Red vs Blue
Who wins in the age old battle two player battle? Let's investigate.
Economic Rivalries
Ideological Battles
Video Games
Team Fortress 2

Some time ago, Valve released
a graph of win/loss statistics for Team Fortress 2. Shown here is that graph reduced to only the symmetrical maps, folded over to show the win/loss delta while ignoring tie games. The sample size is huge - hundreds of thousands of games - so the advantage to the red team on certain maps is very real and unexplained.
- Red is team 0. Players that load the game first will be assigned to team zero first. Skilled players are more likely to invest in a high end computer that will load faster and thus are more likely to be assigned to the red team.
- Skilled players are more likely to click wildly on the first thing available to get the game started - the first team option.
- Skilled players, looking for every edge they can get, read a bunch of articles on the internet about how wearing red makes you better at things. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy when all players concerned about doing well join the red team.
- Skilled players like red for whatever reason.
- Wearing red makes you better at games, even though you can only see your own body when you die.
There's like a million bullshit articles on the internet about what wearing red or seeing red does to you. They all cite other bullshit articles and there's no bottom.
I would like to create a scatter plot of win loss records vs uniform or logo hue. This is somewhat complicated.
Uniforms have changed over the years, and while life time win/loss statistics are available for teams, sorting out what years they had what uniforms involves historical research. Uniforms have multiple colors, sometimes more than five on a single uniform. There are separate home, away, and alternate uniforms. Black, white, and gray are common colors for the whole uniform, with just a colored logo or stripe. Does a yellow stripe count as 'red'? What about an orange logo on a black field? Are strong logo colors more important than uniform colors? Hyperdimensional analysis is required.
Blue trunks are better?
In addition to different colored trunks for each fighter, UFC matches have a red corner and a blue corner and each fighters gloves are taped with their respective corner color. The favorite fighter (or champion) is introduced second and is assigned to the red corner, which will probably heavily skew the results - but there seems to be no resource for corner color victories.
One study concludes that trunk color has no effect. Although looking at the graph with my
limited understanding, blue seems to come out ahead.
team red mid way through the fight is always an option.

Here we see that San Giorgio and Ronzoni brand pastas use the same ad copy on their boxes. That's because they are both owned by the some company - the ominously named
New World Pasta.
AIPC owns 6 reds and 2 blues:
Surely there are many incidents of armies meeting with red and blue flags or uniforms. Wikipedia has a pretty good
list of wars, but flags are complicated and there is often more than one party on each side. A script could be written to collect all the flag and casualty data from the wiki, then generate a color histogram of all the flags involved on each side (this can be done with
imagemagick), choose the dominant color of each side, then graph hue delta vs casualty percentage delta.
Red vs Blue
Red vs Blue machinima series sees many characters die and come back to life, but who wins?
Relevant wikis do not seem to conveniently list all deaths in the series. The only way forward seems to be to carefully watch all 250+ episodes.
At one point it is revealed that red and blue are the same team (just like pasta!), or at least have the same tech support guy. I can't find the clip :(
According to snopes,
red cars do not get more speeding tickets.
There seems to be a lot of anectodal evidence about gray cars getting hit more because people don't see them. Actual facts are hard to come by.
Again, there is a dearth of facts and a glut of bullshit clickbait tabloid articles.
Color Preference
Here we have
some numbers, because you gotta sell paint.

Wait a minute, what color logos do PPG and DuPont use? Well there's another one to add.
Pokemon games are released in pairs. The idea being to encourage players to
buy the same dumb game twice trade unique pokemon with friends who have a different version of the game.
Red and blue have squared off three times:
? |
Originally released in Japan as Red and Green, but then a Blue version was also released in Japan. It's confusing.
? |
? |
Ruby and Sapphire remade for the 3DS game system.
Sales numbers seem to only be released for the combined pairs, not individual games. There may be some proxy numbers such as used game sales available somewhere.
In the original gameboy games, your character's default name is "Red" and your rival's default name is "Blue" - was the rival's name "Green" in Japan? Japanese for blue, "Ai", is a girl's name. If you bought
Pokemon Blue was your name still "Red"? I should mention at this point that I've never actually played pokemon.
1 I made this up.
2 I don't remember where I read this and google search is destroyed by some singer who calls themselves "red russian"
3 They're both "ai", so is the japanese transcription of the english "I", this can lead to some complex pun layering