Wedge2005-10-10 16:19:02
@Creepy, 00, and _____.

Everyone can see your IP, and know its the same person, so don't spam posts agreeing with yourself.
Wedge2005-10-10 16:17:48
I'm trying to remember exactly what was stolen. Some code for a vehicle and some bricks in AIO? As well as some maps, like BL-Fridge? As well as the inventory code in RTB, although I still have not seen the TBM RC inventory code, and no longer have a version of it, so I am not sure what was stolen. The maps, if I am correct, no one took credit for, as they kept non-descriptive descriptions, with no clues as to their authors, we can only assume that it was the AIO crew. It was a stolen interior placed into the mod, and then re-distributed, which is where the problem lays, as they didn't claim to make the maps. The TBM copter was obvious, no one could claim it was theirs, escpecially when you went to place it in the world editor, and said TBMcpoter. So clearly, that was stolen. Now, the bricks. In their inventory spawns, it said "no one may re-distribute these", although they were clearly re-dstributing it, and semi-claiming ownership through the statement. One can assume they also used TBM's .dts files too, although this is probably fairly difficult to prove. The code was hidden in car.cs. This clearly shows that AIO had stolen some things, although you can not claim to have an "all-in-one" mod without doing so. Its still wrong though.

Now in RTB, was the theft of logic or code? I have looked at their inventory system, and I think I figured it out. Basically, a file tells the game that it has 10 inventory slots. Another file tells it that there are specific items in a slot, and that you may scroll through them. Some other file, which I have not yet found, tells which items go in which slot. Now, did RTB steal the logic or the code?

Also, as to MCP's statement about SBL using TBM's code, I believe he is mistaken. We used all of RTB's code to test vehicles and stuff, but when SBL comes out, it will have its own code and stuff, probably more similiar to BLM.

Finally, a quick address. Admiral Snackbar has the same IP, if anyone hasn't noticed, as me. I've said this before, and I am going to repeat it, Admiral Sncakbar is my brother. I may not hold the same opinions as him, nor am I responsible for his actions.

If you choose not to belive what I said, then so be it, do not argue with me on this subject.
__________2005-10-10 16:10:02
0_02005-10-10 16:09:39
Really pointless
Creepy2005-10-10 16:08:32
wow this is pointless
Luquado2005-10-10 15:45:30
Except that the code MCP is talking about does bear those fingerprints but still was claimed to be written by someone else.
Admiral Snackbar2005-10-10 15:01:51
MCP, I think I'll use a defense of your own. That everyone has their own fingerprint. Their own style of writing, or in your case, coding. Therefore, if you turned in a Fifteen page term paper written by me, not only would it differ from your writing style, it would also have my name on it. Therefore, if someone stole your code, they can't call it their own because it would clearly have some of the same things as your code. Otherwise, they would have to change things so many times so that it effectively becomes theirs.
Ratty 2005-10-10 14:45:21
at least you can see ppls IP
Wedge2005-10-10 14:19:55
leg godt
Skia2005-10-10 13:41:28
fyi i donot like sking i never been sking and never will and "Skia" is Greek for shade not like you care
bob2005-10-10 13:17:18
I like pie
Terminal582005-10-10 09:55:20
I like pie
DARK2005-10-10 09:39:35
This is stupid.
I can't see my last "post"!!!
And you can't know if the person that posted is who he claims.
Mixmasta2005-10-10 06:38:58
I'm Mixmasta.
Ratty2005-10-10 13:58:41
yep half baked
Ratty2005-10-10 13:58:15
and unlike the offical forums we will have Avatars and Signatures if i can
Ratty2005-10-10 13:54:59
btw Ratty0570
Ratty2005-10-10 13:54:08
and ill be happy to accept some moderators in advance so just IM me and you will be pick by reputation and relationship and there are some front runners in mind you know who you are
Ratty2005-10-10 13:50:30
If BS dosent put up a forum in like 4 weeks ill be happy to make a real forum by 2 weeks
Speckz2005-10-09 23:43:16
Yeah BJ. He's pissed because he's not on the AiO team. I'm sure he regrets leaving the oh, so, intelligent AiO team. Even I think he is a retard for deciding to use the AiO mod in the first place. And, hopping on MCP's server,
(join/leave). Wasn't too smart. Still, I'd rather if we could all play TBM together. Except Ratty, Bri Guy, JC Denton and the AiO team. <--- They suck.z
ASS2005-10-09 22:46:04

