Nicro2009-02-13 21:01:50
Release date? for v11...
a guy2009-02-09 22:43:58
Woah! What's with there Feet? Looks, Weird... Old version?
LewnaJa2009-02-09 19:20:31
Wow, in v11 we ACTUALY HAVE LEGS?! lol :D
Jungle Ranger2009-01-28 17:55:16
Hey Badspot
It so is that the BL players are diffrent (as your know) in V10,
Wondering when v11 is coming out. PLEASE give us an accual date for release
Sankuro2008-11-11 20:11:50
[i]"I WANT A COOKIE"[/i]

well ok heres your cookie bai bai :cookie:
^^is sankuro2008-11-06 16:23:16
reed mai name
2008-11-06 16:22:40
"[i]I wish i could get retail, badspot do you want most of the people to leave for ever, dont make it retail :D[/i]"

Its not that hard to get $20. :P
Sankuro2008-11-06 16:21:10

Radial5432008-08-07 13:12:32
Oh lord to the Bat cave!
Batspot 2008-07-14 08:24:47
jim1202008-02-09 07:04:41
i think blockland is one of the best games out here and i think it will only get better and better.
Insanerperson2007-10-25 12:56:14
Look I hated blockland because of its fanbase and how it looked sorta crappy, but now it doesnt look crappy and the fanbase isnt bad, in fact I abandoned AoT for it.
Badspot2007-09-20 18:40:48
You don't actually need paypal, you can just use a credit card.
swede2007-09-19 19:35:36
lol i bought it and waited a month because it was a mail order.
i wish it wasant retail so it wouldent take so damn long to get. if you dont have paypal
Kheyre2007-02-06 02:38:35
I wish i could get retail, badspot do you want most of the people to leave for ever, dont make it retail :D
James2007-01-26 15:44:37
im sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo gonna get blockland retail its got features now :D
Badspot2007-01-14 02:59:20
If you don't play it I will kick your dog.
Chilli2007-01-13 03:53:11
look if you could ad alot more features to retail blockland i MIGHT just play it id give you a list but it would be to big
Chilli2007-01-13 03:50:44
uh... its not playing...
Jervan2006-12-22 04:37:30
Nice, I cant wait to get rid of EW.
yuki2006-11-12 07:22:17
tay104⫿2006-11-11 00:03:06
Eric Hartman you deserve a bigass cookie...and a large salary.
Fearless2006-11-10 18:49:11
Love IT, I agree with Squeky though

But I think theres legal reason's is why
Squeaky2006-10-23 05:11:57
I still think the heads should be round (there blockheads lol) But still looks great, The lighting is awesome!, Will u remake the skis, they were so fun!
Otis Da HousKat2006-10-17 10:29:59
Looks great.
Badspot2006-10-16 18:15:54
[i]Why the hell do you hate blockland?[/i]

Probably because of all the noob storm/mod wars/forum spam/ego trip/internet argument/etc bullshit that goes on a daily basis. Hopefully the percentage of that stuff will be reduced.
Kaphix2006-10-16 18:02:59
Why the hell do you hate blockland?
Insanerperson2006-10-16 17:57:26
... God damn badspot, you are removing my hatred of blockland!
Kaphix2006-10-16 16:35:33
Leo2006-10-14 03:28:21
Realy nice.Can't wait to finaly play it.
Mazeribot2009-06-30 03:34:17
got it xD but i cant use my pro event skill :O
Badspot2009-06-29 23:00:48
Get the updated duplicator.
Mazeribot2009-06-29 03:42:37
Hmmm... can you make V13 on Blockland better? i cant make my Pro events longer and i cant use Duplicator anymore can you fix it (events: you have to meny (OnActivate. Duplicator:Mazeribot dont trust (something) you to do that. O.o
Jungle Ranger2009-04-11 19:08:55
Yes I LOVE it, but is it possible in Blockland? That is a pretty good question.
fred0239⫿2009-01-22 23:32:21
at least put the jeep in AOT. please!
Sankuro2008-11-01 20:21:06
I'm going to post a topic about what you need to add in age of time.
Badspot2006-10-16 16:21:08
These models are far worse. They have texture based faces and clothing, so I wouldn't be able to change the cloth texture and skin tone the way I do in AoT now.

I'm actually pretty happy with most of the current AoT model. There are just a few construction problems that make it look wierd sometimes and cause seams to show. The new model has a more realistic skeletal structure but some parts didn't turn out as good as the current model.
Kitty2006-10-16 10:59:54
You are seemingly not happy with your current female models in AoT, yes?

