Jazz2025-02-17 14:51:31
Hello Eric,

What's it been, 12 years? I see time hasn't fared well for Blockland. I hope it's treated you better. I lost someone very close to me recently and your game has given me a lot of solace; for which I owe you a lot. I had to explain this dossier when I was assessed for security clearances, and I had a lot of thinking to do on it but eventually decided to leave sleeping dogs lie and accept it was a different time. I'd be interested in chatting with you, if not just to reminisce for a short while.
jazz2025-02-16 23:17:40
isnt gdp used as an economic marker? lotta words to say you dont understand the application of statistics outside of getting mad that the CNN lady mentioned gdp in the wrong context.
JazZ2018-07-08 23:18:02
Since i am allowed to post on here i would like to note that the post one of my accounts was banned for is actually very accurate. The Blockland is dying post actually marked the statistical decline of the player base. Just thought after a couple of years since ive been gone id come back to remind you that your only source of fuel for your ego is slowly dying and you have nothing to move forward to except reality.
JazZ2018-07-07 10:32:14
At least im not banned on here..