Shrek2015-03-18 17:44:18
implants much
Donkey2015-03-18 17:43:35
The Killer Cop #3112015-03-13 07:23:40
Radical, I'm totally gonna try this later today.
Bloxers2015-03-11 19:19:47
Those old shadows looked so good...
Jopojoseph2015-03-09 11:46:26
Jopojoseph2015-03-07 17:06:52
Jopojoseph2015-03-07 16:29:11
NumberOneTuxedo2015-03-07 14:53:07
Badspot, this is one of your greatest games.
2015-03-06 14:49:56
tha fyoochur
:v2015-03-06 11:46:48
For this game you not worked in Blockland? Dear...

But this game is very awesome.
Dave-2015-03-01 21:55:11
Why do you want the download link to the prototype version of Blockland? The real version is available, you can get the demo version for free, or pay I think $10 for the real version.
Dave-2015-03-01 00:22:08
I just recently got Super Mario Land on the Gameboy, heh, funny.
Dave-2015-03-01 00:20:39
Dis game, doe.
Dave-2015-03-01 00:16:51
SalivalTheSecond2015-02-28 04:31:53
>Kick your legs
So, your saying he has more then 2 legs to kick his legs?
My brain is melting,
SalivalTheSecond2015-02-28 04:29:59
First rule of Salival, never use chrome to download spesific stuff.
Badspot2015-02-26 15:34:55
>It don't let me

This is always a useless statement. Provides no information at all. You might as well just kick your legs and scream.
...2015-02-25 22:04:02
It don't let me download it.
Blocklander9992015-02-21 09:51:37
This is an amazing job
That Probaly took an ton of time to make
Rocket Da Raccoon!2015-02-21 09:45:26
i only have a mac osx2015-02-19 20:42:42
can you make it compatible for mac?
JJstorm2015-02-19 20:09:30
Nice. How much did it cost? Lol
Lozenge2015-02-19 19:56:42
"Badspot may have banned me from the Blockland Forums but he won't stop me from making comments on this website!"

"Wait, he owns this website too?"

deprisun2015-02-16 20:24:17
Feels just like the old one. And I still hate that sphynx.
2015-02-16 16:33:48
glad they decided to add more racial diversity to this game
Set2015-02-16 12:04:08
That must have been really hard to make in visual basic! o.o
JBlitz2015-02-14 16:35:38
Woo hoo!
bedpost2015-02-14 11:57:48
Holy Shit! Its Robinsons-May when it was then known as Robinsons! :D
Badspot2015-02-14 00:13:23
The Evil Corporation2015-02-13 19:18:31
This game will not run on my computer
SalivalTheSecond2015-02-13 13:11:54
Oh lol, i missed the "support" part lol.
Badspot's long lost brother2015-02-13 10:16:03
Wow! Nice job!
freek2015-02-12 17:38:28
it was worth the wait
Badspot2015-02-12 17:05:29
>I need a joystick?

You can use the keyboard. Arrow keys + z/x are the default keys, and you can reconfigure them in the options.
SalivalTheSecond2015-02-12 15:47:37
Forgot to say? I need a joystick?
Fuck that.
SalivalTheSecond2015-02-12 15:46:52
Childhood, comming back. Old times, very precious and fun.
Cca2015-02-12 15:12:15
I have over 10 confirmed kills on the game before dying. Pretty legit
Xhozer2015-02-12 10:07:04
TBD2015-02-12 09:06:31
Looks cool I'll be sure to try it out
Blockland Forums2015-02-12 08:46:03
you will never forget me! I will spread my autism onto here!
Mario2015-02-12 05:15:17
Freakishly awesome
TableSalt2015-02-12 04:12:18
SalivalTheSecond2015-02-11 13:50:09
To be honest, TGE games suck, well the gameplay somewhat is great, but TGE is not a good engine to run a game due to the graphical issues, glitches, unlogical stuff depending on what game it is etc. But, i do like MMO RPG games, such as tribe, but the bugs and glitches(aspecially graphical) melts my heart deaply.
zer2015-02-10 08:05:14
still alive! 2015
SalivalTheSecond2015-02-09 04:04:53
Cant hurt to try, if it fails, i will commit suicide.
SalivalTheSecond2015-02-08 09:11:14
If thats more then 8 euros then i will kill myself.
Badspot2015-02-06 18:34:56
How about buying a steam card with your credit card, then buying the game on steam with steam wallet funds.
Badspot2015-02-06 18:33:24
Virus total shows 0 matches:

Chrome says " is not commonly downloaded", which is true, but a rather useless warning.