So.. How about these?
yuki2006-09-19 18:52:07
i wish i could play these games
Badspot2005-10-11 12:52:15
The hair style is the same but I actually redid the model
Mixmasta2005-10-11 12:43:57
The hair is just like it is in AoT. Is it the same models?
Badspot2005-10-11 13:59:06
It's not really something I plan on finishing, it was just an experimental project.
Black2005-10-06 19:21:53
whoa if you ever finish this i'll play it
Yes.2009-08-03 20:14:54
2009-07-27 20:57:11
program made with?
Left4Life2009-07-18 02:23:22
R@ND0M2007-10-26 13:24:53
COOL! better then that "HANK!HANK!HANK!HANK!" thing
er...hi?2007-09-14 08:44:49
i pooted
The Oblivion Guard2007-08-28 12:03:41
How do you make it your avatar on forums?
Badspot2006-07-24 20:34:51
Its just flash
Liquid Snake2006-07-23 00:36:23
Looks like EasyToons.

Is it?
Spation2006-03-29 13:53:26
Very.... Intresting...
Badspot2006-03-25 03:06:41
it's a line then it's a curtain then it's a flower then it's a dude in a truck then it's a dude in a spaceship
Spation2006-03-23 13:18:49
What's that supposed to be?
Nick2006-01-13 15:58:43
O_o2005-11-09 15:56:03
Creepy...........................Yet seductive at the same time
Djy19912005-10-29 20:17:07
Cool :D
Miga2005-10-19 13:44:21
Wow Badspot you make some odd things :P
go miniman2009-08-18 00:44:05
YELLING KHAAAAANNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ryan pettibone2009-08-05 12:37:14
how long am i banned for
Anonymous2009-07-24 14:42:52
Who is that?
Clone 3312009-07-22 20:02:41
OMFG now wut would that guy be saying? hmmmmmmm....
Chaos Chao2009-07-16 16:11:27
eeee... what did you say (nonename)?
2009-07-03 13:57:50
Mazeribot2009-06-30 08:48:10
Mazeribot2009-06-30 08:47:03
It is 2 thing... (for now...) How old are you (some one told me you are 75 years old :O) And do you have controll over Blockbot in RTB Chat?
TheChaosCarrier2009-06-22 04:20:51
What a nice pic...
Sir Dooble2009-04-10 23:23:01
yeah ironcookie, that was 2 years ago. i think his 30 day ban is over.
ironcookie2009-03-25 23:03:26
What,30 days psh.stop complaing its not like its permently,2 years? ew
jazz3921 KoS2009-01-25 22:59:43
Hes ganna kill me AWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!
Badspot2009-01-11 06:03:36
What. Wing Zero, please kill yourself.
Wing Zero2009-01-10 00:47:11
The "Khan" thing was from the movie Mortal Kombat: Annhilation. "Khan" was also known as Shao Khan. Start playing the Mortal Kombat games, people.
Green Blockhead2008-12-20 12:41:06
Quote from Robo Noob (IP: - 12/6/2008 - 5:24:23 PM
Green Blockhead thats Captain Kirk retard

You superly gotta fuck off. Go make a post that I said "If you don't stop bothering me, I will steal all of your avatars. Using them daily. And don't bully Captain Kirk.
Robo Noob2008-12-06 18:24:23
Green Blockhead thats Captain Kirk retard
Tezuni2008-12-06 06:09:23
Interesting Artwork...... =\
Green Blockhead2008-11-09 08:50:10
I think its him (Badspot) :P
Captain Kirk2008-11-06 19:06:15
...Don't ask, please...
Socko2008-09-06 22:21:10
Oh look, it's Kulk :cookieMonster:
NULL2008-09-06 05:24:57
I do not see the "KHAN".
Migo2008-08-04 17:49:10
its funny
Migo2008-08-04 17:44:44
loving it still!
lol im not really migo
Bustos2007-12-28 20:33:47
I wondered what this was about
Miga2007-04-28 00:55:00

Badspot can you unban me from BL forums, seriously i learned my lesson and i think 30 days is kinda harsh...please? for Me?
StoreClerk2007-04-14 00:14:23
MasterCE2007-04-03 05:53:23
That's Captain Kulk from Star Trek
Miga2007-03-28 00:40:43
Badspot's avatar.

Actually some guy who can open and close his mouth really quickly.
Just another Blocklander2007-03-27 20:33:40
KHAN!!! *Wonders what's it for...* Oh well, it doesnt matter!! :D

Anyway, who's that guy?
Miga2007-03-19 03:02:07
Loz2007-02-24 08:10:43
Yeah ok...
your mom2007-01-03 04:44:40
in the forums it says khan!!!
2006-06-27 14:33:49
Why doesn't their right eye move?
Insanerperson2006-06-23 13:48:29
Thats captain Kirk there in the tunnels where they tested the genisis device under that one planet... It's after Khan beams up the genisis device from there. Go watch the wrath of Khan people.
Kirk2006-06-16 10:29:18
... it's a long story
El Barto2006-06-16 09:42:24
Who the heck is khan?
Ratty2006-04-19 02:35:00
Happy Belated Life
DrNo2006-04-02 13:01:23
Djy19912005-10-29 20:17:50
WTF? lol that's funny.
Ricky2005-10-29 14:09:49
CMen2005-10-06 03:04:13
Hell YA
KINEX2005-10-04 08:34:29