ellis man2018-07-05 15:03:31
nice arg!!
UNIX2018-07-05 15:02:41
on january 19 2038, all 32-bit systems will reset to 1/1/1901 due to the binary timestamp resetting to 0(overflowing the binary limit of 32 bit systems).
the unix time of 32 bit systems will be set to 1/1/1901 even though the unix timestamp started on 1/1/1970 because the timestamp will be negative and be 69 years before instead of after, thus making it 1/1/1901 instead of 1/1/1970
Big Guy2018-07-05 15:01:16
^^^ this tbh
ellis man2018-07-05 15:01:13
well it was posted on the 3rd and it happened on the 3rd!
Snaffle J. Bean2018-07-05 15:00:43
If the new version of SMF doesn't support the classic original forum theme, I'm going to be so fucking god damn angry in the most mild and reasonable way imaginable.
OfficerKenny2018-07-05 15:00:36
@Failsafe I concur, I also don't think it has to do with that BREADED video
ellis man2018-07-05 15:00:19
dont worry i think it was patched by badspot himself
OfficerKenny2018-07-05 14:58:53
@ellis man uh oh
ellis man2018-07-05 14:58:48
hasnt something similar to this happened
but it was executed via private message exploits or something
egg2018-07-05 14:58:42
i hope this shit wont change the godly forum ui that we've all gotten used to.
sebi2018-07-05 14:58:16
yeah that
AnastasiaOccult2018-07-05 14:58:01
Yo, so what does this mean as a whole for the forums? Will it change graphically, any fundamental changes in functionality, what should we expect?
ellis man2018-07-05 14:57:57
bye random kid
nul2018-07-05 14:57:45
Sebi2018-07-05 14:57:30
goodbye blf
YouKnowWhoAgain2018-07-05 14:57:14
save us bedpot
ellis man2018-07-05 14:56:43
the dog you ate in kuta2018-07-05 14:56:39
please play despacito
chappers2018-07-05 14:56:25
ellis man2018-07-05 14:56:03
why dont we make a blockland forums bunker
like the one we did when bloxcity hacked us
the dog you ate in kuta2018-07-05 14:55:39
Bedpost2018-07-05 14:55:26
GOD2018-07-05 14:55:24
Does anyone have a list of people hacked?
Corderlain2018-07-05 14:55:19
Think it has to do with Pie crust being banned?
Mr Queeba2018-07-05 14:55:02
oh boy here we go
Visolator2018-07-05 14:53:58

Remember that the old version was around 2007. There are going to be tons of new features such as additons/security/themes/etc., this is a 11 year gap.
end it2018-07-05 14:53:23
let it die badspot
chappers2018-07-05 14:53:03
no because 3/3 is quite clearly a different date from 7/3
ellis man2018-07-05 14:52:23
is it weird that
"hey blockland forums you just got BREADED!"
was posted at the same date the attack happened?
it was posted on march the 3rd
and the attack happened on july 3rd

maybe the attack was planned to happen or something
and the video was a warning shot

idk maybe im just overanalysing the date
also bl forums didnt survive to see the 4th of july Sad!
Anon2018-07-05 14:51:47
borrowed time IV coming soon
Unova2018-07-05 14:51:06
PogChamp why did you not just xenforo
goodguy0982018-07-05 14:50:08
"badspot and rotondo don't care about the forums" drama is now invalid
stellarnaut2018-07-05 14:49:52
the survivors have been overwhelmed
FelipeO_O2018-07-05 14:48:52
T-Walrus, probably improved security
FelipeO_O2018-07-05 14:48:22
at least we can point fingers here
T-Walrus2018-07-05 14:48:10
What are the main differences between the old smf and smf 2.0.15?
Visolator2018-07-05 14:48:10
We wait
ellis man2018-07-05 14:47:35
so what now
hillkill2018-07-05 14:47:28
thanks for the update
Dglider2018-07-05 14:47:10
Cool. Good luck w/SMF 2.0.15
Visolator2018-07-05 14:47:03
Sounds like the best way to upgrade. Hopefully it is easier for you to add custom mods into the forum.
jumbomuffin2018-07-05 14:46:54
im actually getting work done now please keep it down
Conan2018-07-05 14:46:02
please strip out the signatures showing on every post before going live, thanks
ellis man2018-07-05 14:45:39
yeah khorde stop being a Troll.
chappers2018-07-05 14:45:17
thank you baddy for being there for us we love u
OfficerKenny2018-07-05 14:45:07
SMF 2.0.15 Pog
Kenko2018-07-05 14:45:04
Uh oh!!!!!!!
copy kirby2018-07-05 14:44:41
shup khorde
khorde2018-07-05 14:43:36
keep the forum down please too much open trolling thanks
Badspot2018-07-05 14:41:58
The login system on the SMF 1.1.20 forum is compromised in some way that allows an attacker to log in to seemingly any account. I received reports that this is from a vulnerability in the email password recovery feature, but some compromised accounts did not have the email recovery triggered and did not have their password changed. Perhaps there is more than one vulnerability.

