[NEWS] NYC Pride event2017-06-26 01:19:14
latest news shows NYC is cucked

Source is google
Papa2017-06-26 01:18:48
Japs should be punished for their crimes
Bedpost2017-06-26 01:18:38
Stop being gay furries
TableSalt2017-06-26 01:18:32
uh, blockland 2 already exists
Redey12902017-06-26 01:17:54
does this mean blockland 2 is confirmed
Tber1232017-06-26 01:17:50
Where is my [NEWS}?

Also Clownfish is banned? I didn't know that.
Papa2017-06-26 01:15:28
Anime is a weapon created by the japs
2017-06-26 01:15:17
and as i pray, unlimited blade works
TableSalt2017-06-26 01:15:09
this will definitely go in the chronology
2017-06-26 01:14:45
I step out into the street. In front of me stands the gunman, smugly assured of the superiority of his weapon. Put the gun down now, and I let you live" I say, my voice calm and measured. My fingers rest lightly on the hilt of my katana. The gunman just laughs, I see the muscles in his right hand, that hand that holds the gun, beginning to tense as he prepares to squeeze the trigger. Quicker than the human eye can see I draw my katana, and using the ancient arts I have spent my Iife studying I use my katana to tear a hale in the very fabric of space-time, of reality itself. I am perhaps one of ten men in the world who know this skill, and one of three who dare to use it. I am the first, and probably last, Westerner to learn these secret arts, whose true Japanese name I will not profane by uttering here. There is a blinding flash from the muzzle of the gun, but I do not hear the gunshot. Before the sound waves (or bullet) can reach me I step through the makeshift portal I have opened into the extradimensional space. "Space is not a great word, because in this "place" it is as meaningless as "time," but English lacks the necessary vocabulary to describe something so utterly other so completely different. The hole closes. I sense that I am not alone. There are beings here, in this "place," which are utterly alien and indescribable. The secret symbols on my katana blaze. I cannot tell if the battle lasts for an ean or an instant. Such distinctions are meaningless here, I do not know how many there are. There could be a thousand, or there could be only one great ently. I do not know if I kill them (it) or if I merely buy myself a brief respite. Whatever the truth (if a word like truth has any meaning here) I am able to slash another wound into the very fabric of reality. I pass through, and end up in the real world, in three dimensional space, directly behind the gunman. A single slice with my katana passes through his skull as easily as it passes through air.
clownfish2017-06-26 01:14:20
does this mean im unbanned
Nonnel2017-06-26 01:13:54
the forums but even worse
Rabbot322017-06-26 01:13:16
Ocean Man, take me by the hand, lead me to the land, that you understand. Oh Ocean Man.
TableSalt2017-06-26 01:13:09
Papa knows best.
Hayao2017-06-26 01:13:04
Anime was a mistake
Papa2017-06-26 01:12:32
Who else agrees with me on the fact that all furries are freaks of nature.
g2017-06-26 01:12:28
someone fight me in warsow but don't fight me if you're european
Grimlock2017-06-26 01:11:31
Nigeria is and will return in a big way when the forum returns :betel:
g2017-06-26 01:11:30
kreon's server was never good anyways
Gay retard2017-06-26 01:11:28
iska2017-06-26 01:11:28
We are looking for snart,
2017-06-26 01:11:22
TableSalt2017-06-26 01:11:01
dude, nice.
Ok but I'm pretty angery at Kreon's server right now, he's a damn commie.
Bedpost2017-06-26 01:10:26
betelgeuse is coming
renekar2017-06-26 01:09:47
hey guys who here vapes
teeos2017-06-26 01:08:46
fucking owned
yung venuz2017-06-26 01:08:44
pop pop
rb2017-06-26 01:08:33
^ fake news
Rabbot322017-06-26 01:07:27
Considering bans aren't in effect, we could theoretically get old problem users here. That's an interesting thought.
caroltron2017-06-26 01:06:59
rip good community adventures
127 Hours2017-06-26 01:06:20
without the forums
Milkman2017-06-26 01:06:10
I live.
big penis2017-06-26 01:05:16
name says it all
Bedpost2017-06-26 01:04:47
ban nix the glaceon and insert name here from the forum and we will all be happy
(gay shitpost of furry borderline porn)
TableSalt2017-06-26 01:04:00
One night a year, all shitposting is legal...
Bedpost2017-06-26 01:03:56
more like blf community is just tied to each other by the wrists and are trying to snap out
im crying2017-06-26 01:03:50
bring back the forums you fagg
Rabbot322017-06-26 01:02:36
It's like the forums were held together with a restraining bolt and someone pulled it. Everyone on the bleachers fell against each other, lost their minds, some other stuff happened, and now we're beating each other to death with our own limbs.
2017-06-26 01:00:50
Not Important; what is important is what I'm going to do. I just fucking hate this world, and the human worms feasting on its carcass. My whole life is just cold, bitter hatred, and I always wanted to die violently. This is the time of vengeance, and no life is worth saving, and I will put in the grave as many as I can. It's time for me to kill and it's time for me to die; my genocide crusade begins... here!
Bedpost2017-06-26 01:00:49
one day without blf
hit2017-06-26 01:00:45
Nal2017-06-26 01:00:03
can we please just close the forums and never open them again

