Spekz... how much did MCP pay you for that response?
The "@Techhut: If MCP's code is so bad, why is 50-60% of your mod based on it? How come so many people want to steal it because they can't code for shit? MCP's coding, is, well, godly. Also, he has a pretty nice life, I've seen his hot wife on streaming video webcam. Anything else, child?"
Gee... my judging MCP's maturity level, he seems like a child to me.
verizon always randomizes teh IP everytime i reconnect.
Anyways, MCP, at least I can say I HAVE a life, not stuck inside every day going "Maaaa when's the pasta gunna be cooked?" and "Maaaqa gimme a soda" all day long.
Yea... your code good? Yea... sure... Know what, when you have a real popular mod (RTB) people are SURE to go to it. It is utterly pointless to say that the TBM builders are more skilled and talented. As we can tell, MCP is probably going to be a failure in life.
Know what, be immature, talk about me on your forums. Do I give a shit? No.
And MCP. Prove your statements. C'mon, we all are just dying to seethe "talent".
BJ, watch out, Badspot may go loco since you have a link to a forum... Anyways whoever suggested proboards... just die. Poor Boards basicly shouts out "I Can't adminitrate MY OWN forum and I need someone else to host it who i dont know and I like to have the same board as many other teens!!!"
I LOVE geolocation... anyways someone from the northern Us is on the forums... (that is the only info they give is northern, northeastern, southern, etc