Officer2018-07-05 15:52:03
Reserve your statements for your trial, criminal.
ellis man2018-07-05 15:51:50
datiel i swear if you took it again
:Was:2018-07-05 15:51:43
I'm innocent!
ellis man2018-07-05 15:51:28
were did i leave the remote
Officer2018-07-05 15:51:25
Put your hands up, criminal!
Ben Shapiro2018-07-05 15:51:25
Ok, this is epic
Blockteen2018-07-05 15:51:20
Well at least we still have here to complain about what others said about one's post
:Was:2018-07-05 15:51:07
No! I'm being framed!
ellis man2018-07-05 15:51:06
ok im changing the channel
Frank Pink2018-07-05 15:50:55
The joke's on you, Chief! I brought this vanishing gun so that I could frame you!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Frank Pink2018-07-05 15:50:17
:Was:2018-07-05 15:50:02
Dollar Scholar.
:Was:2018-07-05 15:49:53
Hasta la vista...
Frank Pink2018-07-05 15:49:40
Shut up and put your hands up, Chief. I don't want to repeat myself.
:Was:2018-07-05 15:49:21
So it was capitalism all along...
ellis man2018-07-05 15:49:15
omg this is a very cool tv show
Frank Pink2018-07-05 15:48:59
I did it for dollars, Chief.
:Was:2018-07-05 15:48:50
Have you gone rogue, Frank? What is this?
Frank Pink2018-07-05 15:48:33
Now hands up.
Frank Pink2018-07-05 15:48:22
Chief! What a surprise seeing you here!
:Was:2018-07-05 15:48:04
Sorry I'm late! What's going on?
joe4112018-07-05 15:47:20
I guess we're just gonna all die now.
Kelp2018-07-05 15:46:41
datiel is a fat turd
Nicepoint2018-07-05 15:43:07
Oh damn
Me2018-07-05 15:43:03
@ellis man
Turning water into wine
Open doors would soon be shut
ellis man2018-07-05 15:42:23
your a macadamian nut
Me2018-07-05 15:41:23
@ellis man
To keeping silence, I resigned
My friends would think I was a nut
ellis man2018-07-05 15:40:55
you see bab?
re2018-07-05 15:40:41
c2018-07-05 15:40:35
bab .
ellis man2018-07-05 15:39:54
go play your anime in or dubtrack
not here
ellis man2018-07-05 15:38:52
heres a heartwarming thing

if roblox detects you saying suicidal words/phrases
it sends you a helpful letter
Me2018-07-05 15:38:41
There's a time and place for anime. The time is now. The place is here.
datiel122018-07-05 15:35:44
zeubermedic2018-07-05 15:35:14
ellis man2018-07-05 15:35:04
zeubermedic2018-07-05 15:34:39
oya article 13 got rejected
ellis man2018-07-05 15:34:28
br!! is cold!!!!
ellis man2018-07-05 15:34:28
br!! is cold!!!!
br2018-07-05 15:33:59
ellis man2018-07-05 15:33:49
i bet you dont even know who invisible man is

@bigboy ur part of it lol!!!
datiel122018-07-05 15:33:00
nope, bed
Medivh2018-07-05 15:32:58
You only say my discord is lame because I banned you for being a shitter
exit2018-07-05 15:32:56
@ellis man
no u
Big Boy2018-07-05 15:32:55
please keep the forums down, everyone posting on it is a major faggot and needs to have their hands chopped off so they can't type or something
ellis man2018-07-05 15:32:43
but its 8:00
you let me atleast stay up till 8:30
datiel122018-07-05 15:32:11
wut I say
ellis man2018-07-05 15:31:54
datiel122018-07-05 15:31:53
go back to bed
Mutti il pomodoro nero2018-07-05 15:31:44
Hey im alive
ellis man2018-07-05 15:31:30
ayy its datiel
Datiel122018-07-05 15:31:07
ellis man2018-07-05 15:31:01
go to the exit now
cuz ur family is gay!!
Ayebee1232018-07-05 15:30:43
yay SMF 2
exit2018-07-05 15:30:36
everyone here double gay
ellis man2018-07-05 15:28:58
unfortunatley no
Kelp2018-07-05 15:28:05
you in here edd
ellis man2018-07-05 15:26:51
its ahead
now give me the 20
ellis man2018-07-05 15:26:31
not even sticks
GOD2018-07-05 15:26:07
I bet 20$ mommy monika is planr
ellis man2018-07-05 15:26:01
but this tunell doesnt have trees
and were stuck inside it
ellis man2018-07-05 15:25:21
maze242018-07-05 15:25:08
im going to post html or bb code just wait and see
ellis man2018-07-05 15:24:19
there will be no more firewood
and we will become snowmen of die
ellis man2018-07-05 15:23:17
guys help me remove the hinges on TheDoor
so we can put him in the woodchipper
Mommy Monika2018-07-05 15:22:58
Jesus fucking christ, finally.
Mommy Monika2018-07-05 15:22:56
Jesus fucking christ, finally.
TheDoor2018-07-05 15:22:06
fuck all of you
Bedpost2018-07-05 15:21:46
tony Wtf
Lord Tony2018-07-05 15:21:38
Shut the fuck up TableSalt
tenko2018-07-05 15:21:36
ellis man2018-07-05 15:21:09
ur mom is a cavewoman loL!!!
rtbland2018-07-05 15:20:37
FINALLY an updated version of smf
now we arent gonna be cavemen anymore
ellis man2018-07-05 15:20:25
no thank you
The Funktipus2018-07-05 15:20:07
let's get funky with it
ellis man2018-07-05 15:19:17
true invisible man
2018-07-05 15:19:03
@Medivh this primitive chat message system is better than ur lame ass discord
Kelp2018-07-05 15:18:16
ellis man2018-07-05 15:17:14
lol your discord is GAY!!
Kelp2018-07-05 15:16:58
hello god
Medivh2018-07-05 15:16:57
I was told to advertise my BL discord here, so I am.
ellis man2018-07-05 15:16:44
ok post best ascii art here

heres mine

raulix is not here maybe2018-07-05 15:15:23
gay h
ellis man2018-07-05 15:14:59
ok pogs
aide332018-07-05 15:14:38
smf 2.0 POGCHAMP
someone2018-07-05 15:14:38
hate to tell y'all, but bedpost bought another alt
ellis man2018-07-05 15:14:23
go aHead and SMASHHHHH
that like button
TableSalt2018-07-05 15:14:06
i literally dont care ellis
i dont need any DUmb subscriebrs
xxxtentacles2018-07-05 15:13:07
press like if u think pie crust did it
ellis man2018-07-05 15:13:06
ok no moer subscribers for you!!
Unova2018-07-05 15:12:34
Im a fucking retard
TableSalt2018-07-05 15:12:24
shut up ellis you ugly
ellis man2018-07-05 15:12:07
thats your birthday gift
now scram!!
ellis man2018-07-05 15:11:35
no thank you
TableSalt2018-07-05 15:11:25
wtf i just got a new subscriber on youtube i dont even have any listed videos
HardDrive2018-07-05 15:11:05
Can we have this layout as the new forum layout?
ellis man2018-07-05 15:10:37
btw crone clan still exists
chappers2018-07-05 15:10:22
hey daniel what's going on man
ellis man2018-07-05 15:09:04
Daniel.S2018-07-05 15:09:04
Hello I'm back