Moved the post to chit chat and made it members only and post approval Make an account on the SMF today to see fanboyism at its best
To clarify, it was not some mass brigade of toxic Blocklanders that brought the site down, it was just me clicking 20 times the same way any other user would when the page doesn't respond.
⪈2018-07-06 17:29:24
It's funny how they think SMF is super secure when their underlying language (PHP) is known to be one of the most flaming garbage piles of security issues in of itself with the developers actively refusing to fix known security exploits.
when you're so delusional you think your forum software has the best security record but by simply clicking something too fast you can basically ddos it
⨻2018-07-06 16:53:37
Has he realised that this isnt 2006 and anonymous isn't cool anymore?
⨻2018-07-06 16:46:01
"stop justifying" is probably the same twit that posted this on the main support forum I posted a reply and so far have been only met by fanboyism for a forum software with swiss cheese security with a server held up by string
Well if that's true, at least the correct people will be suffering. Anyway it's a moot point because it looks like they already figured out the proper solution of removing the feature.
Stop trying to justify your bullshit. You encourage people to, in your own words, "DoS the Simple Machines forum" on your Twitter account. It's not a top-secret thing, but you still encouraged a community of actively malicious people to DoS a website.
I feel the site's held by glue and tape at times. That Twitter "technical limitations" thing actually tells you if there are excess replies; however this garbage you're experiencing is random and caused by unreliability AKA you aren't deemed significant enough for such a feature.
Additionally, there's a slew of users unable to view their own Tweets in general.