This is a little clip from Nascar 2002. I wrecked and managed to do 14 complete rolls right across the Daytona sign. Its pretty neat.
There were several other Nascar events that I had videos of but I lost them! :(
So, just imagine cool videos of these:
On Daytona, Two cars wreck in front of me. One flips over onto the other forming a ramp. I hit this makeshift ramp at ~180mph. I fly at least 80ft into the air. Its simply incredible.
Also on Daytona, I am struck by another car after spinning out and my car does a 3600. That's 10, yes 10, complete spins, 3 of which occur in mid air.
On Bristol, there is a huge wreck and my car flys over the pit wall.
On Sears Point, I managed to jump the inside fence and drive around where you're not supposed to be.
I like the physics of this game. Especially how they were portrayed in this video with your car flying into the air then spinning fourteen times. Classic :P
Okay, I realize I'm coming in late on these comments, but try NASCAR 2003. The cars are lighter and fly a little better. Considering my "racing" usually consists of driving backwards and wrecking people, it tends to be more fun in 2003 than 2002.