BTW use pph4free for the forums
MagicPants2005-10-09 21:09:08
Bri Guy makes shitty space maps because he can't make skyboxes.
Bri Guy2005-10-09 20:40:01
This forum is probably even worse than you thought it would be Badspot...
ClavaTon2005-10-09 20:29:38
Badspot dont use wowbb you have to pay for it it expires
Ratty2005-10-09 19:58:05
I seriously have to move to Asia
Ratty2005-10-09 19:56:03
Ppl will report you MCP unleiss im devoid of charcasm
techhut2005-10-09 19:28:52
BadSpot, what is teh progress of the forum?
MCP2005-10-09 18:16:18
its me again and im a child pornographer and i must say badspot ive been stalking u since the 3rd grade and i have to say... i love you
Ratty2005-10-09 17:32:27
with a cast of 25 or so
Ratty2005-10-09 17:30:40
This feels like a fucking reality show on the internet like The Real World and this would be the Internet season
Ratty 2005-10-09 17:26:26
and JC suck it
Ratty2005-10-09 17:25:50
I sure missed alot while i was in the california farmlands. lost... with a flat...
JCDenton2005-10-09 17:28:38
MCP2005-10-09 15:55:14
Admiral Snackbar obviously you never read anything I actually say. Get an opinion of your own. Also, if I copied a 15 page research paper you did for school and presented it as my own to your teacher before you turned yours and claimed up and down it was my own, what would happen? Obviously the paper is for free since you don't get paid to write it and it is just for a class that isn't going to mean anything in the future. Seems to me you obviously don't understand how annoying it is to have your work stolen and then have someone else put their name on it. We at TBM never said that we would be opposed to someone asking to use our code and leaving our names on it. This has been done with various portions of code such as the persistence code since its original inception. However, I release one snippet or portion of code and people like Red_eye and therenderman take it and put their name on it like they came up with it on their own. It is just rude and hateful, and no matter how old I get, abiding this behavior is beyond me. I've never been very forgiving of malicious theft. Guess I will have to pray for help on that one, but until then my more brilliant stuff will be DSO'ed and protected. Hate it for all you that would like to put your name on it.
Bleh77772005-10-09 15:34:34
Anyone getting BS's AoT server on their list?
hitm4n2005-10-09 15:16:01
phpBB is fine so long as its hosted on an ok server. You make regular (monthly) backups of the database and you add extra security plugins. There are a million mods for it and some very tasty skins. Plus its free... I say stick with it, and save some money.
BJway Bandit2005-10-09 14:26:30
Santiy your just pissed because we were going to kick you off the team because you did not do anything except host servers and make a website. Even then you did not add the people to the teams page when we asked.
Bleh77772005-10-09 13:23:57
Now its back up.
Bleh77772005-10-09 13:23:18
Master Server seems to be down.
Admiral Snackbar2005-10-09 12:55:05
MagicPants specifically said it was for the "Loyalists", people who had supported TBM even when the "exploit" was found. The exploit didn't do anything bad to computer other than fry AIO users, using scripts to delete things or to shut down servers. I don't really know which, and I don't care to find out from TBM users or other mod users.
Skia2005-10-09 12:34:01
u all suck
Skia2005-10-09 12:32:37
i use tbm y rnt i on that list oh yeah I NOT A F****ing MODER!!
Admiral Snackbar2005-10-09 12:19:17
Alas, this forum is sinking down to the bottom of the social cesspool. It is quite a pity thinking about how the brilliant people out there are acting like a bunch of three year-olds whinig about who's toy is who's. I mean, you could almost see some of these people shouting, "MINE!" because someone took there stuff without permission. It's just stupid. Why can't you all act like civalized people. I mean MCP, you're what, twenty-four? Why can't you act your age? It's almost pathetic thinking about how a brillaint Coder like you can't deal with a people stealing your stuff. I admit that it might be wrong, but ti's just a free game! I mean it's not like tehy went out and slaughtered your family like dogs. They just took some meaningless code from you and put it in your game without giving you credit. I mean it's stupid on everyone's part. I mean, you should all just grow up and get on with your life.
Also,why cna't we just go back to the essentials of Blockland, building. Note that I didn't say whinig about exploits, or about people stealing things. I said building. Whoever can return Blockland to what it is, than kudos to you. And if it's good, people will use it. There's no sense in trying to "convert" people to one side or the other. Most people are stubborn and won't change their opinions. I mean, there's no need to use Gestapo tactics against each other. Can't you all co-exist? Can't the Lion lay down with the Lamb?
Sinister2005-10-09 08:38:39
Hey Vertical's friend, you are also Packer, spam hater, ?, sig maker, sig hater, thing knower, thing knower fan and pure anger
LOL I'm BadSpot2005-10-09 08:35:48
I have a 10 inch cock in my verterbone
Vertical's Friend2005-10-09 02:45:23
MCP2005-10-09 02:42:49
Luquado "I wasn't aware we were engaging in Lincoln-Douglas debate form"
That is the funniest thing I have read on here so far. Oh and someone tell BJ that he isn't worth responding too. Some people only want to pick fights with people they are fairly sure they will never see in person, and that is just childish. BTW sanity, I got an awesome mountable fire effect going incase you want to come on my server some time and get set on fire for fun. I'll be adding in mountable lights and light switches as well as mountable weps and trigger switches, and the newest emitter effect mounter switches. Might make things more interesting.
VerticalHorizon2005-10-09 00:05:09
Come on to my forums! So we have an organized place to post!
sanity2005-10-08 23:57:26
AiO has been dead since the giant black cock in BJ's eardrum moved a fatal nudge, damaging on the part of his brain that controls any sort of reasoning, and swelling the part that controls his five-year old ego. You can't be so confident and yet know you're a power-whore at the same time. Go walk into a fire.
Goron2005-10-08 22:04:16
MP, you didn't add me, I'm loyal to TBM :'( I'm now going to cry.
some body2005-10-08 20:06:32
where do i go to download things for blockland????
BJway Bandit2005-10-08 19:41:12
Neither is the New AiO-R
Luquado2005-10-08 19:18:09
Neither RTB nor TBM are "minor edits," bub.
Samui Hakai2005-10-08 19:04:50
hmmm much has happened while I was gone, oh well... I feel sorry for you badspot, people just keep minorly editing your game and calling it there own. What do you get in return? just a bunch of insults.
sargent(sk) 2005-10-08 18:43:45
2 more percent until rtb 3.0
sargent(sk) aka mr man2005-10-08 18:41:39
i do use tbm but i cant update every time i try it says illegal operation
LOL I'm BadSpot2005-10-08 18:29:46
I'm a big stinker
Admiral Snackbar2005-10-08 15:20:25
I thought there was some good in the world, but then I came here. The Blockland Forums are the zenith of Petty Flame wars and Stupidity. I mean there are several good people out there, like TRM, Gobbles, and Wedge. But they're are plenty of idiots out there who either can't form a sentence correctly, or they won't let issues drop. Why can't we all just sit down in a circle and star singing Kumbayah?
BJway Bandit2005-10-08 15:22:07
MCP I haven't been disagreed with about my rant yet even you did not disagree
GoodSpot2005-10-08 14:15:51
I am BadSpot's arch nemesis and good twin.
Luquado2005-10-08 13:58:49
Hey Venom, maybe I didn't reply to the rest of your comments because I wasn't aware we were engaging in Lincoln-Douglas debate form, here, bucko. Maybe I just attacked your grammar because nothing you said was of any substance.

