A Skeptic2020-03-27 05:44:29
The case of this man and his game baffles me... A self sufficient game developer who created an impressively successful, almost entirely independent video game in 2007, and has a library of semi-completed game projects collecting dust sits back day to day ignoring the wails of his games' patrons on one hand, yet relies on that very game as his main source of revenue - and has a giant banner on the top of his website saying "BUY MY GAME: BLOCKLAND" with the addition of "It helps me pay the bills"?

Eric, I have no idea why you keep the illusion of giving a crap about Blockland lingering in front of everyone. The games' run its' course. That's fine, most people can probably accept that. Now can you just say it aloud to give players some closure? The sooner you just say it aloud, the sooner swarms of uninformed new players will stop asking "Can you update/fix please?"

I don't know what your motivation is to stay silent about your disinterest in continuing development of this game. I assume you dislike it being regarded as your one hit wonder? That's a popular theory I've heard. But if so, why not just finish some of the games you started on? I mean, Two Guns, Age of Time, Perennial, Sons of Valor... These are all games you could complete - AND make money on. Mark my words, if you added a couple more maps, difficulty settings, level progression, bug fixes and mod support to Two Guns, I'd fucking buy the shit out of that for like $10. I mean it is old, and some people would be put off by the low fidelity, but, I almost guarantee there are a ton of people on the Blockland Forums that would create models and give their input on any one of the games you haven't finished.

From my perspective, I really think you should just complete another retail game, and just make Blockland freeware.