exit2018-07-05 15:32:56
@ellis man
no u
Big Boy2018-07-05 15:32:55
please keep the forums down, everyone posting on it is a major faggot and needs to have their hands chopped off so they can't type or something
ellis man2018-07-05 15:32:43
but its 8:00
you let me atleast stay up till 8:30
datiel122018-07-05 15:32:11
wut I say
ellis man2018-07-05 15:31:54
datiel122018-07-05 15:31:53
go back to bed
Mutti il pomodoro nero2018-07-05 15:31:44
Hey im alive
ellis man2018-07-05 15:31:30
ayy its datiel
Datiel122018-07-05 15:31:07
ellis man2018-07-05 15:31:01
go to the exit now
cuz ur family is gay!!
Ayebee1232018-07-05 15:30:43
yay SMF 2
exit2018-07-05 15:30:36
everyone here double gay
ellis man2018-07-05 15:28:58
unfortunatley no
Kelp2018-07-05 15:28:05
you in here edd
ellis man2018-07-05 15:26:51
its ahead
now give me the 20
ellis man2018-07-05 15:26:31
not even sticks
GOD2018-07-05 15:26:07
I bet 20$ mommy monika is planr
ellis man2018-07-05 15:26:01
but this tunell doesnt have trees
and were stuck inside it
ellis man2018-07-05 15:25:21
maze242018-07-05 15:25:08
im going to post html or bb code just wait and see
ellis man2018-07-05 15:24:19
there will be no more firewood
and we will become snowmen of die
ellis man2018-07-05 15:23:17
guys help me remove the hinges on TheDoor
so we can put him in the woodchipper
Mommy Monika2018-07-05 15:22:58
Jesus fucking christ, finally.
Mommy Monika2018-07-05 15:22:56
Jesus fucking christ, finally.
TheDoor2018-07-05 15:22:06
fuck all of you
Bedpost2018-07-05 15:21:46
tony Wtf
Lord Tony2018-07-05 15:21:38
Shut the fuck up TableSalt
tenko2018-07-05 15:21:36
ellis man2018-07-05 15:21:09
ur mom is a cavewoman loL!!!
rtbland2018-07-05 15:20:37
FINALLY an updated version of smf
now we arent gonna be cavemen anymore
ellis man2018-07-05 15:20:25
no thank you
The Funktipus2018-07-05 15:20:07
let's get funky with it
ellis man2018-07-05 15:19:17
true invisible man
2018-07-05 15:19:03
@Medivh this primitive chat message system is better than ur lame ass discord
Kelp2018-07-05 15:18:16
ellis man2018-07-05 15:17:14
lol your discord is GAY!!
Kelp2018-07-05 15:16:58
hello god
Medivh2018-07-05 15:16:57
I was told to advertise my BL discord here, so I am. https://discord.gg/FjxsFJ
ellis man2018-07-05 15:16:44
ok post best ascii art here