I am going to setup SMF 2.0.15 at least as a temporary measure.
Borrowed time2018-07-05 13:18:26
It's run out
Borrowed time2018-07-05 13:18:26
It's run out
Pablo2018-07-05 09:15:02
yo why are the forums down
h2018-07-05 09:01:49
wtf2018-07-05 04:28:31
wtf happened to the forums i was going to celebrate america not being part of england damn
anderlander2018-07-05 02:52:31
oh no bl forums are ded AGAIN FUF
youre not2018-07-04 18:53:48
despa2018-07-04 17:46:38
sean2018-07-04 17:43:03
b 0 rroed T1m e
snot2018-07-04 17:41:36
its all in a dream, tooooomb raaidder
snot2018-07-04 16:25:02
it me sotn
Nix The Glaceon2018-07-04 15:48:11
ok uwu
Fonz2018-07-04 15:33:03
the person below me will receive rough anal sex from me
epic2018-07-04 15:25:29
weedburps2018-07-04 14:45:44
party's over dudes
NogganGames2018-07-04 13:44:33
i don't remember Mr. Potion
77x5ghost2018-07-04 13:41:43
b o r r o w e d t i m e
TheDoor2018-07-04 13:40:08
this is so sad, can we hit 50 likes?
adrenaline2018-07-04 13:36:21
gamers UPRISE!
realshit2018-07-04 13:35:30
VVV poster below is extremely homosex VVV
adrenaline2018-07-04 13:34:06
so.... DEEP!!!!
blf rancher2018-07-04 13:33:42
https://discord.gg/JXqTePZ for a discussion place
Gamefandan2018-07-04 13:13:19
this is so sad
Niggamanka2018-07-04 13:09:19
Kill your self
ellis man2018-07-04 12:10:57
real blf died rn
arcc2018-07-04 12:08:42
skeet skeet
Mega Bear2018-07-04 11:56:17
I would like to hereby bestow the title of patrician upon ChappersTeddy. godspeed and keep on rockin in the free world.
chappers2018-07-04 11:55:17
the clash combat rock is such a good album
woo2018-07-04 11:36:42
bitchassnigga2018-07-04 01:44:00
yo badspot who am I on the forums
BlackDragonIV2018-06-24 21:09:38
Nice outro 8D
BlackDragonIV2018-06-23 00:44:19
Hey! Nice Podcast! Just started listening to these after getting a wonderful reminder of your existence by the #Arduboy CAD tweet
Badspot2018-06-22 21:58:28
3D Studio Max
SPRITE2018-06-22 20:47:06
Really love the animation, what did you use to make it?
Nikandros2018-06-21 06:56:20
The development section cuts off and you still haven't finished writing it.
wtf2018-06-18 13:22:39
FelipeO_O_2018-06-18 09:43:25
hey guys im that one stupid cuck who has scripted the worst fucking murder gamemode anyone has ever seen even approved by metario the scripts are absolute nonsensical shit and im a problem user i want to be banned pls ban me im fucking gay and retarded
make blockland great again2018-06-17 23:02:47
ill pay you to update the game and try to make it popular again.
pie crust2018-06-17 19:51:41
hey where my bitches at?
2018-06-17 14:21:59
you should come back to blockland
2018-06-14 22:11:26
thot howart2018-06-10 12:46:40
hot multiracial gangbang
Badspot2018-06-10 02:13:17

You can post urls, you just can't post html tags because that's what spam bots do.
hushpuppi32018-06-02 18:44:01
age-of-time (dot) wikia (dotcom)/wiki/Blacksmith_Error_Fix

for the crafting fix. Keep playing guys!
jizz2018-06-02 02:27:10
am here to chew chass and chiss chubblechum
Nikandrios2018-05-31 08:13:58
Great stuff so far. Keep going.
Nicepoint2018-05-28 16:27:55
lol badspot sleeps to this
milkface2018-05-28 13:15:35
%2018-05-28 11:34:34
I didn't know about this podcast, but I like it.
Khris2018-05-28 01:05:27
Nice episode. And yes, I'm one of the few who listened till the end