I'd love that
What the fuck are you communist faggots doing.
Rabbot322017-06-26 00:59:35
oh no.
itp we change a word every post

"Joe ate a sandwich at the bar."
Rabbot322017-06-26 00:57:51
Well other Rabbot, that's fantastic for you.
Rabbot322017-06-26 00:56:24
I love Tony
ZeUberMedic2017-06-26 00:55:55
hey guys
Rabbot322017-06-26 00:54:59
I don't even want to think about what would happen if we tried to play Fourm Games here.
Redconer2017-06-26 00:54:11
This seems...nice.
David Hasselhoff2017-06-26 00:53:04
Badspot, considering that Blockland is 50% off on Steam, can you do the same thing to the non-Steam copy? All I want is an alt, but I am not willing to pay $10 for it (mainly just to get a fresh new forum account)
Rabbot322017-06-26 00:53:03
I once described the Fourms to a friend as "4chan but the mods give a damn". This is just 4chan.
Tony 2017-06-26 00:51:31
i am angry and i want to fucking kill bronies
Rabbot322017-06-26 00:50:42
Somehow I knew this wasn't going to end well.
cockguy2017-06-26 00:50:29
this makes me poor
yo2017-06-26 00:48:55
Grimlock2017-06-26 00:48:52
yiff in hell furfags
INSERT NAME HERE - degenerate2017-06-26 00:48:15

insert name here has been fail rping at kreon's and has done so by ignoring players if he feels they don't rp

this is proof of hom attacking me, bedpost.

more updates come soon my friends

reply by saying @inh drama
egg2017-06-26 00:47:26
kongo2017-06-26 00:46:56
cappy sucks at league B ^ ))))))))))))))))))
fishfellow2017-06-26 00:46:20
how much more time do you think the server is going to take and how bad is your hosting provider that it takes days to requisition a new server from them
bedpost2017-06-26 00:46:06
anyone got that female blockhead playertype
bedpost2017-06-26 00:45:28
Hello badspot I have come to kick ass and chew bubblegum
but im all out of gum
2017-06-26 00:45:03
autism unleashed
Still Alive?2017-06-25 22:48:15
I'm referring to Badspot here, not Blockland. Blockland is pretty dead, we're just now getting into BL-ID 210k's. Think you can pass this game off to some new nerds and see what they can do with it? Hell, I'd pay $60 for a Blockland 2 if it's a definite improvement. New engine, new look, new style, whatever. I have the money, I want more content!
you did gud2017-06-25 22:14:03
o yes you did
BLOCKLAND IS NOT DEAD2017-06-24 19:30:03
}]Crazy[{ (ID:16362)2017-06-21 05:20:58
do you have any more plans for this game?
Potato2017-06-19 10:29:09
He abandons blockland for this, hes saying blockland is outdated but he went back 15 years lol.
Badspot2017-06-19 08:12:46
>Are the sprites taken from somewhere?

It's based on Super Mario Land for the original gameboy.

>It seems like there's these lines that are visible in the default graphics mode

If you're talking about artifacts near each sprite, that's from texture sampling which I don't have full control over in webGL. It doesn't appear on every computer (not on mine). I have a plan to fix it but it's kind of complicated.