But, hey, if it makes you feel better about yourself in your tiny little world like you're some kind of man, feel free to keep mashing on your keyboard. I'll pop in every now and then with remarks like this tinged with sarcasm when I take breaks from what "old people" do - y'know, working, making cash, and later on tonight going out to have some fun. In the meantime, quick question: what have *you* ever made that didn't suck for Blockland? Hm.
MagicPants2005-10-08 12:34:42
Oh Wedge, you're such a peace keeper. It warms my heart.
Wedge2005-10-08 12:29:23
I didn't say anything about them, well, actually I did, but my main point was CHILL OUT.

TBM and BadSpot will always hate eachother, I'd just prefer it if they kept it to their own, individual, forums. TBM might not be saying a lot here, but they do on their own forums, which is fine, as long as it stays there. Same with the couple of people here posting about how TBM sucks.

Since now the two communities are now together, it would probably be best to keep your opinions to yourself, as you will immediatley be flamed by someone else, and, apparently, people don't seem to understand that everyone on this forum is an actual person, not just some bot who likes to absorb all your insults and responds with some kind of pre-determined response, so you need to use TACT.
MoneyMonkey2005-10-08 12:25:04
I am a monkey, whom needs a hard spankin'
SpamMonkey2005-10-08 12:24:41
I am a monkey, whom is spam
DarkMonkey2005-10-08 12:23:49
I am a monkey, whom is dark
Pen is Cockeral2005-10-08 12:22:34
Pen is Cockeral
Pen is Cock2005-10-08 12:22:21
Pen is Cock
Pen is Co2005-10-08 12:22:10
Pen is Coc
Pen is C2005-10-08 12:21:58
Pen is C
Pen is2005-10-08 12:21:40
Pen is
Penis2005-10-08 12:21:30
Penis2005-10-08 12:21:06
^RM^Venom-AK2005-10-08 12:09:35
Right, and a couple of quotes from the forum...

