...taken at the moment Lara gets up, grunting, after having been brutally disarmed. You also chose the 240p video for the source, instead of a FullHD version. This is a prime example of cherrypicking, as Lara is *not* that ugly in the whole game. Maybe you didn't play it but I did lol.
>The technical issue is that women don't have muscles like that, so when you add them artificially in a post process, it looks weird.
Yeah but the end result of a woman looking ugly is *not*, as you claim, by design to make her look ugly, but by design to make her muscular - which itself is a fairly reasonable artistic decision - and then failing at this plan. Those are not the same things.
>So you're saying she's... ugly on purpose?
Yeah, right. Just to clarify my thought here: I don't think D2R's Amazon is ugly because of woke propaganda. Her ugliness is not political. Her image is supposed to convey a mean, naturalistic, brutal emotions, not cause sexual arousal. This is a different thing than "feminists and soyboys lobby for making female characters uglier". Somehow the Sorceress in the same game is a plain hottie.
>Why do you hate women?
C'mon bro, don't antagonize me for no reason. I agree with you on half the things you said in your post. What I'm saying is that this fanart thing has no soul, it's not unique at all. I've seen that kinda face in 41987 posts on r34 and /aco/. Blizzard's ugly Amazon is unique at least.
>Did Big Smoke make bedroom eyes and twerk into the camera while morbidly obese black men seal-clapped and shouted "yass king represent" on social media?
How would this be of any relevance? Your post concerns female ugliness, not black culture. Your entire critique of Destruction Allstars comprised this lone sentence: "This vehicular combat game features an obese black woman named Harmony." So I attacked this point by showing you an example of a game that also featured vehicles, combat, and an obese black *man* named Big Smoke. Please decide which of the following is/are the problem: (1) depictions of black people doing black people shit, or (2) depictions of fat people, or (3) depictions of fat women?
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>Lara from the new games is still hot, but you deliberately picked some mishap of a screenshot to demonstrate otherwise
I don't know what to tell you man. It's an unmodified screenshot from the game. You can watch the cutscene here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdlocA-WFuM&t=2849s The male character is fucked up looking too. I think they de-sexualized everyone by shrinking the shoulders and inflating the waists. Given the high graphical competency of the rest of the game, I figure it must have been done on purpose.
>the muscle argument maybe only proves some technical/design issues
The technical issue is that women don't have muscles like that, so when you add them artificially in a post process, it looks weird.
>She's supposed to be ugly
So you're saying she's... ugly on purpose? [opening theme song plays]
>the characterless anime-like doll from your "excellent fanart" makes me cringe a little bit
Why do you hate women?
>Bet you didn't cry about Big Smoke from GTA:SA being a lardass, did you?
I didn't play San Andreas. Did Big Smoke make bedroom eyes and twerk into the camera while morbidly obese black men seal-clapped and shouted "yass king represent" on social media?
Great compilation. They not only made Peevee ugly but also obnoxious and annoying. Both her and Aloy are products of some grade A science of ugliness, just like it's easy to create neat clean surfaces but takes incredible effort to make them look dirty, rusty, messed up (think cities in Mirror's Edge vs Deus Ex MD). Forspoken, Redfall, Fable, Injustice, and of course the TLoU fiasco - all great examples.
However, you were obviously trying very hard to make some examples fit your theory. Cyberpunk 2077 has hot chicks both in game (Judy, Panam) and in the posters - female V, the one looking to the bottom-right, is simply attractive (ok you may disagree, but it's still a big stretch to call her UGLY). Lara from the new games is still hot, but you deliberately picked some mishap of a screenshot to demonstrate otherwise; for each screenshot like that, I'll find one where she looks hot. Oh and the muscle argument maybe only proves some technical/design issues, not deliberate ugliness. Lawbreakers - idk man, call *me* racist but from what I see this girl is actually quite an idealized image of a black woman. D2R - notice that the new amazon shares facial features with the original one, just in greater detail and minus the ridiculous boobplate. She's supposed to be ugly, her special hero trait is in her combat abilities, she ain't got the time to put on make up and be a hottie. In fact, the characterless anime-like doll from your "excellent fanart" makes me cringe a little bit. Finally, Destruction Allstars is a comic-like game, don't take it that seriously man. Bet you didn't cry about Big Smoke from GTA:SA being a lardass, did you?
I am not much of a video games player so I cannot double check your takes on all those games but I actually did play Cyberpunk a lot. Not only your initial complain is wrong (those are different characters, as others already told you) but also, the main character you complain about is not really "the face of the game". If you actually played Cyberpunk or at the very least did a little reasearch, you would know that you barely see your own (ugly?) face in the game, so it does not matter if you are pretty or not. On top of that, the developers actually put some effort in character customization tool, so you can completely re-do your character to look totally different, if it is important to you, and players actually use that tool a lot. What is most important, though, is that the big part of the game are your relations with two female characters of Judy and Panam. I might not be fan of Judy's tattoos or be Panam's "dat ass" connoisseur but I need to admit that they are both very attractive ladies plus their personalities are extremely likeable. This is what you remember from the game after playing it, when it comes to women, not some ephemeral trans or otherwise, let's call it "far from traditional beauty standards" NPCs from short quests. As mentioned at the beginning, I don't play video games much (Cyberpunk is an exception) so I cannot verify all your claims and complains, and so I only hope that other games examples you used are not totally butchered like the Cyberpunk one.
CP2077 example is a bit exagerrated in my opinion, main face advertising the franchise is still the same, beatiful woman or a handsome man named V. You can go full nuts and play naked with big breasts or dick flapping around. Its literally the opposite to your whole statement.
