Maveric2005-10-27 21:08:53
It's good that those type of things don't happen in real life---too often. But I find it funny that the car is intact after the rolls.
Maveric2006-02-23 16:00:19
It looks like that dead guy was asking for males in AoT. Badspot just went postal then. Heh...
Maveric2005-10-27 21:05:55
First Wendy's with a square burger, now the Uber Bar & Grill with HEXAGONAL burgers??? At least theirs is uber...
Maveric2005-10-27 20:15:40
That is the epitome of flash movies. I've just put it in my Favorites under Bust-A-Gut, and I made it work offline for when I have to Internet.
Maveric2006-02-20 17:01:33
I agree with Infurnus. TBMers act like zombies to wipe out other mods.
Maveric2005-10-27 21:34:25
Man, I just scrolled down to a random part of the page where Speckz is voicing his opinions. Saying that I'm a "god damn suck up to Badspot." That makes me laugh. I don't suck up to BS, I just enforce his law, like I enforce the Law of God. He did get three things right though: I am deeply religious, I want some respect, which I think I got, and I wore a black helmet, black skin, green visor, and neon yellow goblet in TBM. But I'm not the moronic underling like I used to be. I'm learning C++, doing some good BL models, and living my life to the fullest. Unlike some people who spend 17 hours playing Blockland or Whack-a-mole.
Maveric2005-10-11 16:08:10
Badspot was right. This is priceless. I'm going to go get some popcorn after school, sit back, and watch the show.
Maveric2005-10-05 19:44:49
It's about time Badspot got a host that works. Hopefully we won't have to repost everything...