3D Printed Leisure Vision Box Inserts
What's that? You've never heard of the Leisure Vision?
Well you probably know it as the Emerson Arcadia 2001, then.
Still no?
Well, it's a crappy old game system with even crappier game storage boxes. I've designed some 3D printed inserts to keep them from completely collapsing.
This is going to be a big print, no way around it.
Printed at 20% rectilinear infill, 3 walls, no top or bottom shells. Took about 6 hours.
There are two strips of support material that need to be removed. This is for a space for the box tabs, and there's no way to avoid using supports. Luckily they're very easy to remove.
Having no top layers does cause some minor defects in the spherical thumb cutouts - there might be some slicer setting or modelling trick to avoid that. It might also be possible to reduce the print time by having less infill in the thicker outer wall section as the limiting factor for strength is the thinner back plate.
The important part is they don't get crushed on the shelf, where they will spend 99.99% of their time.
The Download
Contains STL files and Solvespace CAD files for all 4 variants.
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