It's honestly amazing how many BOS users come in here to create the most toxic cesspool of human beings to ever exist within a day. I know the BLF3 has been here for a while but still, my point stands valid
I made this in Macromedia Flash over 13 years ago. But I do still have the files and I have uploaded them for you if you really want them
Damn. I miss this game, was super fun, maybe a steam workshop? - it would definitely revive the playerbase. This game could get such a cult following, I don't understand the lack of interest in the project! @badspot
Japan does some weirder shit than Fear Factor. You guys just feel old for understanding the references of your generation, while newer generations usually don't get it. Imagine how the people older than you feel.
Damn, I've watched Conan more recently than you guys. And I don't even watch it.
Bomb physics, bomb-conversion, rolling rocks, conveyor belts (on/off/reversible), bear traps, falling blocks, keys, and dozens of things to be distributed into levels. In 3 chapters: Discovery, Adventure, Insanity. Powerups in adventures collecting 3 orbs 3 secret levels challenges (coin-collecting/speedrunning/death/superhard?) more stuff comfirmed
Blob thing that grows? Creeper Mod? (Nvm, I see you found it)
Badspot didn't name Blockland, some random guy from another forum did. Awesome.
By the way, are you doing OK since that injury Rotondo?
Sounds like Perennial will have better physics than Blockland.
25.28% Complete. Nice. Hub world!
Yes I think there should be. I'm one of those people who would try to get everything the first time if I'm unsure I could return. Many games DO in fact do that. I'm often reminded that "You can go back to revisit levels that you have previously completed.". And usually they're accompanied by more content. Just hopefully not grindy required content.
All physics stuff from Perennial came from Badspot's ass. (CONFIRMED) Squat some out for Blockland. Grab some coffee.
This is awesome!!! I wanted to play Super Mario Land without downloading an emulator, and this is the best online version of the game I've ever played. Great work!!!
Currently it's hardcoded for multiplayer. I think you could make the other players join, control the one you want, then hold the suicide button on the others to remove them.
That..actually sounds like a really good idea, though, torquescript might be really hard to port, and I think badspot is just done with blockland content updates.
The color filtering is part of the map data. You can edit the data/*.map files in any text editor and change the "COLOR" lines. Be careful because the map parser is not very error tolerant.
You can also open the .tmx files in a program called TilEd if you want to make your own levels
There's maybe $200 worth of parts in the prototype bot here, then another $150 or so for the controller. The whole project including mistakes, spare parts and tooling was probably around $2000
If you were going to make a just-for-fun kit, you could probably reduce the price by using plastic gears, a smaller battery, and a simpler way to put the frame together. There would still be too much hand labor involved in attaching the gears to the wheels though.
^^ circet or wtvr page (downloaded + zipped html/files b/c of the whole expired cert thing), the article that the ceo posted was actually hilarious to read.