If you're having some other warning pop up, please be specific.
SalivalTheSecond2015-02-06 06:57:04
If your using chrome, dont worry, that browser bullshits everyone.
:v2015-02-05 23:18:18
A virus detected.
SalivalTheSecond2015-02-05 06:05:23
Fuck i get over reacted when i try something a hundreds of times and i fail work.
SalivalTheSecond2015-02-05 06:02:41
Badspot, i told you a billion times i checked every single goddamn detail. Steam doesnt work. My credit card is "on" if you know what i mean, by that i mean it has accses to purchase anything from the webz.
Jasa2015-02-04 21:13:58
If the website purchase isn't working purchase it on Steam.
Badspot2015-02-04 13:06:29
Ok. Did you check all of those things?
SalivalTheSecond2015-02-03 18:54:59
Y U NO LET ME BUYYour payment through has failed. Unfortunately we are unable to determine exactly why your bank declined our attempt to charge your card. A charge can fail for a variety of reasons, many of which may not be related to the validity of the credit card.

Here are some things to check:
Have you entered the credit card number correctly without any transposed digits?
Have you entered the correct expiration date? Has that date passed?
Have you entered the billing address and phone number that match those associated with your credit card?
Have you exceeded your credit limit?
You may want to contact your issuing bank to inquire about their policies or restrictions regarding electronic or internet purchases, as this may be the source of the problem?
SalivalTheSecond2015-02-03 13:06:07
Allso, the error thing displayed on your site.
As i said, i was not able to correctly recreat the whole thing. I think i have a screeny of it just in case if someone knows the problem.
SalivalTheSecond2015-02-03 13:04:48
1. Excuse me for forgetting the email support thing, i will try my best to not forget where to get help.

2. "Purchase failed" mostlikely?
(some suggestion what might happend, things that not made it able to purcase, p.s my english is kinda horrible due to the fact that i am Bosnien.)I have struggled for 2 years trying to buy the key, i even saw it was 5 dollars (i went sanic fast for my credit card)entered everything correct, NOPE!No key 4 you bitch. Anyways, i have no other way to pay it other then with a credit card.
Badspot2015-02-03 01:18:06
1. This is a comments section on a blog. If you want help email [email protected]

2. "It displays an error message" is a virtually useless statement. What site displays the error? What is the text of the message?
SalivalTheSecond2015-02-02 13:19:24
I thought this game showcase thing would be perfect for what i am gonna say, Badspot, what da fuck is wrong with your site( fucking check the money on my credit fucking card it displays 30 euros, and a key is 8 euros right?And i enter everything correctly, but it displays a error message. I check everything again, correct. I want a goddamn key due to the fact i wanna play this game, and i want to play with people online. Not be on the demo for the rest of my "gamer life" shooting fucking jeeps. And to be able to accsess the forum.
I hope you read this, and i expect awnsers.
Shepard2015-01-30 23:20:56
This made me laugh way too much.
Annonomous2015-01-30 22:08:13
Copyright claim
Gay2015-01-30 20:48:00
You made a mistake in the transcript; it has the Inside The Buffet caption from another comic.
APX2015-01-30 19:49:55
I'm assuming it's the over used design concept for unoriginal and cliche game logos?
Dec_bot2015-01-30 14:58:05
How long did this take? It's pretty well video-shopped
SalivalTheSecond2015-01-27 20:25:20
Huehue, the most active one on this site!Bow down before me.
SalivalTheSecond2015-01-27 09:20:35
No Jennifer, you are in the future future.
Q2015-01-26 17:54:07
I have an issue where Ill have the parent mame rom for say Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the 2 player sub rom. Rom Shelf will only display the 4 player ROM, how can I get it to display the one that i want?
SalivalTheSecond2015-01-25 16:40:10
Accidentaly posted 2 times.
I will stop flooding the chat till we all drown in letters.
SalivalTheSecond2015-01-25 16:39:11
9 years later, nothing.
SalivalTheSecond2015-01-25 16:39:10
9 years later, nothing.
SalivalTheSecond2015-01-25 16:29:47
There are no male models since badspot is addicted to lesbian pornography. (No offence badspot)
Cca2015-01-25 15:50:13
EVE Sucks2015-01-23 13:52:38
I am a wanted player now. 600,000.00 ISK on my head. And you ask what did I do. Well I did not kill anyone. I asked a question on the help channel. And had some dumb ass put a bounty on me for the fun of it. After spending to much money and one month later. I have come to the conclusion that this is a game well suited for gang members, drug dealers and criminals. And all the vulgar language. EVE players are the most fouled mouth players I have ever played with. Watch for my video I am making where I take a flame thrower to my collectors edition of EVE. And rip pages out of there book and wipe my ass with them. Hope the dream I had comes true. The volcano on Iceland erupted and covered EVE in 40 feet of ash. During fan fest. Want a great game for your teens to Play. STAR TREK ONLINE.
ytsq2015-01-21 20:33:59
i can see why her hair is like that. EBOLA.
Zombie_Hunter2015-01-18 04:43:31
Back to the future Refrences
Zucot2015-01-16 12:30:46
Oops, I should add that Romshelf sees and adds .zip files, but Mame won't load them.
Zucot2015-01-16 12:29:18
Hello, I'm trying to configure romshelf but it refuses to recognize .7z mame roms.

