even after completing the loyalty mission.

>Oh,by the way, how did Miranda die but not Grunt?

Grunt was loyal, Miranda was not.
masseffectgirl2010-12-29 22:20:14
well she did say ''be yourself.''
masseffectgirl 2010-12-29 22:03:31
How can you tell the difference from box 1 and 3?Kelly is supposed to have the cerberus logo on the shoulder of her uniform,right?
Masseffectgirl2010-12-29 21:55:55
How many times have you played mass effect 2? I'm asking because it's so detailed.
Masseffectgirl 2010-12-29 21:34:31
Okay you may want to go back and redo the playthrough because if miranda or any of your teammates die in this one then you won't have them in the third game. I did all the loyalty missions but I still died. Strange. Oh,by the way, how did Miranda die but not Grunt?
Badspot2010-12-29 01:49:30
You only die if both of your teammates die in the final cutscene. Then there is no one to pull you onto the ship except joker and his pathetic bones.

It's all about loyalty - if you have a non-loyal person on your team then someone dies. I had Miranda with me on most segments so people died. I took Grunt and Miranda to the final battle. Any non-loyal people you take to the final battle die. So Miranda died but Grunt was there to pull me onto the ship.
Masseffectgirl 2010-12-28 23:34:19
Gee thanks. This time i'll try harder. Wait,how didd half your team die but you didn't?
Alex2010-12-28 16:13:53
This is the first one where I had a proper laugh.
Alex2010-12-28 16:12:18
Was she wearing anything under that apron?
SavageCorona2010-12-28 15:47:57
Hi Curse.
CURSE2010-12-28 02:30:04
while(1){}? jk wtf is this?
lol2010-12-26 17:09:16
i lol'd
1) first


3) hey wait thats not the name i typed gah that song follows me everywhere
Badspot2010-12-26 01:01:22
Uh.. good job? I only killed Legion, Tali, Zaeed, Miranda and Mordin.
Badspot2010-12-25 23:56:36
I haven't had any formal instruction or anything since high school. It's basically just practice and studying the things you want to draw.
Masseffectgirl 2010-12-24 21:09:53
(PLEASE REPLY)So badspot is your website.huh. I was so pissed off when I played this because I got the ending where sheperd dies.
Masseffectgirl2010-12-24 21:04:02
How/Where did you learn to draw like that? It's incredible!
Masseffectgirl2010-12-24 21:00:29
oh, so this is your drawing? You're really talented. I can't beleive ME3 is coming out next year! Have you seen the trailer yet?
Marks Fector2010-12-24 17:58:29
LewnaJa, not to be mean or anything but just leave walk away just let Badspot be don't make him more angry at you..
Badspot2010-12-24 04:33:20
I drew it. Badspot is one person. Me.
Masseffectgirl2010-12-23 22:57:33
(Please reply)Did someone else actually draw this or was it someone at badspot?
Masseffectgirl2010-12-23 16:02:09
I know it's a bad user name,(no offence)but his commenary is hilarious!You know how the explination at the beggining that tells you what's happening,how it goes so fast so you can't read it? Fav. line from his commentary-''What the fuck and shit how is anyone supposed to read that?! It's just like the first game!It's so fast! Okay fine, here we go,(LAUGHS)mission 1!'' Also,''Comander Sheperd is dead.Mass Effect 2...emo edition.'' And," Here we go,final boss ! Oh shit it's actually functional!" LOL!
Masseffectgirl2010-12-23 15:42:47
LOL!Awesome comic. Does anyone else notice that,1. all the reapers in the second box are different species? 2.The human reaper has four eyes?OMG I can't stop playing this game.My older brother is going to make a character,give him a evil name and go fucking totally evil...sorry,"renagade".Go to google and type in ''Mass Effect 2 biggest prick in the galaxy.'' So funny.Then go to YouTube and type in ''Darksydephil mass effect 2 playthrough''Then get ready to fall off your chair laughing! He adds commentary
Masseffectgirl 2010-12-23 15:16:36
I love this comic.You're a really talented drawer! I'm on my second playthrough of Mass Effect 2 and ME3 is comming out next Christmas.If you want to see the trailer,go to YouTube and search Mass Effect 3 debut trailer.
kaylee2010-12-22 13:11:26
Voc pediu, aqui est...
2010-12-20 20:38:36
good luck XD
Alex2010-12-20 16:08:53
The game looks pretty cool. Are you going to release it?
Alex2010-12-20 16:07:56
That looked so fun. We should have more days like that.
Phildog2010-12-20 09:48:30
Tool me a second, but then when I made out the letters I burst out laughing.
Shadowed9992010-12-19 12:22:46
Gig Giggity
Serj2010-12-17 21:24:33
it looks like a waffle
Borno2010-12-17 12:37:33
Ok Now i feel like playing ME2 AGAIN just to play with YOUR femshep cause she seems like the funniest, most lovable Badass ever!
Borno2010-12-17 12:25:38
"BLAM" is perhaps the single best punchline I've ever heard!
LewnaJa2010-12-16 15:11:17
Indeed it has. Back in 2008 I was still a fucktarded child with an undeveloped maturity. I am now fourteen years old and am most definantly capable of this shit. If anyone believes otherwise they can do dig a hole and die in it for all I care.
Zomg2010-12-16 03:23:39
Zomg, Did it actually go from 2008 to 2010?.. Pardon my Stupidity.
Question Mark2010-12-16 00:25:21
If I don't speak English, how would I know to type some incomprehensible gibberish in the comments? Or maybe it is some reverse psychology trick to make us English speaking people type gibberish!

I'm on to you...
Badspot2010-12-15 10:12:45
I first played the game when I was 4. I did not beat the game without warping until I was 24. That's 20 years. The actual play through took a little over an hour.
Race Pro Kid2010-12-14 10:42:34
LOL wow how did that happen
Race Pro Kid2010-12-14 10:40:02
Did you really beat it in 20 YEARS? Or is it sarcasticness?
Dash2010-12-13 10:55:53
ZZT 4.0 works on modern operating systems.
Dave2010-12-13 07:27:46
Cracking tits.
JG2010-12-12 20:57:54
Amo estos comics. <3
Aaowf2010-12-12 15:12:47
Lol its that picture from the kitchen in blockland
tita2010-12-10 15:20:29
daww cute leetl spider
i wub dem spideeers
2010-12-10 10:47:51
Oh mah GAWD. That's hilarious! I love your comics. Make more.
Name ->2010-12-10 05:20:11
I have lost all hope for you.
Titanium2010-12-10 01:27:25
2010-12-09 17:16:06
I am offended
aWanderingJedi2010-12-08 09:59:26
Space Hamster is not amused!
aWanderingJedi2010-12-08 09:58:00
Hey, Samara said 'be yourself'! What did you expect?
W2010-12-07 08:42:30
Yeah, never found Samara attractive, and Tali was my ME series crush, so it was even more painful when you couldn't femmance her.
Metal2010-12-07 04:28:50
It's like sandpaper? OH GOD.