Speckz:Wow, without the TBM players, Badspot's forum(s) are full of idiots and spammers. Congrats on that, BS. (not positive, negative magicpants you dumbass)

Speckz: Tell that to our "loving" hair-brained leader.(talking directly to BS, magicpants once again you dumbass learn how to read)
Wedge2005-10-08 10:28:45
EDIT: Maybe thats not what MagicPants meant, but that is what I interpreted it as.
Wedge2005-10-08 10:27:43
@Venom- Not cool. Go swallow a couple of ice cubes, like the round ones you get on airplanes that always of the little hole in them. Got eat one, or two, or thirty.
@MagicPants- Good, but try to exert some control over the idiots in your community. Or something like that.
@Badspot- Can you have this wrap onto other pages, or delete some?
@TechHut- ...
@Wizard1- YAY! Don't know your AIM, but I'm glad you are back.
@IP: This is an example of one of MagicPants's points, that there are a few terminal idiots in their community.

@Everyone Else- NO MORE FORUM ADS! I WILL RIP YOUR EYES OUT. Not serious about that last comment, but I would appreciate it if you would please stop. They have, like, 3 people on them, and if you haven't been able to tell yet, BadSpot doesn't want them.
MagicPants2005-10-08 09:34:44
Hmm...I could have swore I had "and" in there somewhere.

*...please go away and die
MagicPants2005-10-08 09:32:56
If you notice Mr. Dumbass, the only TBM user who has even mentioned BS in a bad way is MCP when he said he would get pictures at the festival.

I'm not talking about the new TBM users, I'm talking about the loyalists.
Doo Dee
Green Lantern

None of those people have said anything negative, minus MCP's little comment. Also, you're a fucking dumbas Venom. Learn to type, and please go away die.
TechHut2005-10-08 09:26:33
Woah! Everybody take a breather now..

And all this impersonating is just crap. I, as some others check IPs... with previous posts...
^RM^Venom-AK2005-10-08 08:42:26
Notice: He doesn't "attack" my other comments... and attacks my grammar...
^RM^Venom-AK2005-10-08 08:41:30
I might not be grammarly intellected on the internet, talk to me in person and you might see other wise, and you are the pinnacle of human intellect? I highly doubt that.
Luquado2005-10-08 07:50:39
ya fuckin' goddamn bunch of idiots
Unlike you, of course, who are the pinnacle of human intellect, as evidenced by your rant.
^RM^Venom-AK2005-10-08 07:35:29
ok as i read through this forum i see alot of "TBMer's" talking "smack" on badspot... but if it wasn't for him your stupid, ugly, dumb, ignorant, fat asses wouldn't have any damn mod now would you? oh i didn't think so... you had a good thing and you ruined it like a bunch of "FUCKTARDS" and btw.... the "TBM" race is nothing more than a bunch of old men (despite wat they say) trying to get back in the game.... they're never gonna get back in... so give it up we're tired of it so go home and fuck each other.... ya fuckin' goddamn bunch of idiots.
^RM^Venom-AK2005-10-08 07:29:55
ok for all these impersonators your a bunch of morons....
^RM^Venom-AK2005-10-08 07:24:16
hey pffft or who ever the fuck you really are.... he is big and bad cuz.. if he wasn't "bad" you wouldn't have anything to do aside from watch gay porn and jackoff that is wat u do with 75% of ur time anyway... Pfffft Jerkoffski
^RM^Venom-AK2005-10-08 07:21:04
Dis be me... no really its me.. or tits it?
DARK2005-10-08 06:47:45
@Skit: Eric Heartman is Badspot.
@"MCP": I\/ICP d0tn \/\/ Iike this.
MCP2005-10-08 04:30:13
Bjway, you really need to chill out and do a little growing up man. So do your little followers.
2005-10-08 13:07:39
TBMRox (IP: - 10/6/2005 - 10:12:10 AM
I am a fan of TBM. Why don't you like TBM Badspot?

He's a gay nazi
2005-10-08 00:56:57
2005-10-08 00:56:37
Skia (IP: - 10/7/2005 - 10:14:41 PM

Eric is out suck dicks
Wizzard12005-10-08 00:52:47
Oh, and I dont like how the IPs are showing :-P I like keeping my old one a secret, I guess this one is blown now as well.
Wizzard12005-10-08 00:51:32
Aw man, I finally got my computer back and THIS is what I find? Oh well, I changed my IP :-) No more noobs! I'll catch you all later. Everybody who knows my email or AIM SN can still get me there, I now will be going back on Blockland every now and then.
2005-10-08 00:47:49
pfffffftt2005-10-08 00:46:39
Pfffftt WTF IS THIS???? Heh badspot you still are trying to be all know what? YOU AINT SHIT!
VerticalHorizon2005-10-08 00:02:12
Hey gang, I have a forum you can post on :) Its: I havent been working on it since noone goes there, so if yall wanna come and use that one so we have a organized place to post, id be happy to work on it again, the only thing bad is the banner is outdated, anyways, please come, i know its better then this shit.
Google2005-10-07 23:56:13
MCP2005-10-07 23:21:31
i have 2 addmit... im gay
Skia2005-10-07 23:14:41
Wedge2005-10-07 21:58:24