Jetz2020-01-29 10:05:51
Looking over the moderator list, that 600k user subreddit seems to be operated entirely by a middle aged Pakistani man with three accounts:

The head moderator was shadowbanned, the only other human account only ever made two posts, and the last one is a bot. You can probably get away with posting anything there as long as it's popular enough and the report button will mean about as much as a suggestion box that gets skimmed through every once in a while.
Jetz2015-10-16 13:47:21
StoreClerk? You're still alive?!
Jetz2015-09-30 00:16:33
That was 6 things. Or 11 if you count the missiles separately.
Jetz2015-05-26 16:14:30
Regarding the machinima, Blue team currently holds a massive lead in kill count -
You can add in the total kill counts of Agent Texas, who signed on with them temporarily, and Carolina, who is clearly wearing blue armor, and while the exact numbers may be a pain to compile, it'll definitely fall in favor of Blue team.

Bonus category: The word "Blue" appears 23 times in this article, while "Red" appears 30 times. A clear victory for team Red.
Jetz2014-06-21 02:30:16
It appears the "Development" section is cut off mid-sentence.
Jetz2012-01-21 12:05:30
Why are so many people filled with grape jelly?
Jetz2011-04-25 20:44:56
Quick! Which one of these isn't a turret?
Jetz2011-03-22 21:51:02
5 4 3 2 1 WTF SPOON

Nice one.

A watermelon?
Jetz2011-03-11 12:22:56
I also asked in that comic why Shepard doesn't wear shoes. That floor must feel cold. Would it be worth spending five thousand tons of Element Zero to install a carpet?
Jetz2011-02-15 22:15:18
Why isn't Shepard wearing shoes?
Jetz2011-02-07 22:17:57
Well, I'm off to register "Napalm Douche" on Age of Time.
Jetz2010-10-12 08:15:01
Clicking "Back to Gallery" leads to a nonexistent page.
Jetz2010-06-13 20:29:31
Is she not wearing shoes?
Jetz2010-06-08 00:59:23
Harbinger will be needing a new body to possess.
Jetz2008-09-18 22:30:23
Do a barell roll.
Jetz2008-11-07 17:36:35
He means a newer version of the Torque engine. Also, Java is not a good engine for a 3D game, and furthermore, Torque is not one of the best. Have a look at the Havok and Unreal engines.