Username is too long2024-11-22 01:21:07
Username is too long2024-11-16 19:33:54

Wine is an emulator and the the name is just a joke, it's designed to look like it stands for WINdows Emulator. I've had gigazoomers correct me about this before and be like "um ackchyually it's not an emulator because of the name :)" and I want to bash their skulls in. The apparent lore about how it's not actually an emulator but a "wrapper" is revisionist history because the difference is philosophical. An emulator is anything that allows you to run software designed for another system by faking (emulating) its native system. A tool that lets you run windows software on linux or mac is a fucking emulator. If it were to virtualize windows then you could argue "um it's not an emulator, it's a VM" but that's not what wine is, it's an emulator. Its name doesn't make it not an emulator. It's like saying wine is a transwindows brave sistem.