It's like media center software but instead of music/movies, it's for executing roms through emulators through a list as opposed to loading the emulator manually, then loading the rom. It makes playing older games much less annoying by having everything setup to load quickly with a nice GUI.
Do you have an email or any other contact info? I would like to help you improve this cool little frontend but there is no contact info on your site or even a forum. I have good idea why, but I see potetial in this and have a few suggestions to shape it up a little. I always wanted to make a multi-emu frontend myself but have no coding knowledge at all, I was even thinking about makin one in Flash when I get the guts to learn it because I've seen it done in Flash before. I also do graphics so I could help on that end. has some old stuff that I've done in the past, though nothing recent.