If I rename the roms to .zip, it works. I have added 7z and .7z to the file extension field, but it doesn't work. No matter what I do the batch file that runs to build the rom database only includes *.zip. If I manually edit this file to look for *.7z the UI edits the batch file back to looking for *.zip when I click the search for roms button. Any help would be appreciated.
ODST-bag2015-01-15 23:32:21
ODST-bag2015-01-15 23:16:55
If her feet were an error here, then could her clothes be another?
crissz2015-01-15 15:56:20
no problem, i could never get the neo geo rage emulator to launch through romshelf. so i just changed to mame instead. glad you got it working.
Pabst2015-01-15 15:28:21
The problem persists in windowed mode and also when I mess with Direct3d settings.

I finally just gave up and installed Project64 2.1 and its launched through romshelf perfectly. Either way, thanks for help in the matter.
SteamPunk2015-01-15 13:18:50
First post of 2015
Quontos2015-01-15 03:10:53
I love how you draw da boobs.
crissz2015-01-14 15:11:58
also if you havint allready, try to run it in windowed mode and see if you still get the error. and if the emulator has 3d accerlaton option check it. ive only used project 64 twice before. not to familiar with the options
crissz2015-01-14 14:45:21
you are going to have to do some google searching. its a known problem with the emulator and certain cards. type your error in google there is a video on youtube about it aswell you might have to disable the direct 3d. theres alot of hits on google for it. i cant test it myself im running linux and have an ATI. some people say you have to reinstall or update display drivers ect.. but you dont have an issue with this outside of romshelf. so i would try to disable the direct 3d first type
"How to fix Project 64 Error" in google you should get a youtube video show up.
Pabst2015-01-14 01:09:39
Thanks again for your help, crissz.

I made the changes to reflect what you said to the same resolutions and 16bit for Project64 and 32bit for Romshelf but now I get the following error:

"Direct3D failed to initialize
Error code: 88760868

Not sure if the following will help:
-Running Windows 7 32bit
-NIVIDA GeForce 6200 TurboCache 1GB
-I have directX11 with all enabled: DirectDraw Acceleration, Direct 3D Acceleration, and AGP Texture Acceleration
crissz2015-01-13 21:17:58
change the emulator resolution as the same as your screen res but use 16 bit for emulator instead of 32 bit and see if that helps with the direct x error
Pabst2015-01-13 13:21:51
It still didn't work with and without quotes but thank you anyways for your help.

I only tried Mupen64pp.exe because Project64 1.6 would give me an error about Direct3d unable to launch in Romshelf but if I tried launching the game outside of Romshelf Project64 1.6 would run the game perfectly.
FuckThisShit2015-01-13 07:30:32
This is why shit won't load right on anything. Too many bullshit JS libraries.
crissz2015-01-11 20:35:41
never used it before, but you could try [ROMBASE] with and without quotes and see if that works.
FreddyFazbearGaming2015-01-11 15:18:16
Happy New Year!!
FreddyFazbearGaming2015-01-11 15:17:18
Hah Funny :)
Pabst2015-01-10 15:48:37
I guys,

I'm having a problem with launching Mupen64pp.exe with Romshelf. Romshelf recognizes my 64 roms and lunches mupen64 but dose not load a rom automatically.

For Launch Parameters I've tried:
-cart "[ROMFILE]"

Any idea what I'm missing? Thanks in advance.
Screamin' (Blockland) 2015-01-09 00:04:06
Is this Back to the Future? lol
:v2015-01-05 13:07:54
The future of Blockland is here!

Hawt2015-01-04 12:22:51
Orange2015-01-04 10:34:35
It's funny to me because I met someone who had the "above average" hair, and she was insanely smart. Also loved star trek. Idk.
crissz2015-01-03 19:24:05
for my NES the emulator dir is

launch parameter is "[ROMFILE]"
rom directory .\roms\NES


snes -cart "[ROMFILE]" -joystick

also my roms are not zipped
crissz2015-01-03 19:05:57
EAGLE TECH when using the .\ did you make sure that both the rom/emulator path have the .\ and not just the rom path.. what a weird thing going on i have mine on linux at the moment. no problems except for certain emulators not working. ill post my settings that i have mine set on. in abit.
crissz2015-01-03 18:54:07
ISSUE try setting up romshelf options to exit the emulator with your controller assign start & select at the same time. or whatever buttons you want. that, or try the esc button on the keyboard