Miga2008-08-07 23:27:53
It's not the real badspot.
Different IPs.
Tails2008-08-07 23:13:35
Don't be like that, we have no idea if that was the real badspot :P
someone2008-08-07 23:12:26
LOL I'm BadSpot2008-08-07 23:00:31
Stay calm.
LOL I'm BadSpot2008-08-07 22:59:51
V9 is coming out.
Tails2008-08-07 22:34:00
Yeah a second ago :P
MegaScience2008-08-07 22:33:27
When exactly did it go down? It was working a second ago.
Tails2008-08-07 22:27:36
Where the hell has the forum gone D:

Miga2008-08-07 22:24:57
Well, back to these forums until the actual one is working again.
Lil Chris2008-04-24 09:46:23
Neozuki2008-04-23 22:41:18
Shadownhero2008-04-23 14:57:22
2008-04-23 14:11:01
fuck off noobs.
random talker2008-04-22 19:44:58
i hate everybody! haha! lol...
2008-03-12 23:43:37
Wow, so this work like the temporary forums
Meta2007-09-16 19:37:37
you aren't reading the catagorys in te forums
er...hi?2007-09-14 08:39:12
I have seen the blocrekland forms, it has the best weapons for reatail block land. but the codes are confusing and one more thing... how do you give cookies???
Tails2007-08-09 22:43:48
I'm driving a train!
2007-07-09 17:37:50
MSPaint is a state of mind, not just a program.
hai2u2007-07-09 08:10:04
Looks moar laik Flash and not Paint
O2007-06-25 20:32:03
Miga2007-05-18 13:05:37
Wtf, I should've been unbanned like a day ago from BL forums...
Some person2007-04-20 03:10:46
Including me since I was just banned :cookiemonster:
Guy2007-04-20 02:56:53
Yep, even for the banned.
Miga2007-03-28 00:32:18
They were a while back when the forums broke because blocklands site really sucked (j/k) and for some reason made the forums failed.

I guess this can be forums in case :D :cookie:
Knorz2007-03-17 04:54:20
is this here the forums when the real forums are down or what?
Miga2007-03-11 20:00:22
Wow, I remember back then when the forums were down for 2 weeks+...
Bad times..Bad tiiimes....
snot2007-03-06 05:46:59
ZOMG DA END IS MEH2007-02-24 03:26:06
:cookie: 2007-02-13 20:54:15
Otis?2007-02-13 20:53:41
Blah still got a wekk before I can do anything on real forums. Maybe I should stop doing stupid shit?

[i]Nah, I don't see that happening[/i]
Badspot2007-02-10 20:22:30
you do : cookie : without the spaces :cookie:

[i]long page is looooooong[/i]
Svinat2007-02-10 09:01:18
<img src='emoticons\cookie.gif'>
Chris2006-12-23 07:03:23
lol this thing is still up :O
Otis Da HousKat2006-10-17 21:11:08
It's been a year today since the new forums went up!
Otis Da HousKat2006-09-24 13:12:22
Sumz2006-08-27 14:01:45
I just killed the board, everything went white.
Sumz2006-08-27 14:01:18
I never even played TBM. I just remember playing Vanilla for a bit then BLM. With KINEX and Creativity. But I think I used a different name back then :cookiemonster:
tails2006-08-25 10:48:10
tails2006-08-25 10:47:33
NKL2006-07-31 02:21:31
Good God, I'm glad I wasn't around back then. Now I know the Hell that was the mod wars.
Jakewood2006-07-21 10:02:35
WoW. So many comments.
Wedge2006-07-19 12:46:34
wtf bump
Ratty2006-07-13 23:59:55
Yeah, the secret BL forums.
snot2006-06-25 20:48:14
i am snot
Otis Da HousKat2006-06-20 19:48:57
We should still use these forums >.>
Guy #32006-05-02 21:59:57
Hi...errr MR MR MR!!!!
shut the fuck up
MR MR MR2006-05-02 21:58:57
MR MR MR2006-05-02 21:58:41
Mr Mr2006-05-02 21:58:03
Mr Mr2006-05-02 21:57:56
Luquado2006-04-02 19:24:09
I'm not with TBM anymore but I'm still egotistical, because I'm better than most of you. :cookie:
Maveric2006-02-20 17:01:33
I agree with Infurnus. TBMers act like zombies to wipe out other mods.
blah2006-02-06 11:53:15
blah2006-02-06 08:48:33
Nige1112006-01-31 05:43:26
Infurnus2006-01-31 05:43:13
I think there's something odd about TBM. Everyone there seems to be simple-minded and egotistical. I don't like that. :(
Badspot2006-01-28 13:35:40
Hi techhut, why not just put your usual handle in?

Dear TBM:
Tell you what, release the source code and we'll believe you. Oh wait, you're paranoid about people copying you. So paranoid, in fact, that you put hidden destructive code into antenna.cs.dso that would attack AiO installations regardless if any copying had taken place or not. On top of that, specific users were targeted for harassment in the TBM code. How mature. Then when confronted and given [b]ample[/b] opportunity to change your ways, you refused.