heres mine

raulix is not here maybe2018-07-05 15:15:23
gay h
ellis man2018-07-05 15:14:59
ok pogs
aide332018-07-05 15:14:38
smf 2.0 POGCHAMP
someone2018-07-05 15:14:38
hate to tell y'all, but bedpost bought another alt
ellis man2018-07-05 15:14:23
go aHead and SMASHHHHH
that like button
TableSalt2018-07-05 15:14:06
i literally dont care ellis
i dont need any DUmb subscriebrs
xxxtentacles2018-07-05 15:13:07
press like if u think pie crust did it
ellis man2018-07-05 15:13:06
ok no moer subscribers for you!!
Unova2018-07-05 15:12:34
Im a fucking retard
TableSalt2018-07-05 15:12:24
shut up ellis you ugly
ellis man2018-07-05 15:12:07
thats your birthday gift
now scram!!
ellis man2018-07-05 15:11:35
no thank you
TableSalt2018-07-05 15:11:25
wtf i just got a new subscriber on youtube i dont even have any listed videos
HardDrive2018-07-05 15:11:05
Can we have this layout as the new forum layout?
ellis man2018-07-05 15:10:37
btw crone clan still exists
chappers2018-07-05 15:10:22
hey daniel what's going on man
ellis man2018-07-05 15:09:04
Daniel.S2018-07-05 15:09:04
Hello I'm back
ellis man2018-07-05 15:08:47
oh no!!!!!!!
i run
Unova2018-07-05 15:08:36
this is unfunny impersonation. you cant even get the name right
OfficerKenny2018-07-05 15:08:31
@Ellis man it's the feds, run!!
ellis man2018-07-05 15:08:11
happy birthday of party
i hope you get crystalized salt
Verification2018-07-05 15:07:50
GavinThjeZalvin!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Verification2018-07-05 15:07:30
TableSalt2018-07-05 15:07:24
holy crap its my birtghday
ellis man2018-07-05 15:07:21
Verification2018-07-05 15:06:57
wanna join my furry rp discord server
ellis man2018-07-05 15:06:50
ellis man2018-07-05 15:06:50
Verification2018-07-05 15:06:39
hi im a furry
Gumba Jonny2018-07-05 15:06:36
man that's fuckin gay
Stinkmeaner2018-07-05 15:06:15
ellis man2018-07-05 15:06:11
u ok
baboo2018-07-05 15:05:54
take a whiff of this... UH OH, POO POO! hnnn... nnnnggggh... nnnnNNNGGGGGHHH--- PLOP! TTTHRRRPRPRPPHPHPRRRRRBRBRRRRRRRRRRRFFFFFFTTTT!! FFFRRRFRFRPPFHFHFFHFFRRRburrblrburbrlebuburbrrrburrbuebelerburble BRFTTTTT PHHRHTTT- PFFPFFFF BUBRBURLBURBLEBURBLRBLLBUBRRRUUBRBRRrbrburblrbfffbffrffff ppfftt... brrghhgrrFFFBBHHBFHRRRRTTTT FFFFF- GURGLGRUURbuburubruburblebubrbur- PLOP-PLOP-PLOP-PLOP... PLOP... nngghhhhh... ngAAahh!!!... nnhhHNNGGGHH- THTHHRRPRPTPHHHFFTTTgurgurburubrburburblebublburbububr- plip- plip drip... drip.. huh... Yaagh! jesus... nggggh... NGGUUUHH!! FRRFRRRRPPPHHTTTTT... hngh... PLOP! SPLASH! hhh.... hhh.... hhhuuuhhh... fuck.... ugh... *flush*
ellis man2018-07-05 15:05:22
pretty Uncool time to be alive
sherif2018-07-05 15:05:12
Blockland Forums will be cancelled on January 28th, 2014

To save Blockland Forums, retweet #saveblf
Redconer2018-07-05 15:04:37
20002018-07-05 15:04:11
The Year 2000 problem, also known as the Y2K problem, the Millennium bug, the Y2K bug, or Y2K, is a class of computer bugs related to the formatting and storage of calendar data for dates beginning in the year 2000. Problems were anticipated, and arose, because many programs represented four-digit years with only the final two digits making the year 2000 indistinguishable from 1900. The assumption of a twentieth-century date in such programs could cause various errors, such as the incorrect display of dates and the inaccurate ordering of automated dated records or real-time events.
ellis man2018-07-05 15:04:10

Shock2018-07-05 15:04:01
can we like not go back to 1.* at all.
OfficerKenny2018-07-05 15:03:44
@ellis man shhhhh
ellis man2018-07-05 15:03:31
nice arg!!
UNIX2018-07-05 15:02:41
on january 19 2038, all 32-bit systems will reset to 1/1/1901 due to the binary timestamp resetting to 0(overflowing the binary limit of 32 bit systems).
the unix time of 32 bit systems will be set to 1/1/1901 even though the unix timestamp started on 1/1/1970 because the timestamp will be negative and be 69 years before instead of after, thus making it 1/1/1901 instead of 1/1/1970
Big Guy2018-07-05 15:01:16
^^^ this tbh
ellis man2018-07-05 15:01:13
well it was posted on the 3rd and it happened on the 3rd!
Snaffle J. Bean2018-07-05 15:00:43
If the new version of SMF doesn't support the classic original forum theme, I'm going to be so fucking god damn angry in the most mild and reasonable way imaginable.
OfficerKenny2018-07-05 15:00:36
@Failsafe I concur, I also don't think it has to do with that BREADED video
ellis man2018-07-05 15:00:19
dont worry i think it was patched by badspot himself
OfficerKenny2018-07-05 14:58:53
@ellis man uh oh
ellis man2018-07-05 14:58:48
hasnt something similar to this happened
but it was executed via private message exploits or something
egg2018-07-05 14:58:42
i hope this shit wont change the godly forum ui that we've all gotten used to.
sebi2018-07-05 14:58:16
yeah that
AnastasiaOccult2018-07-05 14:58:01
Yo, so what does this mean as a whole for the forums? Will it change graphically, any fundamental changes in functionality, what should we expect?
ellis man2018-07-05 14:57:57
bye random kid
nul2018-07-05 14:57:45
Sebi2018-07-05 14:57:30
goodbye blf
YouKnowWhoAgain2018-07-05 14:57:14
save us bedpot
ellis man2018-07-05 14:56:43
the dog you ate in kuta2018-07-05 14:56:39
please play despacito
chappers2018-07-05 14:56:25
ellis man2018-07-05 14:56:03
why dont we make a blockland forums bunker
like the one we did when bloxcity hacked us