True If Blockland received updates with improved performance and modern quality of life improvements supporting up to billions of bricks while still keeping 60 fps while keeping all its addons modding compatibility it would be the most legendary pc game of all time.
Blockland Remastered please make it happen
⟢2024-03-01 19:02:25
Holy shit I just realized this comic is also part of Badspot's gender transformation fetish
Just wish Badspot would keep on updating the game with performance improvements or improved quality of life for user experience. Just a thought release Blockland 2.0 Ultimate idea.
Badspot, thanks for your blog posts and thank you for everything you have done. I need to get on my soapbox for a bit and say that it's because of creators like you that we are able to set an example and understand the relationship between content creators and their audience during this troublesome time. Blockland and Brickadia, Roblox or Minecraft, I like them all. The negativity of your fans towards your work shouldn't be excused. It's sacrilege. You are a respectable man who's contributed more than most to the online building software community. Your fans often compare you to a degenerate as if you're the singer for a Nu Metal band. You are much more than that, and you helped me learn to respect myself as a gentleman who has control over his natural talents.
17 years later, I finally watched End of Evangelion and I was surprised to see that Rei is actually consumed by a giant fat guy who looks like this. It's in the movie. I inadvertently made an ingenious reference to something I hadn't seen.
why cant you sell the block land IP? do you actually care to hold onto it? i'm sure there are people who would pay a pretty penny for it, and selling it would make you more money than it's made in 5 years.
Schizophrenic? That is quite a heavy claim. You'll at least need to graduate from an undergraduate psychology program or watch one shortcut TikTok video before you are able to prove that claim. Else it's not an insult it could be considered a compliment. "Rambling" implies that it's an insult.
These poor sheltered queers listened to TikTok once and don't know that a 28 year old man has double the life experience of a 14 year old and still likes to play video games.
good post. authentic thinking. unsurprisingly offended the faggot brigade. maybe you're wrong, maybe you're right. i agree with you, but it doesn't matter. what matters is being able to call out freakish nonsense. this country got some ways quite quick, and didn't bother to wait for the rest of us to catch up because we might have had something to say about it.
the men who came up with the constitution, they were good people. sensible. some times the last sanctuary on earth for a man includes telling a retard that they are, in fact, a retard. and that's a constitutional right, damn it. men died for it.
it would be a good thing to make blog posting great again.
Easy win for Mr. Hartman here I wouldn't have thought to control the timing to syncopate the upload speed with the world clock until the third comment when it dials in to the exact minute.
Ha, the virtuoso is back. This is fantastic. In the new protoype build of Age of Time 2 there are also playable male characters and grammar mistakes inserted by A.i. intentionally by tbe designer(s).
Big brain idea just came up in my head while sleeping. You could make an update that improves performance and rendering optimization and relaunch Blockland as a new and improved version while still keeping compatibility with everything that came before. Could add some more popular community addons in the default install to celebrate the new improvements. Maybe even bring back terrain maps but just have shaders and day cycle disabled while on those maps. Could add some quality of life feature improvements.
The new update could be called something like Blockland 2 or Blockland Revived
Is there any way to know what roms romshelf has skipped due to being identified as crap roms? This way i can either rename and or delete them?
Romshelf is by far my favourite front end just this little crap rom feature makes it complicated in the sense i have roms on my hd for nothing and or roms i want missing. If there is a simple way to tell what was crap then we can work around it.
I really Love this front end and hope that one day a mod with no rom skipping could exist
Imagine being 42 and complaining that female video game characters arent hot enough for your tastes. Though, with your looks that seems to be all have left as a choice )-,: get better soon, you need all help you can get <3
A sad lonely 42 year old virgin upset about video games. Cool. Amazing stuff from the maker of "why aren't there any male characters" and "Internet lego for racists" and "badly drawn gender swap porn for degenerates"
Badspot: Characters that don't meet my personal beauty standards mean devs hate money. Devs: *make money* Baspot: People still buy crappy games! Games: *win multiple critics' awards* Badspot: *seethes in basement*
If this non-issue bothers you sufficiently to dunk on an actual child, just wait for GOG's next NSFW sale. Plenty of tits and teeth can be expected therein.
The machine itself was only $150 off craigslist, but I replaced the monitor and built a custom control panel with light up buttons and a trackball. All in it's probably north of $2000.
I wish we had super ugly protags like how custom characters look in basically any game that lets you custom em but as the actual protag that you can't change.
besides, maybe they're doing you all a favor anyway. sure, pretty women exist, but not in a gamer's reality. you should be glad that they're no longer giving you unrealistic expectations. because the only girls you're gonna get are these newer ugly ones. no one successful in beauty or wealth is gonna want some greasy porn connoisseur who pretends to be good at hitting sequences of buttons
i don't have this issue because i play good games anyway. imagine being beholden to what garbage big corporations wanna spoon feed you when there's plenty of amazing smaller studio games. not a single one of these women exist in my 10 most recently played games. except pam in stardew but she's not a marriage candidate anyway
To date i can not find a front end that is as easy to set up or function as well as romshelf. Ide truly pay to have the same romshelf with the ability to turn off rom filtering
Is there a way to force crap roms to list? Deleting crap roms file doesnt seem to help.
Is there maybe a command at the console? Or a way to manually add? I only ask as RomShelf is the best hands down but is omitting too many roms i would like it to list
I'd consider it completed rather than abandoned. It's been running on my arcade machine for over a decade and does what I need it to do.
I did hack in support for the PACLED led driver on my local build to make my buttons blink, but I've done zero compatibility testing and it's been several years since I've looked at the code.