And now handful of idiots have spammed the forum to try and prove how great TBM is. How convincing! There is no reason for anyone to believe that TBM has changed. In fact, it appears to have gotten worse. The only reason that any of you act civilized and, sadly, the only reason you code anything is so you can gain more users and one day revert back to your power-crazed abusive selves.
TBM Lover2006-01-28 13:05:50
TBM is truely The Better Mod. RTB is a pure ripoff of it. TBM doesn't have any viruses. I doubt they would affect their current little userbase they have. Anyone who believes TBM is bad now is a DUMBASS.
Oats2006-01-15 19:43:42
lololololololololololol2005-12-17 21:21:44
if you read this2005-12-02 11:28:20
you hax and are ghey!
Maveric2005-10-27 21:34:25
Man, I just scrolled down to a random part of the page where Speckz is voicing his opinions. Saying that I'm a "god damn suck up to Badspot." That makes me laugh. I don't suck up to BS, I just enforce his law, like I enforce the Law of God. He did get three things right though: I am deeply religious, I want some respect, which I think I got, and I wore a black helmet, black skin, green visor, and neon yellow goblet in TBM. But I'm not the moronic underling like I used to be. I'm learning C++, doing some good BL models, and living my life to the fullest. Unlike some people who spend 17 hours playing Blockland or Whack-a-mole.
Miga2005-10-19 13:42:19
Wow this is still up even after the forums are back up?!
Wedge2005-10-15 18:04:18
EDIT: .. is supposed to be ...
Wedge2005-10-15 17:43:02
Blood Bath was hosting 3 (have no clue why) and someone on TBM was hosting 5... Maybe I coppiend the wrong ones, but none the less..
Wedge2005-10-15 17:41:12
Does anybody find this strange:

Pinging Server IP: (3)...
Pinging Server IP: (2)...
Pinging Server IP: (1)...
Pinging Server IP: (0)...

Someone is hosting 4 servers at once. I've seen it done before, but these were being used for a more malevolent purpouse...
Ratty2005-10-15 02:21:56
and Badspot will be the one who whips you in the ass every day with him whipping MCP for putting that file in TBM no offence MCP just wanna set a mood(omfg my mom farted).
Ratty2005-10-15 02:17:36
and i hope you burn in hell for being an attention whore and me repenting in purgatory for being a dick
Ratty2005-10-15 13:33:33
Ratty2005-10-15 13:33:32
Badspot2005-10-15 13:18:59
haha tortilla, you're one of the first people I banned. Waay back when I only banned people for really really stupid shit.
tortilla2005-10-15 00:01:18
this forum now sucks more than before, come to the better blockland forum
-=REDco=-Ratty2005-10-14 22:05:59
and step on it
Ratty2005-10-14 22:05:01
MCE WTF whats with the web site just give me the direct link to the forum
MCE2005-10-14 21:40:28
and ratty....CHEWT ALREADY MADE GRIM CLAN FORUM! www.chewT.com then forum and he put a private clan forum there! just PM chewt to ask to be on RED group
MCE2005-10-14 21:36:29
MCE2005-10-14 21:35:52
:( I put in the right password and username but it wouldn't let me log in. Then i tried re-registering and it said my email was already in use. Please fix my account, Badspot.
MCE2005-10-14 21:35:44
:( I put in the right password and username but it wouldn't let me log in. Then i tried re-registering and it said my email was already in use. Please fix my account, Badspot.
MCE2005-10-14 21:35:33
:( I put in the right password and username but it wouldn't let me log in. Then i tried re-registering and it said my email was already in use. Please fix my account, Badspot.
Ratty2005-10-14 19:59:51
btw Grim i can make a forum 4 the clan if u want
Admiral Snackbar2005-10-14 19:23:02
You can get RTB at rtb.mocheeze.com
Terminal582005-10-14 18:57:58
Well I see some people are happy about my stuff and I made a forum for you all. :)http://blmods.17.freebb.com now doors is a hard thing its easy to make a move script but to get it to select a brick and so on is hard if you want to sign up for the BLM team email me at [email protected]
Cool john2005-10-14 18:28:11
rapist......Your a fucking gay faggot dick face.
rapist2005-10-14 18:27:21
Zizzy2005-10-14 17:54:04
I need to get RTB the mod thingy. Where can i get it?
....2005-10-14 16:42:05
....2005-10-14 16:41:45
sonic_knx....he already used phpbb....that'sa the forum we were using....besides he already put up da new one
MCE2005-10-14 16:37:24
Oh, and hey, Grim....Hope that's really you......btw chewt made a forum for you. I think it's at www.chewt.com
MCE2005-10-14 16:36:21
:( I put in the right password and username but it wouldn't let me log in. Then i tried re-registering and it said my email was already in use. Please fix my account, Badspot.
-=RED=- Grim2005-10-14 16:41:47
what ever happened to plokoons SWM havent been on site in a while
sonic_knx2005-10-14 15:45:50
Try using Invisionfree, or phpbb. They are way better.
Badspot2005-10-14 12:29:32
You posted a "goodbye" post. I was just making sure that you really meant it.
Ephialtes2005-10-14 12:22:22
Badspot, i think it was very mean to Ban me from the forums.
Badspot2005-10-14 11:31:19
ok I've got SMF up and running. http://www.blockland.us/smf

Unfortunately, the backup is 3 months old so a lot of stuff is missing.
Badspot2005-10-14 10:25:38
Goron2005-10-14 10:14:12
Goron2005-10-14 10:13:42
Oh jesus, why'd I have to come back to see more imposters spaming this place up? I"ll just wonder off now.
Otis Da HousKat2005-10-14 06:35:56
Everyday the error message from forums chnages :O
TechHut2005-10-14 06:26:01
@Spekz - Honestly that sounds as if you were pulling shit from your ass.