mr literally noone2016-01-04 05:29:49
inb5 chainban
Majorth2016-01-03 14:42:15
Seems like nagasaki wasn't enough...
Majorth2016-01-03 14:38:38
Squidbee2015-12-30 00:42:36
Va11Jrvm2015-12-26 21:05:42
My Activation code
Va11Jrvm2015-12-26 21:04:46
lnagay2015-12-25 05:04:56
two thousand fi- two thousand fift- two thousand fitee- two thousand fifteen? you me-
thats what i heard
Blockland2015-12-22 13:22:02
Make me RTB compatible please... I used to be fun!
Blockland2015-12-22 13:22:01
Make me RTB compatible please... I used to be fun!
G33K2015-12-22 13:15:44
Why can't you make it RTB compatable? I like the bricks only maps though because it forces us to be creative
Va11Jrvm2015-12-20 23:44:18
RTBARCHIVE2015-12-17 12:07:03
Ugh, its s true. Almost all Anime characters pull items out of seemingly nowhere.
Kyred2015-12-15 12:30:25
I spent many hours playing this mod. What textures and buildings did you contribute?

I recently started a side project of finishing up Ironsphere (the Tribes 2 version of this mod). Trident never got around to fully converting it over. Years overdue of course, but for me writing code for Tribes 1&2 has a nostalgic feel to it.
old fan2015-12-14 22:02:43
blockland 2 when? LEGO worlds doesn't cut it.
Big Russ2015-12-09 14:55:29
Seriously EVE is trash
Towey692015-12-09 14:55:15
Bruh EVE fucking sucks
Russell2015-12-09 14:54:51
I agree, EVE is shitty and I regret playing this game.
LOL I'm BadSpot2015-12-05 21:21:32
Yo, badspot! Keep up the good work!
Jake the guy.2015-12-05 20:28:11
It's interesting to see what he started with and what he is now.

Keep up the good work!
Eric Hartman2015-12-05 20:22:51
ksm2015-12-01 20:46:47
kerbal space program?
GermanMushroom2015-12-01 13:23:53
Thanks for still running the server. Love me some good ol' nostalgia
exDBOAmember2015-12-01 12:49:19
What a beatiful pair
LyokoSyon2015-11-24 14:48:00
@Dave- He just wants to see the original game played compared to the retail version.
Barrack Obama2015-11-19 06:18:19
^ no?
Sad user :(2015-11-18 16:38:29
Plz badspot update the vehicle phycsis, it's very annoying.
khaki deishu2015-11-14 13:43:34
>There are way too many* Monogatari series/episodes for me to check. I skimmed through an episode or two on youtube and by the tone it didn't seem like anything big was going to happen. Pulling out a box cutter isn't really in the same league as any of these.

deserves an honorable mention tho!!
A2015-11-13 10:06:51
Found the whale. Do you need help getting back to the ocean?
2015-11-13 06:07:50
fat jokes. top notch humor there. stop the presses, we got the next gary larson.
loulou1122015-11-10 10:20:21
To do a super shockwave, use the giant cube and dont move the cursor
To do a mini shockwave, use the little cube and dont move the cursor
Anyways, This is cool!
Lego Lad2015-11-08 21:17:43
we must find the location
Anonymous2015-11-08 11:51:06
Who is this "4chan"?
Va11Jr142015-11-08 00:55:18
Blocks of bricks
Ahmad2015-11-07 09:30:12
Ya obviously haven't played the me ;-; .
Ahmad2015-11-07 09:18:33
Is this going to be for consoles too? Like Xbox indie games?
wot2015-11-06 18:58:35
little did the blockhead know the only things that were coming
were bug fixes.
Badspot2015-11-04 18:12:45
>wtf happened to senjyogahara hitagi

There are way too many* Monogatari series/episodes for me to check. I skimmed through an episode or two on youtube and by the tone it didn't seem like anything big was going to happen. Pulling out a box cutter isn't really in the same league as any of these.

*The only reason the bleach clip is on here is because of the encyclopedic knowledge of a random 4chan poster. I never would have searched through all 400 whatever episodes.
khaki deishu2015-11-03 18:37:58
wtf happened to senjyogahara hitagi hm >:/
Majorth2015-10-30 13:29:16
Who puts a sword up their vagina?
Badspot2015-10-26 08:43:04
>Does this work for crossdressing boys too?

I would guess no, but you gotta do the research man. Find a clip and I'll add it to the list.
Badspot2015-10-26 08:40:43
I looked into it some and I've determined that "ai" = indigo, and "ao" = blue. These are romanizations though, converted from the native moon runes. There is some flexibility/error in the conversion - google translate will convert both "aoi" and "ao" into the same moon rune meaning "blue", but converting english "blue" to japanese always gives you "ao".