> it'll just revert you back to small mario instead of going to big mario

This is how it is in the original. The extra hit was only added for the US/Europe versions of Super Mario Bros 3 to make the game easier, in other early Mario games you only get one hit.
e2017-06-18 22:01:04
There's an issue with getting hit while having a powerup- it'll just revert you back to small mario instead of going to big mario
Tanner2017-06-18 19:34:29
Are the sprites taken from somewhere?
It seems like there's these lines that are visible in the default graphics mode.
Badspot2017-06-17 14:43:20
- Fixed ending cutscene for real this time
- Fixed snake being invulnerable to superball
- Fixed totem head not being killed by boss plunger
Badspot2017-06-17 13:32:23
- Fixed case where daisy would miss rocket ship in ending cutscene
Badspot2017-06-16 11:37:44
Take a screenshot. I also have a 1440p monitor.
Rednakin2017-06-16 10:05:01
The game window is misaligned. There's a lot of black space. I have a 1440p monitor.
Badspot2017-06-16 07:52:15
If you get bad performance, make sure you have hardware acceleration enabled on your browser. In chrome, go to chrome://settings/appearance, click advanced, scroll to the bottom and make sure that "use hardware acceleration when available" is turned on. Alternately, you can just download the desktop version.
Badspot2017-06-16 07:49:56
- fixed the broken multiplayer camera
- fixed some softlock scenarios with daisy
- tweaked behavior/appearance of collapsing platforms
16-Bong2017-06-15 14:45:11
whats a webGL
Mett3D2017-06-15 07:46:38
Ja grzi miteinander!

Be free to delete
Badspot2017-06-15 05:58:07
>whats a javascript

That's a javascript.
torin2017-06-14 19:50:06
freaking sweet lois
Steve54512017-06-14 12:31:00
whats a javascript
snot2017-06-14 12:29:33
No hate speech intended2017-06-06 13:49:11
Also, don't look up what arabs did with their slaves. You might start to very much dislike these peaceful people :^)
Please don't come near me with a bombstrap
Protostar2017-06-05 10:39:07
damn i miss this game
You're All Retards2017-06-04 09:36:55
The game is about 13 and a half years old, give it a fucking rest.
@pixelcrunch 2017-06-02 15:47:44
what the fuck
mbuc2017-06-02 08:12:45

In assembly or C it be not good
bring2017-05-28 20:39:17
Bring maps back or update the game.
bring maps back2017-05-28 20:38:26
bring maps back
maps 2017-05-28 20:37:43
bring me back
2017-05-18 06:59:27
I used to love this game. I would always nag my father about getting it. I eventually forgot about it, and I'm sad to see how it's turned out. I'm not saying the game is dead, the community still has alot of people left, but, I would like a new update, or really anything, DLC, sequel, I don't care, I just want to have a reason to buy this game. I'm happy I didn't buy it, because I would be really upset if it fell apart. Badspot, It's easy for you to just take the money and go, and I can't stop you. But please, have some more consideration for your fellow Blockheads. Maybe then, I would consider purchasing the game. If you don't read this, that's fine. I'm just a chunk of the big pile of garbage people are throwing at you. Now, please have some more consideration.
Bob2017-05-15 19:16:15
Clearly FemShep got the platinum from mining asteroids, considering the very easy space access and all. ;)
beep2017-05-10 11:22:25
yeah take some initiative, YOU removed maps in light of adding shadows and shaders and all it did was kill the game over the last couple of years. If you never would have done that economic ploy for Steam, the game wouldn't be laying in a grave. You've made at least three quarters of a million dollars from this game and also haven't even tried to pass it on to someone who cares and wants it to progress.

Your enormous list of people who post about it being dead are only proving a point, and there are more people who agree with that but are too afraid to post it, because you will ban them off your pay-to-post forum, just like you've done in the past.

I'm not whining about you not updating or continuing your game, i'm just trying to say you literally have no room to complain about people who just want to see Blockland go far.
SUCC2017-05-10 09:28:52
I miss block land =(
p2017-05-10 09:25:25
Codystar55(SuperHAX)2017-05-09 19:44:12
Yo badspot i was wondering if in the future you would ever accept development for this game.... Im planning on studying progaming soon and would love to help bring this back...
I have so many good memories playing this game and i miss it.
Last attempt to dl the game threw me a (no url set in game manifest)