There's also this mango which I think was originally what I was thinking of instead of AI Love You. According to yahoo answers, it is part of a longer saying
There's probably ai=love word play in there too, and the girl's name is Aoi - so maybe that does mean blue? The same kanji used for blue can also mean green as in inexperienced, so maybe there's something there too. Translating word play is difficult.

Also, indigo is a bullshit color. Real indigo is clearly just blue, and computer indigo is clearly just purple.
Rotondo's Right Testicle2015-10-26 08:13:18
Does this work for crossdressing boys too?
Badspot2015-10-26 04:39:34
I dunno. What do I look like, some kinda huge weeb?
2015-10-25 23:23:09
Isn't "aoi" Japanese for blue?
2015-10-24 13:25:47
This game is totally alive:
- Yes shop.
- Yes arena.
- Yes Blacksmith
- Millions of things to do
- Lost of Time and yes to Age of Time
Juliun032015-10-21 20:27:42
the futur
WaterOre2015-10-21 08:19:36
Where's by hoverboard
marty2015-10-21 08:07:34
is this how you detect alts
marty2015-10-21 08:05:29
the future
Badspot2015-10-21 02:08:56
>It insists i need the master server's IP adderess

Whatever 'it' is, no it doesn't. You're not port forwarding to communicate with the master server, you're port forwarding so other random people on the internet can connect to your server over UDP.
Sideswipe2015-10-20 23:21:12
You mean we're in the future?
Duck Q.2015-10-20 16:20:08
Clone v.1172015-10-19 23:12:51
2015-10-19 00:41:56
I need some help with Port Forwarding. It insists i need the master server's IP adderess.
Jhiaxus2015-10-17 16:21:08
Do thees things double as tampons or am I overthinking
Rigel2015-10-16 22:18:13
That was interesting.
Copy Kirby2015-10-16 18:01:41
oh k then
Jetz2015-10-16 13:47:21
StoreClerk? You're still alive?!
Mr noobler2015-10-16 09:33:40
some are from the v-
StoreClerk2015-10-12 08:30:52
2015-10-09 09:07:10
I can't even...2015-10-07 19:22:08
GG no re
gebe2015-10-06 22:56:33
badspot what hte heck
JrVa112015-10-04 03:44:48
a map of screenshots
Jetz2015-09-30 00:16:33
That was 6 things. Or 11 if you count the missiles separately.
Bedpost2015-09-29 21:51:56
oh badspot you weeaboo
riki2321gamer2015-09-29 18:28:19
How to play
riki2321gamer2015-09-29 18:27:24
I miss maps, even though i'm a 185k'er
I got blockland in 2013
riki2321gamer2015-09-29 18:26:28
riki2321gamer2015-09-29 18:26:02
Fesky2015-09-28 20:29:11
I want to play D:
Fesky2015-09-28 20:28:02
This is sad where is the download button why cant we play it I want to play old blockland D:
XR_72015-09-28 16:05:12
Excuse me but Home Depot is orange, not red. In fact, they paint their entire buildings in orange.
Duck Q.2015-09-27 17:03:09
It sounds like "Duh Siech fer more moneh"
Pluribus2015-09-24 18:48:03

Hot Chip - 'I Feel Better'

Rotondo2015-09-23 23:34:47
How can life be real if I am not real?
Pie Crust2015-09-23 23:30:16
Where's the log-out button in Real Life?
Copy Kirby2015-09-23 17:46:19
welcum tu weef wife
Welcome to Real Life2015-09-22 23:41:14
Welcome to Real Life
Fesky2015-09-17 16:30:25
i miss this
i dont care2015-09-13 23:04:35
dumb dumb dumb
Startacker2015-09-10 22:08:48
Enjoy your stay
Startacker2015-09-09 19:49:27
Happ Burb Dey Mr Badspots <3
joe4112015-09-09 16:58:41
bappy birpdea
2015-09-07 02:54:06
Krayno2015-09-03 11:35:38
Your comment made my night, Badspot. =D
dim light2015-09-03 08:53:25
never played this type of version but i have played the version with the tutorial not make of bricks same with the bedroom
Rmi2015-08-24 12:50:28
The Best Remake of the Best GB game ever !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank You !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Demopun2015-08-15 20:31:16
2015-08-15 20:30:01
Seems Cool
2015-08-15 20:28:58
Badspot2015-08-10 23:14:01
>How Do You Get MultiPlayer

It is local multiplayer only. Plug in more than one xbox controller, start game, press A to join.
MiniDaws2015-08-10 11:26:40
How Do You Get MultiPlayer I cant Find Out
Blobfish2015-08-02 12:30:37
what I would give for this
Alarm2015-07-31 17:27:30
God bless this beautiful piece of #@!$.
Alarm2015-07-31 17:25:51
Alarm2015-07-31 17:24:19
The staircase to spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace!
hi2015-07-28 18:33:13
joe4112015-07-28 14:53:53
XX_LOL_XX2015-07-25 15:00:48
i love this!